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Everything posted by Esoterick

  1. Esoterick

    E3 2014

    To be honest I'm surprised they allowed it to be pushed if anything. I'm still highly dubious how some of the core raid design team got shifted from working on WoW right after the Activision Blizzard merge though.
  2. I think you would be better off using an air horn or one of those motion sensing bike alarms.
  3. Esoterick

    E3 2014

    Yeah that's what Rockstar said about Red Dead Redemption....
  4. I'd only wear full seal glasses/goggles such as ESS V12 or Smith Optics Boogie regulator. Mesh is also a viable alternative but I don't get on well with how they interact with light hitting them, likewise some people have issues with fogging using full seal eyepro. There was another thread on this very topic a little while ago that went into more detail so it is probably worth searching for that. It essentially boils down to whether or not you want to take the risk. People can and do get hit in the eyes wearing shooting glasses, that is just a fact. I would never risk it personally but if other people want to then that is their choice. Ends up really being calculated risks: In a similar manner I wear lower face protection in CQB but not in woodland, but at least your teeth can be replaced although I hope to never have to find out the process for doing so!
  5. Esoterick

    E3 2014

    No man's sky looks pretty damn impressive, if what the developers are saying is true the whole galaxy is procedurally generated so each player effectively gets their own game world when they start up the game. Just a shame I suck at flying games I guess
  6. Esoterick

    E3 2014

    That would be amazing, it's definitely one of the best Tom Clancy novels. When I was a kid I absolutely loved the clear and present danger film, then I read the book and just thought why is none of this in the film?
  7. Esoterick

    E3 2014

    For whatever reason Ubisoft have a developed a bit of a habit for staging gameplay footage. I knew watch_dogs wouldn't be what they promised, the level of detail in the division is debatable and the same goes for Rainbow Six(and by that I mean Ubisoft are liars). Although the so called gameplay footage is arguably closer to the Rainbow Six book I can guarantee it will be nothing like the actual game. Battlefront I think could be good although I will have to wait and see. Although I suppose we will be subjected to the joys of Origin and glaring issues that were reported years ago but haven't been fixed.
  8. Esoterick

    E3 2014

    The rainbow six "gameplay" trailer made me cringe, I had to stop watching it a couple of minutes in. Yet another completely mocked up "gameplay" trailer by Ubisoft that will not reflect the final product, even the "players" sound like actors.
  9. I was going to say this, but outside of those situations I don't really see the point. I'm not sure if it's taught but i've heard yanks talk about tucking the butt of an M16 under their armpit or over their shoulder when roomclearing.
  10. Esoterick

    battlefield 3

    Which explains why I get a 10-15 FPS average improvement going from BF3 to BF4 on ultra. There was an article showing framerate improvements more or less across the board but I can't find it...
  11. Esoterick

    battlefield 3

    BF4 is better optimised than 3 so you tend to get a higher framerate using the same settings.
  12. I was in a similar situation to you Super and I opted to get the TM HK416. I'm glad that I did as it's a great gun.
  13. Yup, still makes me laugh. Although I don't use Kotaku since their latest crappy layout update.
  14. Really regretting saying I'll take a delivery for a mate. The courier is Yodel...

  15. My local site offers camo tape for anyone using a two tone gun, but this came about after regulars essentially requested it. Doing this and then taking the tape off when you leave the site could work as a potential stopgap. It isn't necessarily the most elegant solution but it also isn't permanent, if that is a concern.
  16. That looks great, has a bigger impact with the before and after photos.
  17. Seems a bit steep, the guns could be made out of adamantium but if people use the barrels as entrenching tools, the hop up is knackered and the magazines don't feed properly it ends up making very little difference. Hopefully you get at least 3000 BBs for that price.
  18. The real issue I've had with lower mesh masks is how the contours fit your face. I ended up bending mine a lot to make it wrap round my face without pressing around the cheeks and chin, the downside is this makes it more open around the area along the bottom of your eye sockets. Mine had some adhesive padding with it which helped to lift it away from your face whilst minimising the gaps.
  19. Any of the G&G combat machine line, basically lots of choice based on what you like the look of. Not the only place that sells them but Pro Airsoft Supplies are always highly recommended: http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/m4_and_m14_variants.html
  20. I think anything that could protect you or your gun(namely holsters and slings) is worth spending a bit of money on. Stuff like ESS Advancer V12s are available for around £20 with the 3 lens set and Heroshark eyepro was even less than that last time I checked.
  21. Whilst I've never seen any reports of lasting eye damage from wearing mesh, it is arguably still a risk. More concerning is the very really prospect of getting a ricochet from shooting glasses hit your eye, or at best the surrounding area. After the blog post from the chap at Shadow Stalkers I saw a few marshals posting things along the lines of "oh yeah i've seen that happen a couple of times" which is pretty concerning to say the least. It could go into a whole debate about sites enforcing specific eyepro, but more to the point: it isn't as uncommon as you would think. Personally I'd wear sealed glasses/goggles over mesh which i'd wear over shooting glasses. However if I ended up having real problems with fogging to the point it became dangerous, well then I'd definitely use mesh. Basically what Ian says is a good point, although when I read physics based discussions I feel like this:
  22. ugh I just checked mine $2600-3000 depending on which calculator I use :S
  23. gog.com sells quite a lot of old PC games very cheap, they've even modified a number of them so they work in Windows 7(Dungeon Keeper 2 and Theme Hospital included) without faffing about. I'm actually finding it really hard not to buy games when they are a couple of quid each and I was bad enough with steam....
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