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Baz JJ

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Everything posted by Baz JJ

  1. Long, yes Ive heard that story but never bothered to try. Its not really a CQB type of weapon. I use G&G mags - it doesnt like PMAGs.
  2. Yes Im coming round to that POV. I have the Nexus PTT which will of course work with the RS Sordins but think I might need to have an amplifier fitted so it will work with my Baofengs, as there is a microphone mismatch between Sordins and ham style radios. Am going to check it out with the radio guys on Monday.
  3. Yes have one and like it. Some people have had problems with the MOSFETs but this may be due to using higher voltage batteries, which the Gen3 should be capable of. I use 7.4V LIPO and havent had any problems. Of course, it could also have been a bad batch..
  4. Can anybody tell me whether Z-Tactical headsets like their MSA sordin copies will work with a Nexus U94 Real PTT wired with a TP-120. I have the real PTT which is designed for real Sordins and dont really want to abandon the PTT as its good quality, but cant rely justify the expense of the real headset. I had a google but the info on the web is contradictory at best.
  5. Radio set up for Okto. Satellite On The Move with UHF terrestrial radio.
  6. Am I right in saying that CO2 puts the internals/slide etc under a lot more pressure and can shorten the life of the pistol ?
  7. Have you read this: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/20986-two-tone-guns-and-tape/
  8. How will you fare with the fps if you go to CO2 and also a few sites have a ban on CO2 pistols..
  9. As already said, Gunman operate from Eversley.. We (Okto Eight Milsim) have our milsim weekend there in August. I think Zed are using Battle Lakes in Kent now
  10. Squirt of silicon spray being careful not to get it on the hop and a barrel clean (with the hop fully off) and youre good to go.
  11. We do modern games in milsim but with a soviet era flavour which gives players a lot of scope to something other than MTP but I know what you mean in that there is a satisfaction in roleplaying.
  12. I don't know of any airsoft groups that play in that era as such. Does it matter ? why dont you just carry on skirmishing in your era gear ?? The nice thing about skirmishes is that all uniforms can play alongside each other, or do you secretly hanker after re-enactment ?
  13. Looking good. We have 34 people showing interest in this game already.
  14. Yes correct, this is just a heads up. Op. Firestorm Priority Booking for those playing at Op Tailspin later this month will be open for two weeks from 27th April and then booking will be thrown open for everybody from 11th May.
  15. OKTO EIGHT MILSIM proudly presents Operation FIRESTORM Mission This will be a weekend game consisting of two 8hr COMBAT OPERATIONS. LOCATION EVERSLEY, Fleet Road (A327) Eversley Hampshire RG27 0PY "The Valley" boasts a 200 acre block of mixed terrain supported by a silver birch, pine and rhododendron forest. With natural hills and a sweeping valley that passes around its heights. DATE 22 - 23 AUGUST 2015 COST £60 (£25 non refundable deposit required at time of booking) TIMINGS STARTEX 0900 22nd August ENDEX 1700 23rd August FORCES - Total 50 places Coalition: Number TBA Moldistan Defence Force (MDF- Government Army): Number TBA Moldistan Peoples Front (MPF - Rebels): Number TBA Uniform/Loadout Requirements: TBA EQUIPMENT You will need to bring all your own food and water and the means to cook with. No Two Tone weapons - limited ammunition and low cap/mid cap use only. Radios optional. Free Overnight Camping Scenario to follow soon. Please book online at: https://www.facebook.com/OktoEightMilsim For further information please contact - [email protected] or call 07535507950 OKTO EIGHT ADMIN
  16. they emailed me today to say they dont expect it to be in their stock for another two weeks. Assume like most things, its made for them in China.
  17. They do a composite long pistol launcher. AW is Airsoft World who tend to stock these.
  18. Did you order the short one ? The long one should fit - perhaps AW will change it for you.
  19. it said in one of the YT videos I watched that to test it out in the absence of two-way comms, you can just plug it into the Baofengs which have an FM broadcast receive capability and you can listen to the normal entertainment radio channels through your bone rather than your ears. Pretty weird when your ears continue to pick up other sounds and directions from around you and the added radio input is effectively being "mixed" by your brain. I'm interested to see if it can transmit whispers like my throat mics do and whether its more or less sensitive.
  20. No nothing confirmed yet. I get the impression that deliveries were only starting from April and they havent confirmed they are in stock yet. It would be nice to get it in time for the Okto Eight game on the 25th but its not the end of the world.
  21. Ive toyed with lots of different radio technology and headset types. Ive just ordered a bone conduction headset from CodeRed in the USA. Bone conduction has been used for ages in the tactical world but it was always too expensive for airsoft. CodeRed has just brought this out and although its not dirt cheap, it is more affordable. Ive tried throat mics so it will be interesting to see how this compares. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qrR6JUGpzI8&feature=youtu.be
  22. if they banned RIFs it would be game over for me Im afraid so they wont be getting my vote.
  23. I also believe the Greens have plans to indirectly stop Airsoft as we know it.
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