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Duff Beer

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  1. Haha
    Duff Beer reacted to Rogerborg in How to ignore dickheads   
    If you're on a desktop browser, you can get to the user menu just by hovering over a username, then the Ignore button is at the bottom right.
    Purely for example:

  2. Like
    Duff Beer got a reaction from Colin Allen in ICS L85 trigger not returning (broken spring housing on trigger mechanism).   
    I’m pleased I could help!
  3. Like
    Duff Beer got a reaction from Dan Robinson in ICS L85 trigger not returning (broken spring housing on trigger mechanism).   
    I’m pleased I could help!
  4. Haha
    Duff Beer got a reaction from Tackle in How to ignore dickheads   
    Doing God’s work
  5. Thanks
    Duff Beer reacted to Dan Robinson in ICS L85 trigger not returning (broken spring housing on trigger mechanism).   
    You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman. 
    If you are not a Sir, please insert your own choices of pleasantry and gratitude. 👍😀
  6. Haha
    Duff Beer reacted to Skullchewer in How to ignore dickheads   
    I certainly hope not 🤣
  7. Thanks
    Duff Beer got a reaction from Skullchewer in How to ignore dickheads   
    Doing God’s work
  8. Thanks
    Duff Beer reacted to Skullchewer in How to ignore dickheads   
    I feel this thread is in need of a timely BUMP.
  9. Like
    Duff Beer got a reaction from Colin Allen in ICS L85 trigger not returning (broken spring housing on trigger mechanism).   
    There definitely is something broken, and it’ll be a little tab on the bottom of the box at the front by the trigger.  This exact thing happened to mine, but I was fortunate enough to see the bit of plastic fall out when I got frustrated and took it all apart.
    I bought a new switch assembly and did a straight swap and all was solved.

  10. Like
    Duff Beer got a reaction from Speedbird_666 in ICS L85 trigger not returning (broken spring housing on trigger mechanism).   
    There definitely is something broken, and it’ll be a little tab on the bottom of the box at the front by the trigger.  This exact thing happened to mine, but I was fortunate enough to see the bit of plastic fall out when I got frustrated and took it all apart.
    I bought a new switch assembly and did a straight swap and all was solved.

  11. Thanks
    Duff Beer got a reaction from Dan Robinson in ICS L85 trigger not returning (broken spring housing on trigger mechanism).   
    There definitely is something broken, and it’ll be a little tab on the bottom of the box at the front by the trigger.  This exact thing happened to mine, but I was fortunate enough to see the bit of plastic fall out when I got frustrated and took it all apart.
    I bought a new switch assembly and did a straight swap and all was solved.

  12. CoolAF
    Duff Beer reacted to gavinkempsell in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Got a few parts for my A3 this week, here's Betty relaxing in the garden (excuse the plastic tub) & at home with the rest of the family (A2 is a bit poorly but visiting the doctor in a couple of weeks).
    She's 6.4kg so not planning on using her in anger.

