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Everything posted by Moose87

  1. ohh beret, now theres a tough choice, are you gonna go with the classic over used Paras, BOOOOOOO. no one likes paras. or find yourself a more authentic airborne regiment.
  2. this is true, we need t start supporting more british youtubers, if Ed needs to do more videos lol!!
  3. This dude would take the piss at airsoft.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jay83


      i did the same thing with my dong

    3. Russe11


      Yup, Hitting the edge of a samurai sword with a pistol at that range is impressive. Notice the shot is aimed at a point where the sword will be as it is drawn.

    4. Moose87


      ok there is another video of him doing the same thing and we all know that a BB is not the most accurate thing in the world. check out some of this other vids its crazy

  4. if you type in airsoft in to youtube im fairly sure his vids come up first, he has literally millions of views.
  5. i dont think it takes alot of skill to just turn up to as many airsoft events as possible with a HD cam and just record people. any teenager could do what he does. hes just got so many videos that it makes him popular even tho most are complete snooze fests. Dont wont to sound like i dont like him or something i just do want those vids to represent us as they basically show nothing.
  6. his videos are boring as shit. ohh lets film this guy shooting, then this guy and edit it to make it look like they are shooting at each other. his vids are over watched crap.
  7. yer im a german shepherd or husky guy
  8. i love how your cat fully mugged you off as well. i dont like cats!!!!
  9. seeing as the UKARA is about as useful as (insert favorite useless item here) then we cant look to them as they are businesses and businesses only care about themselves, money and what people can do for them. The Union cant do much as its a players union and they are clearly on the ARA leash. its down to people to keep informing new people to stay away from them and eventually the world will spread to every little cod softer not to go to them.
  10. is it theft or just blatant fraud? they are making fraudulent claims about things they sell which could never possibly hope to live up to the standards as to what they say they do. best way to do something is actually buy something that they sell which we know will never be what they claim and when it fails Kick off bigger than a footballer hit by one of those invisible snipers which always seem strike at football matches. If they cant give a reasonable explanation which seems highly unlikely than trading standards their asses and small claims courts. if lots of people do this than people will withdraw support for them as it will give them a bad name
  11. Anyone else been Playing DayZ??

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tariq


      Got it, love it. Someone create a thread and make a team :)

    3. Esoterick


      Played it a fair bit, but stopped till they sort out the combat logging and loot cycling.

    4. AirsoftTed
  12. Well Christmas was awesome, i went snowboarding, tubing and smashed a good dinner! Canada Wins

  13. You dont look anything like the Master Chief
  14. yer i seen some rails like that and they make it look so much better, i heard a company called unique AR/UAR make ones that are pretty cool. anyone know more?
  15. just watching some of the boarder cross world cup. good times.

  16. dont worry my beard grows ginger to, i embrace the beard
  17. The first of Eds Stuff is up for sale!!! Poor Bloke. see what i did there.

    1. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      hahaha ;) bit harsh

    2. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      It's an Ares BASR. No big loss :P

  18. if the gun the mag fits in in a 5.45 variant then they prob will be. but its hard to tell from the pic.
  19. yer thats what snow boarding down a mountain in -25 does to your beard.
  20. And this Gents is why i was growing a beard. WIN!
  21. good couple of centimetres of snow!! smashed out some time on the slopes!

    1. two_zero


      time to get the white spraypaint out!


      ...was very tempted a few weeks ago when it snowed here

    2. Moose87


      well it would be cool to be boarding down the slope with an aeg.

    3. two_zero


      isn't there a game like that.. tribes or something....


      down slope airsoft skirmish ftw!

  22. i got a flyye gen 2 Fast attack plate carrier for like 40 quid. love it. was second hand mind
  23. Ahhh its cool being in canada. black fridays deals.....contour roam2 for £95 quid

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moose87


      is that for roam or roam 2? i dunno if theres a difference but i might as well ask

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      Nah they're universal. They have to be Roam lenses though, the other Contour range use different ones.... Annoyingly.

    4. Moose87


      they are apparently only $9 so like £6 quid but the contour store isnt open atm but im checking amazon us and ca

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