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Everything posted by Moose87

  1. The horrific amount i have spent on 1 years travelling would prob make everyone sick.
  2. Hey hobbies are expensive. I have spent about 1000 CND on snowboarding and that was on 3 items. But i friggin love it. Nothing like shredding some mountains and catching air.
  3. I spent about 500 total on a second hand SR16, plate carrier. Magazines. Side arm. Batterys and upgrades
  4. if you havent yet started then i would play a few games and adjust you rig to how you play. you cant make a rig before you even know your play style. A chest rig or plate carrier to carry your mags is a great start. Water carrier isnt always necessary, its weight you might not need if your only playing short games. full morning or afternoon games it makes sense with. I only have my plate carrier with 6 mid caps, a full reloader just in case, spare battery and a multi tool. get the very basics you need and then add to it when YOU realise you need something not from what others have as everyone is different. so most people will say. Good footwear Good Eye Protection Appropriate Clothing some way to carry ammo these are the first to have but after that its experience and play style. if you play CQB or fort attacks then a pistol and grenades are a good idea but not great in woodland.
  5. i actually kinda like it, i dont think i would have the silencer but its pretty cool in my view
  6. my brother is a supervisor at the border agency and hes not even very clear on the whole RIF thing but one thing he did say is that trying to fly in with one will cause a whole world of pain. its actually easier to send yourself one in the post as then it wont go on a commercial passenger airplane so wont freak anyone out as much as finding one in the mail. (THANKS BIN LADEN) coming over on a ferry you would have to be VERY unlucky to even get searched well enough for them to find one. but its the same old of its probably easier to declare it then risk it being found and then trying to explain it.
  7. yer its not illegal to own one its illegal to buy one without the proper defence. once you have a gun your fine.
  8. just so we are clear as well, its called an AEP, i have a cyma glock AEP they are quite popular. pretty cheap as well. you can pick one up for about 40-50 quid. they can be given 100 round magazines and can be used to good effect if the main gun runs out. they generally fire between 200-250FPS. with a lipo in you will get through a couple of 100 round mags before it dies and as the batteries are so small you can carry spares quite easily. in a CQB they are good as they are reliable and the big mags. in other environments they are good as a back up/last stand weapon. Gas has the higher FPS and realism of blow back but if that doesnt matter to you then why not. i own one and have used it to good effect before.
  9. Anyone good with computers? I try to log on to my windows account and it puts me in a default account. The event log says i have been denied access. Any help??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Moose87


      Posted in off topic general. Yes i get that message once i have logged in.

    3. Esoterick


      Cool, I've put some instructions in your post. Hopefully that doesn't come across as patronising.

    4. AK47frizzle


      oh, i thought you use windows 8, because you use your email as an account for that.

  10. 5.56 sharpshooter??? ermmmm pointless.
  11. i like that film!!! anna kendrick is my future wife.
  12. James Bond & Q James Bond, fairly sure its the Die Another Day. 'Im the Best singer in Tasmania.....with teeth'
  13. easy Costa Project X, epic film. one of my fav films What did you expect? "Welcome, sonny"? "Make yourself at home"? "Marry my daughter"? You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.
  14. lol i remember green mountain rangers, bunch of douche bags who took it way to seriously. prob cos they never had the balls to actually serve so became airsoft specialists!!
  15. ah classic song that perfectly sums up this thread
  16. yer but putting company trade marks on an item means you can pass it off as theirs. just something to be careful of as i could get a cheaper version get you to put HK trade marks and say its like a VFC then sell it for more. its because of the trade marks on the weapon that they arent infringing i think and thats why companys get the licenses to put the trades on
  17. just a.thought. doing trade marks.on to.equipment might get you in trouble. also it opens people to selling cheap stuff with trade marks as more expensive. just a thought i had. i think its cool tho. i would def have my name on my glock slide. yours looks bad ass. team logos would be cool on a reciever as well.
  18. not sure if anyone else has posted this but this looks amazing!! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=547388165272352

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ian_Gere


      interesting to see how well it performs when you're crawling prone

    3. Moose87


      well they seemed pretty firm in there and unlikely but yer i wanna see it field tested

    4. M_P
  19. what annoys me about desertfox is that he says operator!
  20. dont tempt him he might just do it
  21. yer you have a beret but you gotta but a badge on it
  22. i hate the bang kill, its soo (sorry to sound american) lame. just shoot them!!! love how he got done twice by the same little kid tho. pure muppet
  23. you enjoy christmas abit to much?? dont worry no one will ever know.
  24. you weigh 90 KG damnnnnn, maybe cut down on the pies
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