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Everything posted by Lord_Metile

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lord_Metile


      I've been playing for 2 years with a terrible guitar. I can play okay but I'm going to be MLG with this.

    3. Lozart


      Better off going acoustic? No. Just....no. The whole "it's so much easier if you learn on acoustic first" thing is rubbish. Let the man have what he wants. If he's buying an Ibanez chances are the stuff he plays isn't going to work on an acoustic anyway.

    4. Chock


      Generally speaking, it's easier to learn on what you are comfortable with, be that electric, semi, or acoustic. However, it's certainly more practical to learn on an flat-top steel strung acoustic guitar, since you can pick it up without faffing around plugging an amp in, easily take it out and about with you etc, which is important when you are learning, as is playing often, which benefits the learning process. That said, a classical acoustic guitar is easier on the fingertips when f...

  1. That's a good point. When I first ran the SJ my neck hated it. Now I've got used to it but it's still making my mask slide off my face when I run.
  2. The angle is good. With my SJ4000 it adds a lot of weight to my mask so my neck aches after a 1 hour game. So just something to keep in mind.
  3. WE Europe make a nice EOTech for £45.
  4. My dads Amiga still works from 20 years ago. Does anyone know any good games on it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lord_Metile
    3. ak2m4


      f**k me I'm going sound old now, my parents bought me an Amiga 500 back in 1987. Best game Stunt Car Racer and Thunderhawk spring to mind

    4. Chock


      If you can find it, Midwinter is another good one

  5. So I've been working on a game for a few months. It's not finished but what do you guys think? http://potatogamestudio.com/WashDogs/WashDogs.html

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lord_Metile


      You must install unity web player plugin or something like that.

    3. Josh95


      lol I played it, I have made a few games in unity my self. I guess the objective is to kill the dog with a sponge..(thats what i did).. also remove the cursor ingame its not hard to do :)

    4. Lord_Metile


      By the way you can control the dog in the main menu.

  6. Warning for any ICS buyers: The motor is stupid.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jcheeseright


      so how do you know the motor is stupid?

    3. Lord_Metile


      Dan the tech guy and Crawley Surplus Store. Second time it's happened. Please don't tell me to get a new gun because the money went towards that gun.

    4. Monty


      ..Get a new motor?

  7. I'm annoyed that my gun was only purchased six months ago and it's had to be repaired twice.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Lord_Metile


      Good question.

    3. Lord_Metile


      Also frizzle, you didn't spend £160 on your gun.

  8. Black Viper are known for doing cheap things well. Like the LS m9 gbb pistol for £30.
  9. I think I just broke the knotfest livestream...

  10. Well my gun broke again. Looks like I'm getting a new gun :(

    1. team flex

      team flex

      G&G all the way, lol

    2. Lord_Metile


      Also I was shot in the hand today and it's still bleeding :(

    3. team flex
  11. Is it me or is the ICS magwell too small? As it's hard to get normal mags in?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hibernator


      My metal MAG mid-caps rattle around a lot - I put tape round them. E-Mags are a good fit!

    3. murph


      My ICS M4 takes PMAGs brilliantly. Little wobble and feeds brilliant.

  12. I'm looking for a backup gun. Anyone know any good stubby m4's for less than £150?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. two_zero


      heard they are suppose to be pretty good.. is ICS sportline anything to have thou? Ed?

    3. Hibernator


      I have the metal version - doesn't cost too much more. Very nice and compact. Battery goes in the RIS, so it's a bit chunky. Gearbox is easy to work on - 2 parts :) Pretty good all round for the price.

  13. I usually have a half day so I usually make myself a sandwich when I get home or occasionally I'll stop at the service station for Burger King.
  14. I bring twix, lucozade and weight watchers crisps.
  15. Is it me or when everytime I'm watching a film and it says "Disney" in the intro I begin to hate it?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. b1n0gHo5t


      ...you'll find out yoda had a brother and he has round ears is mostly black and has a retarded laugh :P

    3. Lord_Metile


      Rest in RIP star wars 420 - 1337.

  16. It depends where you're going to play. Sometimes I only take my pistol out if it's a game that requires collecting tennis balls. However, I only have 1 mag for it so I have to bring my speed loader.
  17. I wear a coat if it's cold when skirmishing. However I'm not into a lot of tactical gear considering I wore a minecraft periodic table shirt last skirmish.
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