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Posts posted by Cannonfodder

  1. 13 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

    They're still hella satisfying when you get a hit, but that's from putting in the effort, not because they're particularly effective.

    I think this is the case for most guns being discussed here. My Well MP7 is a prime example. The hop can't lift anything heavier than a .2g bb and struggles to reach 40ft range, but my god is it satisfying when I get a shot on target. Especially if said target is carrying an Uber expensive top of the range rif

  2. Like it or not, the fans are representing the country too and their actions reflect on the rest of us. 

    The peado neighbour analogy only really works if you're actively supporting them being a nonse, in which case you should be locked up. 

  3. I'm not talking about banning the sport completely, just removing any team who's fans can't behave themselves.


    With the number of cameras in stadiums (along with cameras on phones) and the way social media works it wouldn't be that hard to identify the culprit. Would you want to be known as the person who got England booted out of a major competition? 

  4. Sorry but I have to disagree on blaming alcohol. Rugby fans are traditionally even bigger piss heads and just as passionate, but are able to get along fine with opposition fans. To the point that they don't need to be segregated in the stadium

  5. On 07/07/2021 at 22:36, MiK said:

    YES !!!!!

    IT’S COMING HOME (almost) :)

    Well I'm going to pretend to be out then


    I see another twat with a laser has decided to show why England fans are hated. If it was down to me England would be kicked out of the competition and the win given to Denmark for that shit as it shows zero respect for the game 

  6. I went once years ago and I don't think I've ever had a worse airsoft experience. Here's why

    Rediculous amounts of cheating done in front of marshalls who did nothing. For example one game had a single respawn fir both teams and a click divided into coloured sections. If the minute hand was in your teams colour you can go back into the game. One player (with a Marshall watching) moved the hand to put it in his teams colour and the Marshall did nothing. 


    Marshalls more interested in the supposed status of being staff than doing the job. 


    Rules made to give their regulars a massive advantage


    Rules changed I'd game whenever the regulars started to get beaten 


    Stupidly long wait between games. Anything up to half an hour


    Lastly the owner is a cunt who'll be your best mate to your face but start slagging you off behind your back. He's also a thieving shit who'll take money for guns he doesn't have, just search any social media for special airsoft supplies to read up on the bullshit this guy has pulled

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