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Posts posted by Cannonfodder

  1. 7 minutes ago, Neptune said:

    Definitely dodgy.


    Their website is awful, the returns link doesn't work, same with the shipping link.


    Here's the company: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/11245922


    Go to the filing history, it's almost been struck off twice even though it's only been operating 3 years.


    Take note of the addresses there as well Rorlec, might come in handy in future if things don't progress.

    Was just editing my post to say the same. Here's their listing on Companies House 


  2. You do realise that dickish behaviour is caused by the flesh coloured squishy bit, rather than whatever powers the rif? 

  3. 17 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


    even if we assume everyone on-site is perfectly abiding by fps and med rules, you could still accidentally pop your head up at the wrong place and catch a round from a sniper point blank who was trying to shoot someone further away.

    Having been in a similar scenario, although it wasn't quite point blank, I can confirm this does happen. Basically I was crawling on my belly hoping to get into a position to post a pyro into a sniper's position. I lifted myself up to go over a log and was met with a heavy weight round to the face from about 3 yards. When I spoke to the sniper later it turned out he was lining up a shot on someone else when my face filled his scope and the sudden surprise made him jump and accidentally pull the trigger

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