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Everything posted by RostokMcSpoons

  1. If I win the lottery tonight, I'll offer him a grand. I want that gun. One day. If I win the lottery tonight I'll build a time machine. £150 for cash?
  2. As we're still 'motoring' I guess I'll throw this in the mix, apropos the jap cars vs character vs reliability thing I commented on before... And I don't know whether I'm arguing for or against my previous comment, or moving the conversation forwards, backwards or sideways I've owned 4 (count 'em) MX-5s. They've all been very reliable considering I've had a Mk1, a Mk2 and two Mk3's - all with plenty of years and miles under their belts. I've had a couple of O2 sensors fail, I've had a window winder fail (with the window down, and on a rainy day when I'd travelled a long distance for a game of golf, natch) and a mystery misfire that never got fixed but still let me drive around. So famed Jap reliability. And I loved 'em, so they had character. Performing reliably was a part of that character I loved, I guess (Being able to provoke mini-powerslides at any/every corner in the wet also helped immensely! I'm looking forward to the time when I can buy a relatively-nearly-new Mk4, but current COVID / job market situation is dictating otherwise unfortunately) PS Eezer, what sort of Mondy are you driving? One of my earlier cars was a Mondy 2.5 V6 (just the base version, Mk1), that was a great car. Smoothest and best engine I've owned I think (all my other cars have been 2 litre V4s or worse)
  3. And Mr Neggy Airsoft would like to chip in with some swearing and an upgrade to a Cyma M14...
  4. Interesting analogy. My first car was a classic English sports car. Smelled of hot oil all the time, leaked water in the rain, wouldn't go above 60mph, and every time I hit 3rd gear the gearstick would nudge the fast forward button on the tape deck "Screeeeeech". Damn thing was put to death at the first MOT with rusty sills. Bags of character though. But when 'character' tends to be a list of faults or foibles, how desirable is that, really? Edit: And oh yeah, definitely "maths". We're in the UK. We do quite enough to accommodate our Yankee cousins, no need to mutilate our lingo too
  5. Good camo 👍 My kneepads came from Wickes or Homebase, used for when I pulling an interior wall down etc... dirt cheap, and that's somewhat reflected in the quality of the straps which are quite weedy and thin and consequently can't cut off the blood supply to my lower legs, nor do the back of the knees any real damage So just for once, my policy of buying/using cheap shit seems to have paid off
  6. Latest deal on that page is Specna Core Bio BB's - bottles of 3000 with a BOGOF deal Postage is £9 to UK Mainland. So that means, for instance... 3 X Deal for 0.28g Bio BBs = £27 for 18,000 spheroidal projectiles, inc P&P
  7. As I'm asking Santa to bring me a TM pistol for Xmas (a somewhat forlorn hope - apart from my wife resisting spending more on airsoft, would a retailer accept my UKARA ref on an order being paid for by someone else?) I have a question regarding the Hi-Capa's and the 15mm BBU. Allegedly the D.O.R version of the Hi-Capa now has the 15mm BBU, which would make it perfect for me (I like the simpler 1911's. I'm not fussed about putting on a optic. The price is currently £135 at Defcon, so no premium for the unused red dot capability) Can anyone confirm it's true though? https://www.airsoftsociety.com/threads/tokyo-marui-hicapa-d-o-r-dor.159313/
  8. Handy review. I find M14s to be deeply cool, but the shape of the stock and pistol grip on that doesn't look very good to my eyes. On the flip side, I talked to a guy running a full length M14 at my site, and he confirmed that is annoyingly long. I guess the CM032W would be my preference but it still doesn't look as awesome as the full length version
  9. I may be putting a little too much stock in what Neggy Airsoft Man says, because I like his videos plus I don't know enough to be able to disagree with him, but the last vid I saw of him dealing with a Novritsch gun was interesting. He didn't complain about Novritsch, he complained about the choice of VFC as the basis for the guns, and failures of the VFC parts that Nov hadn't touched. (Mind you, he was getting paid by Nov as a sub-contractor to fix a gun which was having trouble getting shipped back and forth. He complemented their customer service for doing that) Anyway, it'll be interesting to see what the future holds... people like me who have come in to the sport / returned to the fold recently see a couple of Nov videos and think "that's cool" and are happy to pay (extra) for the gear... more seasoned veterans see past the slick marketing and website (which IS good from what I've seen) and have turned against him.
