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Everything posted by Esoterick

  1. TM Recoil Shock HK416, one of the SCAR variants or one of the M4 variants they do would all fit the bill. Great guns and you can guarantee they will clock in under 300fps whilst still having great range.
  2. Thing to remember with boots is they vary massively per person in how comfortable they are. For instance I get on really well with german para boots as do a number of other airsofters, whilst some people find them uncomfortable
  3. lol both of your links go to ground zero. I'd quite like to check out blue streak but unfortunately won't have any money till the end of the month.
  4. Also the time of year. I was at my local the other week thinking "they've changed something" realised it was plants
  5. Yeah or as one of the guys in a shop was telling me the only time he'd seen one catch fire was when the user damaged the wires slamming the butt plate back on carelessly. Years ago I nearly blew a NiMh battery up using an adapter that apparently messed up the trickle charge capability :S
  6. I don't get what all the fuss is about with LiPos. Charge them and then use them without running them flat, also don't put them in your mouth.
  7. That site is my local and it's an under 18s day only on 26th, the sunday game is at the site in dunstable. There is no site pyros only rule, last game some chaps asked about MK5s they had brought and were told they were fine. Most BFGs are fine too, although I believe the louder ones are banned(don't know much about pyro) The other restrictions are no CO2 guns and I'm pretty sure under 18s are not allowed to use sniper rifles. The two lane end(just outside high wycombe) games this month are this sunday and a week thursday.
  8. If you are a referring to the game on July 26th it's a young guns day. Personally I could do almost any weekend there as it's about 15 minutes drive from my house. Ironsight might be a good shout as quite a few people seem to be in the Southampton sort of area.
  9. I'd have to agree with everyone being friendly, had a couple of players introduce themselves as I was setting up. The marshals all seemed cool as well.
  10. I'd be up for a game, would be nice to see what Ironsight is like when it isn't so bloody windy lol.
  11. I definitely don't think they should count, although I tend to call it if I'm not sure. At my local they have a kill house and it's so easy to spam people with ricochets. People do it but fortunately it just has a bit of a surpressive effect as opposed to being counted as a hit.
  12. Last weekend bought a TM HK45 Today I've ordered surplus MTP trousers and shirt plus a duty belt.
  13. I can't say I haven't shouted at players on the odd occasion when I see shots bouncing off them. However it is always best to try and make a note of what they are wearing and have a chat with a Marshall. Unsurprisingly every time I have done this I have been met with "yeah we've had a few reports about that player, I will have a word with him" I had a case of this on sunday where I initially thought that my shots were on target but perhaps it was just out of range. Then the player hits me from the same spot using a hire gun... Normally I try to give players the benefit of the doubt, although I've had numerous occasions where I am blatantly hitting the player before they hit me. I find it pretty hard to not say something along the lines of "would you like to take your hits as well?" after I have called hit myself.
  14. Anyone ordered from MidwayUK before? Not found anywhere else with left handed H&K P30 retention holsters.

  15. One thing I think should always be mentioned in the briefings is that just because someone can't hit you, doesn't mean you can't hit them. I suspect(although have no evidence) that a lot of cheating is caused by "well if he's not taking his hits than neither am I" type situations. When actually said player is dumping high caps up to 10 metres in front of where you are, or their aim is just plain off like in that oil drum test. I went to a game on sunday where someone was really heavily suppressing a tree a few metres to the right of where we were set up.
  16. Exactly, I always thought it seems like the strangest part of your gear to be stingy with. Well aside from dodgy clone eye pro. Not that you really need to buy something like a real MS3 to get a good sling, like you mentioned in a previous post. My local has really steep embankments that are around 10ft in places. I'd rather not risk seeing HK416 fly barrel first down one of them.
  17. It's a good game but it can be very frustrating due to how quickly you can die. I played it a lot when it was still the source mod version. Seems like they have fixed the issue where people can see(and shoot) you when you can't see them which plagued the mod. It doesn't play particularly like Red Orchestra but it reminds me of it in that a bad game can make you rage quit quicker than anything else I've played.
  18. Popped in there today and picked up a HK45. The staff were really helpful and even gave me a cleaning rod for my AEGs when I asked if they sold them. They said they didn't but the chap that served me asked their tech if they had any spare, which it turned out they did. Whilst you could argue it is only a couple of quid I think it was a nice touch that they weren't fussed about charging me for it. The store is fairly small but it seemed to have a decent selection and the HK45 was the cheapest I could find it, at least from the reputable retailers I could think of.
  19. Skirmishing tomorrow for the first time in 6 months. Bought a new gun to celebrate :)

  20. Mine was live within about 10 minutes of my local submitting my details. They said it may take a few hours but it was done by the time I had looked at a couple of guns. Edit: This was the chap in the shop saying my details had gone live, not me performing a self check in case anyone is wondering.
  21. You can't go wrong with a TM Recoil. Only things to consider are they use proprietary magazines and some will only take the SOPMOD battery(unless they are rewired) like M_P mentioned. The rewiring isn't necessarily an issue either as a lot of shops will happily rewire it for you. For instance Fire Support quoted me £15 for the work, although when I went to pay for the gun they said they would waive the fee.
  22. Got a couple of 7.4 LiPos that were charged and haven't been used in ~6 months. Is it likely to have caused any damage?

    1. CES_williamson


      probably not, they are only a danger when over used/over charged

    2. Esoterick


      All I really do is use them then balance charge before the next game. Just imagining turning up to a game with 3 batteries and none of them work properly.

  23. Yeah but what I mean is that a lot of players over here treat them as almost a luxury gun, when this might not actually be what TM are going for. Seems like perhaps the Recoil Shocks would be more in line with the G&G Top Tech range and their standard models are like the combat machine. Talking more about price range here than anything else. I would not be surprised at all if TM pushed guns that were popular in Call of Duty if they had remotely any interest in the foreign market.
  24. Don't TM just do whatever appeals to the Japanese market and not actually care about what is popular in other countries? I've heard their guns aren't nearly as expensive when sold in Japan but I just tried to google some prices and the pages fail to load with google translate.
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