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Everything posted by Mack

  1. Finally after 5 months im employed again!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      lol - are you enquiring

      and NO I ain't trying to undercut before anybody chimes in....

      Congrats sir - hope it works out - money/opportunity/plus something to do I guess

    3. ImTriggerHappy


      Congratulations but aren't you a bit old for working in McDonald's?

  2. Thats an FMA Maritime, Excellent helmet and I use it myself. Much cheaper from shootercb though, £40 shipped http://www.shootercbgear.com/product_info.php?products_id=9238
  3. About 90% finished freestyle MARSOC kit
  4. Emerson multicam shirt £35 posted (Username doesnt even match the one in the photo ) http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/showthread.php?259391-Emerson-Multicam-Crye-G2-AC-UBACS-44CHEST-REG Brand new £26 posted http://www.shootercbgear.com/product_info.php?products_id=3592
  5. Pantac make a CIRAS in X-Large so it wont look like a bib if your a big guy. Its Pricey buts its of better quality than most clone/chinease gear. http://www.rsov.com/product.php?langId=1&currencyId=1&manufacturerId=10&prodId=11701&cateId=215 A cheaper option but maintaining good quality is the Flyye PC. Its a copy of the real deal Eagle Industries MBAV. http://store.specwarfare.com/wp/flyye-molle-style-pc-plate-carrier-large-khaki
  6. Any carrier designed to take large Sapi plates should work. Depends how much you want to spend, do you want clone or real deal?
  7. Crye Cut http://www.ebairsoft.com/rasputin-item-combat-pants-multicam-tropic-p-8456.html http://www.ebairsoft.com/rasputin-item-combat-shirts-multicam-tropic-p-8455.html
  8. Having owned and still own the Crye AC and Massif ACS, I would say go with the Massif. Its super comfortable and a really rugged well built combat shirt plus you can get them really cheap on ebay now. The Crye AC is a nice shirt but its expensive and hard to justify sometimes. I also prefered the material the Massif shirts are made from compared to the Crye. Its like an elasticy stretch material compared to Cryes which is what a normal jacket/trousers are made from.
  9. Tends to happen with highly sought after items and plenty of people willing to pay it.
  10. Recommend the FMA Maritime, Ive owned an Emerson PJ, FMA Ballistic and FMA Maritime and the Maritime is by far the best of the bunch. The PJ was thin and to small for my head, The ballistic was nice but slightly to big. I prefer the cut and size of the maritime. The FMA also offer better protection than the emerson. £40 shipped from shootercb and you will have it in 4 days. The pictures dont show it but it does come with the velcro aswell http://www.shootercbgear.com/product_info.php?products_id=7704
  11. They do. Its called the Real Sword SVD. Perfectly useable out of the box. Not cheap though.
  12. Fuck no, youd be lucky to get £20
  13. Where did you get your licence? I can't find them in stock anywhere
  14. Avoid 3 points, they are gash and outdated. An adjustable 2 point like a VTAC would be much more comfortable.
  15. Another vote for vision king. I have there Shortdot and the glass is top notch. Heres there ebay store, They have best offer on most scopes and usually can get £10 or so off the listed price. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/Sights-Scopes-/7307/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=25&_ssn=vktechltd11
  16. Come on you boys in green!!! Me at the Barcelona vs Celtic game couple of years back
  17. Double feeding, Massive air leak. FPS jumping from 140 to 230 http://vid1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa398/mack1984/IMG_0669_zpsz6qdkh69.mp4
  18. I like your style, Shortdot on a scar FTW. They work quite well in CQB considering you can turn the magnification down to 1.25. Sadly my scar is in a non working state now
  19. Most of the time yes. Ive replied to a few over the years and when asking for a defence to purchase they either dissapear or sling a load of abuse at you.
  20. CYMA M14 - £150 plus postage http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/showthread.php?257941-Hk-mp7-and-cyma-m14!! Brand New CYMA M14 - £98.43 http://www.taiwangun.com/en/cm-032a-black-style?from=listing&campaign-id=19
  21. No, Firearms certs dont work for buying airsoft guns unfortunatly. Stupid but true.
  22. If its an ICS it will say ICS on the other side of the receiver. It will also have a Split gearbox. I dont think its ICS as im pretty sure they dont use those body pins either. Think its a Cybergun rebranded CYMA. Same trades, same body pins and I think they have the sling plate as standard.
  23. Seems to have happened to someone else on Z1. Is this a new thing with UPS? never had it before myself. http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/showthread.php?259052-New-UPS-Import-Questioning
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