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Everything posted by Mack

  1. Hes been at it for years, been called out on it a few times aswell IIRC
  2. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but no one is gonna pay 500 quid for a G&G. Thats recoil/CTW/GBBR territory
  3. That guys a cert to be a scammer, Reported the last thread for no picture, now this one with name photoshopped in.
  4. Pay no attention to FPS stats on websites, They vary from gun to gun and country of sale.
  5. Post it to any UKARA associated retailer and they should add you
  6. ebairsoft mate, same place I got the slide
  7. Nice, I have the same, recommend the trigger set aswell
  8. Yeah I wouldnt bother either, too expensive and hard to find. Only one place I know has them in stock
  9. but but but multicam/mtp doesnt work in the UK/Woodland, how can that be
  10. Forgot about greenbase. Get most of my optics from there, they also let you choose how much you want to declare value for duty
  11. In order of best to worst Shootercb - Shipping is super fast usually four days from HK to UK RSOV - same again with fast shipping Specwarfare devgrulogy sealairsoft airsoftpeak airsoft365 JKARMY - good selection but super slow dispatch Ebairsoft - If they have it in stock usually 2 weeks, If not in stock they dont tell you untill you raise a paypal dispute Others I havnt tried Combatgearing Tiger111hk khmountain asiaairsoft
  12. Battlefront multiplayer

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      It does look like it's rehearsed...was gonna say scripted. But yeah you know what I mean. Won't play out that way in game. I think it's been done intentionally to showcase it like that, if you know what I mean?

    3. Esoterick


      Think it looks like good fun, never played the previous Battlefront. Also judging by all the work DICE have put into BF4 it will hopefully be well supported.

    4. M_P


      Looks good so far, my only worry is that they make it too much like a Battlefield: Star wars, the simplicity of the old ones is what was so great about them, looking forward to it though very much

  13. Any actual prof this is happening or just hearsay?
  14. Mack

    Kj works Sig 226

    When you cant hear no more gas going in.
  15. Suprised no one has mentioned the fact hes under 18 and shouldnt be buying ANY Rifs or IFS and has openly admitted to breaking the law, I bet Land Warrior will be pleased too. Youve also broke Paypals terms and conditions too which require you to be over 18.
  16. I smell a ban hammer coming. Idiot.
  17. Because it doesnt exist
  18. This x1000, always comes off when removing pad. I now superglue the velcro on
  19. Most people including myself use velcro.
  20. Put a high torque motor in and a BTC spectre and the trigger response is epic when you set the pre cocking up, Trigger pull with the spectre is only about 5mm
  21. Dont try to use a bolt action rifle in CQB, you will have your ass handed to you
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