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Everything posted by AirsoftTed

  1. From what I've seen in threads when researching force recon , he looks Marsoc'ish to me. They often share threads and I don't really pay attention to anyone not in Marpat as a result . He could be a CCT? I think Mack did a similar load out but my memory is fuzzy. Could always be an airsofter! That said on my phone I can't see whether his arm patch is the medical logo or a bull. If it's the former he may be a pj?
  2. Ah when you put it that way I guess... Best get that m4 spring changed so I can sort my ukara and get a nice ak74m! Probably have a load of questions for you soon Ian !
  3. Grr, Ian. Between you and the "Russian military airsoft loads outs UK" FB page I'm finding it increasingly difficult not to start a Russian load out. The worrying fact that I'm about 4/5 pouches away from a "finished" USMC FR load out do not make it any easier!
  4. Oil based pomades are the devil incarnate. 6 shampoo washes, 2 washing up liquid washes and even a go with shower gel and it still hasn't come out of my hair. Not exagerating when they say "long hold"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr Monkey Nuts

      Mr Monkey Nuts

      For a cheaper alternative try adding a tablespoon of olive oil to a a palm full of fairy, and just enough water to make it into a lather. That dax works amazingly well. Remember to condition afterwards.

    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Sounds like there's an art to hair styling...

  5. Don't know if it's just my eyes but I think Zeroone may have just cocked up and Photoshopped the trigger off by accident. I can't see one lol.
  6. I know what you mean (TWA). I think a good compromise would be to built a MOUT style "kill house" out of plywood on a bit of land similar to the village they have. With some tweaking and careful planning the village could be very very good. The only problem I've found is a lot of the firing points in the buildings are for the most part useless. There is a big building towards the end where the caravan is which can be quite good for CQB but because all the other buildings are single rooms it's just a matter of running in and seeing who shoots who first lol.
  7. It was a combination of everything, was actually sad to complete it. Unity just doesn't compare at all in my mind. I really bought into the story and character of ACBF. Anyway- you can't stop the funk!
  8. Personally if I were to mount a sight on a sight, I'd put it on top of it so it was at least in line with what I'm shooting at. That way you're just compensating up/down not left/right too?
  9. Need to change the spring in my m4 to bring it down to sub 350. (I'd like around 340). Any brands to avoid or favour? and or places to buy from?

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Element M105 just hits over 350 I have found in a few guns.

      re-doing AOE will normally bring it just under. Got some SHS M100's but not tested them yet but think they are about same fps

    2. AirsoftTed


      cheers SD. First time cracking open a GB, anything else I should do? I've heard of replacing shims with metal ones or something?

  10. Does anyone who does USMC kit know of any places/ebay pages to get good deals on FSBE pouches? Happy new year to you all too!

    1. jcheeseright


      legitkit on ebay quite regularly gets FSBE lots in, they're not 'cheap' per se, but it's about as good a price as you're likely to get.

    2. AirsoftTed


      Cheers James. The prices of the items aren't a problem its postage that's a killer as always lol! I''ve a friend stateside I could get to send me them I suppose!

  11. I'm going to treat my self to a bottle of Tullermore Dew for tonight. Will report back in the morning or afternoon depending how good it is
  12. Nicely done Chock! Refreshing to see something functional, that serves your needs and doesn't need a million and one pouches and pointless other stuff! Most comfortable game I played was in a similar vest by Viper!
  13. Any of you Gent's tried Tullamore dew? It's taken my eye, wondering if its any good. Noticed I have similar taste to most of you so this should be a good place to ask!
  14. Fresh hair cut, came home and had a straight razor shave. Feeling very dapper and refreshed!

  15. Started playing Assassin's Creed Black Flag on Xbox one last night. What a game! Honestly I've dreamed of a game like it since I was young and I'm completely enchanted. I've always loved the idea of going to sea. Anyway - the song that's been maintaining my privateer enthusiasm!
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cavninja
    3. Bottledtorment


      Haha they originally had Two bundeswehr snipers and a picture of a M107 on that page .

      I email them about it XD

    4. b1n0gHo5t


      Even better...suicide bomber camp...teacher accidently blows up students while training

  16. Fallout (4?) whatever is next in the series. Only thing I'll look forward to!
  17. Featherbed Ln? Yes this is sadly the norm for this site. Thought it was just me being the odd one out, seriously considered quitting airsoft last time I attended and I didn't even get to play mate - the atmosphere of snobbery and wierd seriously made me question what I was doing lol. Had no idea you were so close, try UCAP's sandpit near blue water mate.
  18. Plot Twist : Qlimax is 14ft tall and the guy behind him is well above average height.
  19. It's because its below the proof required to be classed as a bourbon (40%). Also, the lack of colour supposedly suggests a lack of whiskey, or a young whiskey. I think it's more of a young whiskey rather than a lack of it, but I reckon it tastes nice whatever it is! BTW, with Dr pepper it is lovely. You'd struggle to tell there was any alcohol in it at all mate
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