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Everything posted by jcheeseright

  1. as soon as I get one I'll let you know! Though a friend got one in a trade and ended up selling his real Aimpoint T1 because he preferred the holosun, that's enough of an endorsement for me.
  2. m100 will get you in about the right region.
  3. No, the limit is the limit and chrono is always worked out for a .20g BB. Putting heavier BBs in doesn't reduce the power of the gun, it just reduces the speed the BB initially goes at... an extreme example is being hit by a slow moving brick or a fast moving ping pong ball!
  4. Getting there! Systema PTW MAX2 M4A1 CQBR Nuprol (yes really) rail Magpul CTR Milspec stock Knights Armament flip up front & rear sights Surefire M600 Invisiblesight PEQ15 WE Europe ELCAN Spectre 4x sight Blue force gear padded sling. Coming soon: Hogue grip Magpul AFG Holosun HS403GL
  5. air duster will remove dust fine. takedown of the magazines is pretty straightforward, if you slide off the base plate there should be a screw... undo it and the bottom of the magazine should slide off. That's the place that's most likely to leak. If you want to know exactly where a mag is leaking from then fill it with a bit of gas and stick it in a bowl of water, the bubbles will tell you where your leak is.
  6. I won one of these at the zero one NAE a few years back... mine clocked in at a rather tasty 390fps! It's a version 2 gearbox so any spring for an AEG will fit.
  7. I'd give it a try first... fill the mags with gas and see if they hold, if they do then try shooting it. If it's been completely immobile for that time there's not really anywhere the grease could have gone! The mags are likely leaking like seives though, so you'll need to do some repair work on those. Thankfully glock magazines are really easy to strip.
  8. I think a steven seagal style knife fight in an abandoned tunnel somewhere would be awesome... as for 'knives must bend' I think that falls largely into the same category as 'you must use bang within 5 yards'. If you STAB someone with a cold steel knife it'll hurt... if you stab someone with a biro it'll hurt, no one has ever told me to not take a pen into the game area! The rule everywhere I've ever been is a tap on the shoulder with the knife is enough... at that point I might as well use a real bayonet because the sides of them aren't sharp (obviously, I'm not an idiot... but you get what I mean).
  9. boogie regulators are great if you're jumping out of aeroplanes or driving round in vehicles, otherwise they'll fog.
  10. even the military don't make clothes specifically cut for women, they just make them smaller.
  11. ESS turbofans with a lower mask cable tied on.
  12. Is airsoft a sport? - Airsoft Society www.airsoftsociety.com › ... › General Airsoft Discussion 13 Aug 2010 - 10 posts Is it a sport because my friend keeps saying it isn't but I know it is and Can you give me a website or some proof on how its a sport. Solid arguments from google!
  13. I think what you're saying here is that playing is by far the most important part of the hobby... to YOU. For me the gear is just as important as the playing, for you it isn't. Your appreciation of this game (it's not a sport, really) is just as valid as mine, but it is different.
  14. Very different, it's all anodised/powder coated like a real firearm so the tactile feel of the parts is much nicer, the amount of actual steel in it makes it quite weighty too. The main difference though is the 1:1 'real steel' dimensions, fat AEG motor grips and off-size hand guards etc have long bothered me, this doesn't have any of those issues. Plan is to fit a new rail and stock... Expect an update in the 'pictures of your guns' thread soon.
  15. Aww yeah. Haven't had chance to shoot it yet, but it feels very nice, certainly a LOT more solid than any AEG / GBBR I've ever handled.
  16. give me a couple of months, when I get back to work (I'm on some seriously long post deployment leave at the moment) I have an old pair of emerson G3's that I'll post to you.
  17. Agreed with what he said, no one's banning airsoft guns. I expect a lot of it is post xmas/new year budget squeeze, I know my wallet is feeling the pinch and I don't even have kids!
  18. Britikitusa also do custom patches, they're a little more expensive than stitch me up in small numbers but if you're buying in bulk they work out cheaper.
  19. I have absolutely no idea what you're on about, if you don't want to pay the price for a real item then buy a reproduction... but don't then whine about the price of the real thing. Being poor has nothing at all to do with it!
  20. One of my pet hates is people that don't pull their weight on a gameday, I'm not talking about the guy who's a bit unfit and can't keep up, he's cool. I'm not talking about the 14 year old with his JustBBguns special that shoots about 25' and so doesn't hit anyone all day (awwww), he's cool too. I'm also not talking about the guy who stands at the back shouting 'move up!!!', he's a dick, but that's irrelevant to this. The guy I hate is the one who f*cks off half way through a game to go back to the safe zone because; -he ran out of battery, again. -he ran out of BBs, again. -he wanted a snack (the game is ONE HOUR long you f*ck). -his team was losing, so he quit. -he got a little bit tired and couldn't be arsed anymore. -it started to rain a bit so he went home. -any number of other sh*t reasons that could have been prevented or mitigated by either preparing effectively or just manning the f*ck up. That's what f*cks me off, I don't care if he's decked out in a stitch perfect 75th Ranger impression (holyf*ckingshit expensive) or if he's stuffing the two hi-caps he owns in his jeans pockets... if that guy pisses off half way through a game it unbalances the teams and that then goes on to effect the enjoyment of others.
  21. Jesus christ. Real stuff costs more than Flyye knockoff shocker, someone hold the front page! Don't look at the price of a real ACOG vs a repro one, you'll have an aneurysm!
  22. Airsoft has been a fashion parade for YEARS, this isn't a new thing at all.
  23. No, even importing external parts is fine. You can import all the requisite bits to build a RIF 100% legally. You fall foul of the VCRA the moment you put them together.
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