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Everything posted by Moose87

  1. smooth mike, agree that the argument should move and then weigh in on it.......as i will do as well lol. if you wanted realism then smaller guns should have to use lighter ammo and bigger guns use heavier. its a game chaps. everyone is entitled to use what they want. from Eds accurate afghan loadout to someones Judge Dredd.
  2. Boom. Arrived in Banff. snow everywhere woop.

  3. ed have you seen that airsoft tv is looking for decent vids to show. get uploading
  4. Back in the UK. turned up in shorts.and a T-shirt wearing flip flops. Damn freezing cold!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TacMaster


      Back on the hot air balloon then? :P

    3. Cheeky vimto

      Cheeky vimto

      Might aswell leave you flip flops at home then! Should of stayed in hot Asia.

    4. Moose87


      yer asia is nice for a couple of months but dunno if could live there.

  5. good hitch hickers referance. awesome video. need to get me a good hi cap gun.
  6. how can anyone not know movember??
  7. it makes you more noteable. i have.had people shout oi bloke with the beard at mw.
  8. anyone know the rules on what sorts of businesses can order RIFs?? do they have to be pre registered with anyone or linked to certain manufacturers.

    1. two_zero


      Just buy it with your UKARA? but any say theatre, film production company, airsoft site, etc.

  9. cant believe you posted a pic but fair play. well you gotta aim high otherwise whats the point. my misses is out of my.league but im a hairy man beast so not hard lol.
  10. ed i fully.support your growth both facially and as a man lol. i was thinking yours looks ok. i support any growth of facial hair. you should.keep it and just let it grow ED its awesome.
  11. i have decided to go viking
  12. surely.theres.an acceptable pic that would.not taint her honour
  13. im inclined to see pics of over peoples facial hair that why i started this
  14. its literally both. i find my galaxy s3 is aweful for posting. re reading that post tho. it was def the alcohol not helping lol
  15. all i can see refer to previous pic. real men have beards. lol. i say this as mine is thck and awesome .all men have a love hate.relationship with body/facial hair. the age old question of man scaping conea into queation
  16. yer i had to shave every day from being in the army so im rebelling lol. im lucky as i planned ahead and encouraged the misses to do what ever she wanted with her hair so when it came to the beard and.long hair i could use it against her. muhwhahahaha mines on about about 4-5 months. it seems to slow down annoyingly. but use caution with a beard. dairy products are not your friend and expect to find things in it. my misses loves and hates the beard. but people remember me for it so i stand out amoung the tourists.
  17. J that is one crazy face but a good beard. well done.
  18. or for a hero pose you have this.
  19. After seeing that Ed seems to be growing a beard i feel that this topic needs to.be discussed lol. Does anyone else have good facial hair. heres mine while im currently away.
  20. Back in Bangkok. just strolling through the city and we walk into a massive protest!! obviously we joined in!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tariq


      Yeah, its like that at my hometown. When i lived there my mum was the only white person around for miles. Now its a huge tourist destination, language lost and no longer a quaint fishing village.

    3. Cheeky vimto

      Cheeky vimto

      Vietnam is still like that Tariq. Cambodia even more so I believe.

    4. Moose87


      yer thailand is massively touristy. i just arrived in phuket today and yer its pretty bad here. Laos and Cambodia are awesome as its easier to get away from tourism but vietnam is getting quite bad to.

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