  10. Finally got around to re-doing the video for the fully charged 11.1v battery, and also I meddled with a video editor to see what it was like. edit: video replaced, see post below.
  11. My delivery turned up today. Yay! A fairly painful wait, as its missed what might have been my last game of the year, but I have to say the kit itself is nice. The modular suppressor is very much like the cheap AliExpress one I got last week, but that was actually nicely made so I'm not going to complain. And the modular design is good.
  12. I picked up a new battle harness recently. so changed from a black Viper Skeleton harness to the Viper Battle Harness in multicam. And during Black Friday I spotted some big discounts on the Novritsch (sorry) modular suppressor and one of the rifle camo covers. The cover was so cheap I thought I'd see what it was like... not bad I think - it certainly breaks up 'black slab' of the top half of the gun
  13. Actually you can buy hop rubbers off eBay... like this... complete with Omega nub https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/322773517760?hash=item4b26cd05c0:g:nxwAAOSw-31adg5J (disclaimer: I don't know whether this particular one is good for your gun but it's what I've been recommended for my M4)
  14. Yeah it seems ok after a 'proper' charge. Phew! There's now a noticeable difference between the 7.4v and 11.1v, as expected. I'm a bit too busy to do the video now.
  15. Oh bejeezus... I've been charging my Li-Po with the selector switch set to Li-Fe. Have I buggered it?
  16. Do please bear in mind that the 11.1v is right down near storage-level charge... ~10.5v total, ~3.50v per cell I suspect that'll be the real reason...? I'm bunging one on charge now, I'll re-test and re-upload at lunch.
  17. Did you watch my videos? How's yours compare to mine? HPA is ridonculousness, can't compare with that!
  18. Ooooooft that must be painful for Novritsch too. Mine is still showing as 'at customs'.
  19. I made a terrible boo-boo... I said 'Ricochet' when I should have said 'Crossfire' *That* is the greatest thing ever. Will you ever forgive me???
  20. @MandalShArK That's a fine loadout! @BigStew Which AK did you get? I do love the idea of a metal + wood/polymer AK at some point (i.e. if my TM AK dies)
  21. Ok, as it's lunchtime I've picked up my guns and connected the batteries in, and I have to say the DE doesn't sound nearly as sluggish as before. Maybe it was just too damned cold from a day's skirmishing, and hadn't fully warmed up when I test dry-fired it in the house. I've made videos of the DE running on both the fully-charged Titan 7.4v Li-Ion, and the probably-almost-empty Turnigy 11.1v Li-Po See what you think... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-xsDy7hO-M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vssqdmNKVIA (Not much difference in the RoF between the two batteries to my ear, that 11.1v needs a full charge and I'll maybe re-upload it) and for comparison my Classic Army M16 (which might have been upgraded a gazillion years ago) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpU5RuvkxeA
  22. @Fatboy40 please please please either video / take pics / make notes as you do the gearbox tear-down, as I might be following in your footsteps shortly, and I'm less 'excited' and more 'nervous'
  23. I haven't done any of my famously wonderful soldering on the M906, so I don't think the connection to the battery is a problem. The battery is working fine with the other guns. I could retry one of my other Li-Po's but they're at storage charge levels at the moment. The gun does sound a noisier than the other guns - perhaps it needs some shimming. Opening up the gearbox is not something I really want to try because I'll probably end up with a bunch of parts and insufficient skills to put them back together properly (as happened with my AK) I will make a slight adjustment to the motor height from the pistol grip baseplate, see if that changes anything, as that's a simple thing to try!
  24. An update as I found Dave's custom airsoft has the Snow Wolf AUG at a much better price and it's in stock (well, they'll let you order it and it'll turn up within a couple of weeks...) https://www.davescustomairsoft.co.uk/sw-020t-aug-aeg-olive?search=aug £124 The Cybergun F2000 is there for the same price as elsewhere, £180 https://www.davescustomairsoft.co.uk/fn-f2000-assault-rifle-replica-tan?search=f2000 They've also got the Ares shorty L85 with SUSAT for a somewhat tempting £340. (I really would prefer the classic full-length L85, but the SUSAT is worth a fair bit on its own, and the shorty look I am definitely up for, with other guns at least) https://www.davescustomairsoft.co.uk/l85-afv-subcarbine-replica?search=l85 As I'm going to really annoy my wife by asking for airsoft kit for Xmas it'll come down to either the AUG or a TM GBB pistol I suspect the pistol to be honest... my AK is running well but I've not swapped away from my M4 as yet.
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