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Everything posted by Moose87

  1. asus are a def good brand, if you can afford it then i would always say bigger is better.
  2. we need to make a kent airsofters thread.
  3. wooo kent is taking over, lots of chances for teams
  4. you got cool under fire, near sittingbourne not to far.
  5. just get a fan pad for the laptop to sit on. i always have mine on it and keeps it alot cooler then the little fans in the laptop. also stops it catching fire to stuff.
  6. there is a teams section on the forum if you wanna have a look. not all teams have websites and stuff. you might wanna meet people at the sites and go from there. you might not like people in the teams so best to get to know people before thinking of joining. 90% of people arent in 'teams' but they skirmish with friends
  7. fair enough jay, i never been there i just heard of it lol.
  8. Cool under fire near doddington Apocalypse near sittingbourne Ace combat benchly and pembury UCAP Sandpit near bluewater Elite Battle Zone has one every so often at Rype Village near(ish) Ashford. Shadow ops in dover
  9. tamiya connector, comes in normal and mini size
  10. your quite central for alot of sites then.
  11. you will prob want electric, know as an AEG, automatic electric gun. spring is mainly for high powered sniper rifles and Gas is mainly pistols but the gas rifles seem to becoming very popular. all have pros and cons. i would say you want an AEG for the first. where in kent are you as theres a few of us who live around kent.
  12. i know its not true that you 'Have' to have UKARA but most sellers require you to have it as its the easiest way for them to cover themselves. thats all i was saying before he kicked off. yes i miss wrote it but it didnt warrant being talked to like an arse. yes i know you can get rifs in other ways, such as having the shop check on you at a site etc. lets end this, i know what im talking about and you know what im talking about. we all know the law, lets go get a beer!
  13. Ahhhhh my bad, i miss wrote my sentence. you thought when i said that 'well no as buying a RIF people require a UKARA' you thought i meant airsofters. i meant retailers. i didn't mean to say that airsofters need it. either or no need to start getting arsey with me. you could have explained people dont need it and not told me to go educate myself. the navy dont teach it?? maybe you need to learn some then.
  14. spring guide seems fine.
  15. why you being so hostile?? do navy personnel not get trained in manners?? you know as well as i do that buying a RIF without UKARA is very hard and importing even harder. the point is you can buy the parts easily with out UKARA and build it yourself, so wind your neck in.
  16. Anyone with mad V2 gearbox skills answer my question in the AEG tech help section.

  17. The piston in my Version 2 GB for some reason doesnt sit right and when it slides back it seems to go to one side and jam on the hole and the back of the gear box and jams it up. Anyone had this problem before or can think of a way to fix it?
  18. well no as buying a RIF people require a UKARA but to buy parts people dont require it. being an airsofter is enough defence to manufacture one. making it possible to get a RIF without UKARA.
  19. Unless you have a defence of being an airsoft player . Which if you are obe then your ok.
  20. Finally got my rifle back. Now the fix her. Poor girl has been down for a year.

    1. jay83


      what is it?

    2. Moose87


      my SR 16, i some how managed to break the cylinder head and she was jamming for some reason.

  21. Depends on the accomodation you get placed in. Most halls are pretty secure with individual rooms and locks on the doors. So cant see a worry. If your uni has a society im sure they will br organised in getting to events. Ed mught be able to help as he used to be a uni rep for the union.
  22. Yer kinda silly that you can buy the individual parts but not all those parts as a whole.
  23. soo your having a go at people for something you have done yourself?? hmm it felt personal but hey im over it cos it does look COD ish. there are some good gun paints in COD. everyone is allowed to have their gun their own way. i would go for something more military like a digital print.
  24. you can pick up a Glock 18c for like 40 quid, you can get extended 100 round mags for them and get a lipo battery but that does require a lipo charger obviously.
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