  13. Like
    Duff Beer got a reaction from Pinovic in Gun picture thread   
    Finally finished my ICS L85A2

  14. Like
    Duff Beer got a reaction from Diemaco in Gun picture thread   
    Finally finished my ICS L85A2

  15. Like
    Duff Beer got a reaction from Tactical Pith Helmet in Airsoft boots - what to buy? (Was in the 'how did your day go' thread)   
    I finally got my money back from the bank yesterday.  For some reason they wouldn’t initiate a dispute for 15 days from purchase.  
    I hope everyone else got their money back too!
  16. Like
    Duff Beer got a reaction from RostokMcSpoons in Airsoft boots - what to buy? (Was in the 'how did your day go' thread)   
    I finally got my money back from the bank yesterday.  For some reason they wouldn’t initiate a dispute for 15 days from purchase.  
    I hope everyone else got their money back too!
  17. Thanks
    Duff Beer got a reaction from Cannonfodder in Airsoft boots - what to buy? (Was in the 'how did your day go' thread)   
    I got caught, but thankfully it was on the credit card and not for a lot
  18. Thanks
    Duff Beer got a reaction from Rogerborg in Airsoft boots - what to buy? (Was in the 'how did your day go' thread)   
    I finally got my money back from the bank yesterday.  For some reason they wouldn’t initiate a dispute for 15 days from purchase.  
    I hope everyone else got their money back too!
  19. CoolAF
    Duff Beer got a reaction from Rogerborg in Opinions on UKAPU   
    If there is a better way to put people off joining UKAPU then I’d like to see it.  At the beginning of the thread I was considering becoming a member, but what with the general back-and-forthing and bylaws being referenced like lives depended on it I’ll steer well clear.
    This is supposed to be a fun sport.  None of what I’m seeing above is anything near the definition of fun.  I’ll take my chances with UKARA being sensible enough to protect their livelihoods (and therefore the game).
  20. Thanks
    Duff Beer reacted to Jedi_Master in Opinions on UKAPU   
    Moderator Comment
    Far too many posts derailing this topic. OP asking for opinions on the UKAPU, not about each other. I am locking it now.
    • Thread bashing/trolling
    There will be some posts or threads in the forum that you may not like. If you dislike somebody's thread or some of the people participating in the discussion simply don't bother reading or replying to it.
  21. Like
    Duff Beer reacted to Adolf Hamster in Opinions on UKAPU   
    To be fair, an organisation that doesnt charge for its use or for that matter be particularly overbearing with engagement (as evidenced by my penny pinching self having thorougjly forgotten i'd signed up) it's hard to care that much about what they do.
    Yes in principle a single unified body representing our hobby sounds like exactly what we need, ultimately many folks simply dont notice or care the "on the ground" effect and thus are unlikely to give a monkeys if #3457 of their 10000+ strong email spam list are or are not in breach of their constitution.
    Until ukapu gets the widespread site engagement that means you'd realistically notice and care for a ukapu approval notice on their webpage then the majority of players are unlikely to care so deeply for how its run.
    Having left the hobby precisely because of a lack of consistent good management amongst the sites i have access to it seems obvious to me that what this sport needs is not government lobbying or annual general meetings, but a widespread network of sites that agree with a real world noticable effect on performing duties such as marshalling, good chronograph practice and site bans that not only stick at the sites that initated them but at others in their region.
    But alas we're stuck with sites that ask "what size bb's are you using?" With no real effort to understanding the effects of joule creep or for that matter the difference between joules and velocity measurements despite it being something anyone with a gcse in physics should at least understand the implications of even if they remain ignorant of the factors that cause it. Hell even when explained something as simple as "you can put a cable tie on most hpa regulators, here's how you do it *cable ties his own regulator to demonstrate*" or "you know you can can just print the site fps  limit of various common bb weights and sellotape it on the back of the chono" is largely ignored with at best a token effort to ask what weight of bb's a player is running
  22. Like
    Duff Beer reacted to Speedbird_666 in Opinions on UKAPU   
    Is it really?
    I mean really, really?
    Stop to look at the context - we run (or amble with intent) around, playing dress-up pretend solders, with toy guns to shoot little plastic balls at each other.
    In the grand scheme of things - nobody else gives a shit about how the organisation handles their constitution. I know I don't.
    You've laboured your point - if you have an issue with UKAPU - email them.
  23. Like
    Duff Beer got a reaction from Shamal in Opinions on UKAPU   
    If there is a better way to put people off joining UKAPU then I’d like to see it.  At the beginning of the thread I was considering becoming a member, but what with the general back-and-forthing and bylaws being referenced like lives depended on it I’ll steer well clear.
    This is supposed to be a fun sport.  None of what I’m seeing above is anything near the definition of fun.  I’ll take my chances with UKARA being sensible enough to protect their livelihoods (and therefore the game).
  24. Like
    Duff Beer reacted to DerDer in What fun or exciting (Airsoft) things are you looking forward to?   
    The upcoming re-release of King Arm's FN-FAL series. Just like the past five years....
    Also looking forward to the Lambda defence GPMG/M240 series later on in the year.
  25. CoolAF
    Duff Beer got a reaction from Tackle in Opinions on UKAPU   
    If there is a better way to put people off joining UKAPU then I’d like to see it.  At the beginning of the thread I was considering becoming a member, but what with the general back-and-forthing and bylaws being referenced like lives depended on it I’ll steer well clear.
    This is supposed to be a fun sport.  None of what I’m seeing above is anything near the definition of fun.  I’ll take my chances with UKARA being sensible enough to protect their livelihoods (and therefore the game).
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