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Everything posted by jcheeseright

  1. Spartan Airsoft is just round the corner from you! It's next to Bristol Airport: http://spartanairsoft.co.uk/ Failing that, you've got Black Ops Cribbs: http://www.blackopscribbs.co.uk/
  2. Invisiblesight AN/PEQ15, bank manager not happy! the IR laser is like a lightsaber when viewed through NVG though... so it's kinda worth it
  3. yeah, bit too much bulk for it to look 'right', I'd go short EOTech (551/XPS) or Aimpoint T1
  4. pedant mode: on. backup iron sights are wrong too, you've got the rearsight at the front, and the front sight at the rear!
  5. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2054897.m570.l1313.TR1.TRC0.A0.H0.Xpropane+refill+adapter&_nkw=propane+refill+adapter&_sacat=0
  6. They have excellent customer service if you're in Japan. But their official level of support for the rest of the world is zero, nothing, nada. The reason they're still so highly regarded is because by and large their shit doesn't need repairs.
  7. It's weird indeed, the gun SHOULD have been able to take 144a as it's pretty much the weakest gas you can buy and a direct replacement for 134a which is what Marui recommend. UK retailers have no contact with TM as a company, they buy all their stuff through Japanese wholesalers as TM do not export. The only place that realistically would have been able to help you was http://pulse-japan.jp/index.php?sl=EN unfortunately they're closing down (which is a real worry for me, since I use them to get a lot of TM spares!) so you're probably pretty stuffed for getting a replacement plastic slide new. Would be worth putting up a wanted ad on a few forums though, someone out there must have swapped out their plastic slide for a metal one and be willing to sell you their spare
  8. If you just buy the disposable coleman cans then yeah, it's not much cheaper... if however you get a 20Kg cylinder and refill your coleman cans from it the price becomes much more manageable. The initial outlay is larger obviously, but once you're all set you're looking at much less than a penny per gram of propane (typically between 0.2p and 0.3p per gram, depending on where you buy the gas).
  9. $72 for a complete slide set?! It'll probably fit but I wouldn't expect much else out of it.
  10. why not just check it and remove the material that actually needs to be removed, rather than just do 'what most people say'.
  11. Oh dear. Pulse airsoft in Japan might be able to help you out with a new slide... but it won't be cheap.
  12. It's not a real one, just a really high quality replica. Functions nearly the same as a real one (slightly lower power lasers), IR/Visible Lasers and a Laser powered focusable IR illuminator. I'd love a real one, but the cheapest I've ever seen one is $1400, which is a little excessive I'll do a side-by-side comparison with the VFC when it gets here.
  13. no, not buying a PTW, bought an Invisiblesight gen2 PEQ15 instead I'd love a PTW, just can't justify the cost:performance ratio.
  14. holy necropost batman! finished! turns out a blaster bottle will hold just over £250 in pound coins Sadly I'm now off to the bank to pay it in because I've already spent it
  15. until customs bum you. cheapest I could price up a polarstar when I was interested in doing it was ~£900 and that wasn't with a G&P as a base gun!
  16. what are you putting it in?! a combat machine? fusion engine + regulator + tank is pushing £700 on it's own!
  17. I'm just glad this young thruster is studying Business Studies and not English...
  18. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/21920-redwolf-august-weekender/
  19. Do you mean Weston? As in Weston Super Mare? You know when you asked that question about airsoft shops in Somerset and a bunch of us told you there weren't any... Weston Super Mare is in Somerset.
  20. Dave from maple leaf tactical did a really good tutorial on this a while back. http://thereptilehouseblog.com/ Rich from The Reptile House (you should all be following this blog, srsly) also features lots of painted guns and is worth a look at for inspiration. As for which paints to use, I really, really rate the halfords camo paints, but krylon is also really good. If you can get it, Tamiya Ultra Flat (XF series) are the best thing since sliced bread.
  21. I think I speak for everyone when I say: No license, no say. STFU.
  22. yeah, there shouldn't be any point where you have to start forcing BBs in.
  23. Also a really good way of painting a 'shoot here' sign on yourself! Move slowly and deliberately, use your torch sparingly and only for target ID/engagement. If it's really really dark (tree cover, no moon) then take a low power red torch to help you see where you're going, but again use it sparingly.
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