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Everything posted by jcheeseright

  1. Probably because no one will buy them anymore!
  2. they're definitely the real deal, I bought a few a couple of months back and they're identical in every way to the ones I already had.
  3. Only issue I can think of is storing them all!
  4. I'm fairly sure someone somewhere is still making the SOPMOD magazines... MLEmart have had a few loads in stock over the last few months
  5. easiest way to check for a leak, even a slow one, is to fill the magazine up and put it in a bowl of water, give it a couple of knocks to remove the surface bubbles and wait... if you don't see any more bubbles then it isn't leaking!
  6. You're going to the wrong sites, I can think of at least 3 sites within an hour of me that have helicopters ranging from Wessex Mk4s (like the one in the video) to Lynx Mk7s.
  7. I just couldn't help but laugh when his knees buckled and he started screaming.
  8. Putting up a high accuracy GPS receiver for the British Antarctic Survey, they could have done it themselves but it would have taken them weeks. We had a helicopter and a free afternoon so we got volunteered.
  9. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/54%C2%B021'16.0%22S+36%C2%B037'13.2%22W/@-54.354452,-36.6225247,471m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0
  10. I dropped one full of 220kg of batteries out of a helicopter down the side of a mountain in -20C and it survived 90% intact and the contents were unharmed. They're pretty indestructible.
  11. Pelican 1720 is what you're after.
  12. New fangled?! They've been on the market for like 5 years!
  13. Blue force gear ten speed, fastest pouches ever.
  14. Cancer is a side effect of snus. Mouth cancer. Cancer in your mouth.
  15. That'd just piss someone off. Some people complain that 5.56 lacks stopping power, a .177 pellet isn't doing shit unless it's travelling at the speed of light.
  16. Not a chance, I'd be amazed if it'd get through a leather jacket let alone put a man down! A 4.5mm BB, even a steel one, doesn't weigh anything at all and 400fps is nothing. If you shot them in the face you could do some damage to their eyes and teeth but as for any real injury you've got to be kidding.
  17. The SMG8 is filled with nightmares and spiders. Everything about it is awful except the price.
  18. yeah, all black is an easy way to be seen in any environment, go for subdued colours, dark ones if you're into that. think about it this way: if it's dark enough that you can't tell what colour the walls are is wearing blue or green going to make any difference?
  19. No, the 403GL is the one with the battery on the side and the lower adjustment turrets, I've picked it mostly because it looks most like an aimpoint T1.
  20. even expensive glasses with anti-fog treatments will fog up eventually, especially if you stay still for any length of time/wear a hat or helmet/lower face protection. There's no fog-free 100% solution unfortunately, only thing you can do is mitigate it.
  21. as soon as I get one I'll let you know! Though a friend got one in a trade and ended up selling his real Aimpoint T1 because he preferred the holosun, that's enough of an endorsement for me.
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