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Everything posted by AK47frizzle

  1. Co2 mags have been released for the WE p99. Might be worth using again.

    1. AK47frizzle


      No actually, I take that back. I remeber how thin the front is. It'll snap.

  2. My next gun is going to be a KC02. But, with an sru bullpup kit. Exciting stuff.

  3. So I bought a crazy jet barrel which said "6.01". I thought, maybe it was a typo. It genuinely is a 6.01 crazy jet barrel wtf...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      I thought they were all 6.04mm. I bought a set for the 1911 and got a sharp fps increase... which means it genuinely is a 6.01 god dammit.

    3. AK47frizzle


      Aaaaand... with all the experimenting i've done... 1911s are still shit no matter what. Their fundamental airsoft design is just terrible.

    4. Nick G

      Nick G

      I'm pretty happy with my WE MEU . It's got a crazy jet, maple leaf rubber, wheel and I key in it and performs well. Irun it on red gas all year round and .30's, itll handle heavier but .3 tends to be what I use in pistols.

  4. I don't normally like to post things like these but... https://www.prefired.com/ads/double-eagle-g36-aeg/ WHAT. THE. FUCK.
  5. I might be done with electric guns and go full gas/co2/hpa

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      Had a wee thought about it, probably not. I'd only use the wraith co2 stock because I hate being tied down to a hose. Suppressive fire is still very effective in woodland games, and the wraith co2 does not allow that. Well, it does. But every 180 rounds (my mid cap size), i'd have to change mag + co2 from buffer tube. I can already imagine that being extremely irritating. I'll just stick with my reliable aeg and move onto another crazy project.

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      The line really isnt that bad, especially in woodland, it's no worse than a sling or a lanyard on a pistol.


      Certainly any inconvenience there is will be more than offset by the performance.

  6. I thought it was totally fine initially too tbh. I mean, one and a half pistol and 7 mags. 7 fucking mags.
  7. I actually decided to go refund right now. Shop reputation + customs is going to be a huge headache if it all goes wrong.
  8. what are some good digital scales?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      I just bought a random set, pretty accurate.


      If you need to weigh bb's pop a load on and average them.

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      if weighing bb's then you need one that has 0.01gm increments. otherwise it will show .25's as .20 or .30. As been said weigh a few to be sure say 10 bb's and you get a better idea on bb's as .25's can display as .23 or .28's due to cheap China scales tolerances. Should be able to get mini drug dealer scales for about a fiver or so on fleabay and they work well - just try to get the 0.01gm version if possible. Same as digital calipers for shimming, plastic calipers work in only 0.1mm but metal calipers work in 0.01mm increments so more accurate for measuring shims etc.....


    4. AK47frizzle


      Ah no it's not for weighing bbs. It's just for general things like pistol parts. I'll look into it though. I already got a mitutoyo caliper hehe

  9. Ye, that's what I was skeptical about. My past orders from them years ago were fine. But, wasn't so sure about now. CRW didn't look any better, so it was just which poison to pick. Whelp, if all goes wrong, paypal still has me covered... I think...
  10. Airsoft tiger111hk and crw airsoft. I opted for tiger111hk. I think there is only tan for now, though I prefer tan anyway haha
  11. ... preordered the SIG M320 CO2 version Just look at how well designed that thing is. How can you not want one? +Sig will repair if it breaks.
  12. So, the EMG Hudson H9 is literally just a WE G17 in a fancy skin. Hm.

    1. AK47frizzle




      Actually, upon closer inspection, it is not a glock style mag. From the crw video: 

       He says that it's like a g17 style trigger unit. Fuck, I may have jumped the gun with that g17 conclusion ahaha.

  13. Man, what a skirmish day. Everything that could've went wrong, did go wrong: my M4 trigger unit broke, my G35 hammer snapped, my sniper rifle never shot straight, one of my G35 mags kept venting, and on top of that, I lost one of my M4 mags. At least I got a rental for free and went on huge killstreaks with it.

    1. L3wisD


      If only you'd had some more pistols, you could have been prepared... ;)


    2. AK47frizzle


      Na, I wouldn't have ahaha. I go by public transport and there's no way I would carry more than what I needed. This time, my friend came along, so I could afford to carry an extra rifle.

  14. How do people stabilize barrels on glocks? 

  15. It's just an M4 with an overly large, heavy, and impractical body. I wouldn't recommend it at all.
  16. Whelp, I think the perfect backup for my g18c is... another g18c.

    1. AK47frizzle


      na not really hahaha got enough

    2. AK47frizzle


      G23 seems like a good choice. Though... I kinda want a kc02 right now.........

  17. oOohh Was wondering, how many shots do you get out of it? My WE version currently gets around 90 with some mods done to it.
  18. The coolest thing I own at the moment:
  19. Wow, the desert eagle is not as big as i thought. This thing is skirmishable :D

    1. Rogerborg


      Didn't you just say that you were done buying more pistols?

    2. AK47frizzle


      just another ct25.....

  20. https://www.taiwangun.com/en/magazines/box-of-5-5x-120rd-advanced-polymer-mid-cap-ar-15-m4-magazine-translucent-kublai?from=listing&campaign-id=19 Sorry m8, but these kinds of mags go for less than £6 per mag as new condition.
  21. Can confirm: TNT TR bucking is meh. Maple leaf auto bot 60 > TNT TR 60 by about 10-20 metres with better groupings too.

  22. Oi m8ty! I gave a perfectly logical response, took criticism and amended my actions. What more do you want? My virginity? ☹️
  23. Whelp, my perfect pistol is complete: 320-330 fps on 0.2g, insane efficiency and has a fun switch.

  24. WE Desert Eagle on the way. I swear it will be my last pistol... or maybe the ct25... or maybe until the sig m17 comes out...
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