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Posts posted by The_Roach

  1. I started, and stopped, playing airsoft in the early 2000s in France. I have only started playing again recently in the UK where I have been living for more than 12 years now.
    I am trying to get my old teammates over the Channel for a couple of games, they are legitimately concerned with the legal hassle with getting their RIFs through the border.
    Has anyone got any experience over these matters ?
    Are airports to be avoided ?
    Will they need proof of purchase/ownership of their RIFs ?

  2. 16 hours ago, Nick G said:

    It's totally on them , not on you.  I think most sites know that us GBBR users are sensible with our limited ammo and mag cool down , lets face it we are never going to go 'full wanker' with a GBBR 😂 

    May well be that they have allowed for cooldown or alow a margin on the chrono.


    How was the performance in the colder weather ? I've run my WE based L119's down to 4 or 5 degrees with red or black gas, Colder than that and I'm not playing ! 

    Fine initially, I used the standard mag first, no dramas. As the rain started pouring, and my mags on my chest rig and belt which were exposed, shots became inconsistent. With a significant drop in temperature in the afternoon, I had an increasing amount of dry fire incidents. I was running standard Green Gas however. I need to run a range day, fine tune the hop-up, gas and BB weight choice. I have the feeling I'm not making the best of a fine rifle.

  3. 6 hours ago, Nick G said:

    320 on .30's is 1.42j   So over power limits for the UK , assuming its not semi locked as a DMR,  Surprised the site alowed it to be used.

    It was the site's chrono, I did state I was running 0.30g, they tagged my rifle as OK, after doing the maths. Mag dumping the few 30 rds mags I have, never seemed like an option to me. Besides, I like to think of myself as not a dick. I don't play this game to hurt others. And to be fair, I don't even play for the frags.

     On my first 2 games of the day, I barely went through one mag.

  4. Took the bad boy for its first outing.

    Chrono clocked at 320fps with 0.30g and I was enjoying decent, reliable, accurate firing first. As the weather degraded with heavy rains and the mags were in the cold, performance started degrading too. Inconsistent shots, a dry fire every so often, maybe just due to brand new "stiff" mags. The bolt didn't always lock back on an empty mag. However, you can hear the difference between a dry fire and an actual shot, prompting a mag change.

    The range was underwhelming. I might have to spend more time fiddling with the hop-up but at some point I considered feeding 0.20g to the beast.

    Everything else worked fine except for a runaway burst when I tried to mag dump my last rounds and it dried fired while discharging a full gas mag. The bolt literally froze.

    Finally, how the hell did *this* happen ? And how do I fix it ? Even my tiniest Allen key (0.7 mm) is too big for the hex recess at one end ?




  5. 50 minutes ago, TheFull9 said:

    From what I've seen, a pretty good portion of all the TS uniforms floating around in the world are either all-cotton or more budget PYCO fabric and they tend to go fairly white after a good bit of use/washes; at least the TSP and Rothco stuff that's been around a while, not sure about the likes of emerson and ilk.

    Tru-Spec and Propper used to fade after barely 3-4 washes.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Fatboy40 said:


    I could be horribly wrong but isn't it the case that red tracers are not properly illuminated by all tracer units? If correct then that's the reason as why make a niche product for something that's inherently niche? 

    Maybe but my question isn't about whether these BBs should be on the market or not. I'm just asking whether they exist or not.

  7. I've had a bit of an incident during a night game, I was able to recover the spring guide and other parts but not the spring. It looks like most recoil springs are TM compatible but will they work on a KSC ?

    [EDIT] Potentially solved, bought a £2 spring in Hong Kong, with a £8 shipping fee... globalisation is Kafkaesque.

  8. Being back into the game after 15 years, I'm a bit lost with the legal side of things, the etiquette and game rules, and I know very little about the options available.
    After doing some research, I found things I had never heard of, like stun pyros using 9mm blanks.

    Could someone more knowledgeable than me write a breakdown of the different options with examples of products ? And then people can comment with their experience and rate the different categories. Do gas powered frag (with BBs) actually work ? They were sort of underwhelming in my early airsoft days.

  9. Hi there. I'm sure you can help with these simple questions. Apologies if they have been asked, and answered, before.
    With my 416 due to arrive from Hong Kong, I would like to read your recommendations for it :

    - BB weight, what would you use to clock below 350 fps, noting that I intend to play in semi for obvious mag capacity reasons
    - What gas would you use at which temp ?

    - I'm planning to use a single point sling, will the stock and attachment take the weight rubbing ?

    - Any simple hacks to increase reliability out of the box, without buying anything, e.g. what needs tightening, loctite, sand papering, silicon lubing etc.

    And generally any advice for a new owner.

  10. [WORK IN PROGRESS] Old Arktis 2REP Crossrig with proprietary ammo pouches. Remainder described in comments. AMA.


    30 minutes ago, The_Roach said:

    [WORK IN PROGRESS] Old Arktis 2REP Crossrig with proprietary ammo pouches. Remainder described in comments. AMA.


    The Arktis Crossig is modular. It has X straps and also H type yoke, which, combined with a belt, turns it into a belt webbing.

    Rigid mags are some Chinese airsoft retailer. Dump pouch by Warrior Assault System. Admin pouch by Wynex. Holster is IWI. Colt is a WE metal frame 1911.


    [EDIT] Missing here : Galaxy S10 case and attachment (3D printed) - on route - and PRC 152 with PTT and headset (because no money tree grows in my garden).

  11. 2 hours ago, ak2m4 said:


    4/5 months seems super excessive, @C-Diddy did they use E-Express?  Parcel Force in the UK?


    Generally e-Express is 40 bucks for 2kg

    Mind you, it was 15 years ago, in France, where civil servants have a very meridional work culture, and processes and paperwork are unduly complex. 

    But it did come and it was a nasty surprise. I tend, from experience, to think that the State/the Crown never forgets about its dues and always ends up claiming them.


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