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Posts posted by Cannonfodder

  1. 12 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

     given that sites seem to - at most - just shrug and say "Oh dear, we'll make an announcement at the next briefing".  I've yet to see or hear of one locking the place down and frisking folk, which is what it would take.  And from a liability and duty of care point of view, they're smarter to not get involved.

    I've only seen it happen once, but that was over a wallet which had been nicked and there was at least a couple off duty police officers on site. 


    I've numbered mags before, but this was incase one started playing up I coulld ID it easily

  2. 1 hour ago, Druid799 said:

    Did tell them that very thing , and I also asked about other brands of ammo in sealed bottles to be told by some old codger I hadn’t seen till lunchtime that they used these ones as (not saying I would) “players could easily swap white non bio for white bio” ? But yet the .3 and above ammo which was near twice the price WAS white’ish !🤔

    Edit ; the ammo is green devil bio I googled it and it isn’t on retail in the UK just whole sale , but it is retailed in other countries .

    They charge £13.50 for 5000 .25’s on site , found it for sale in Holland and it was 12.40€ a bag so not too much of a mark up I suppose.

    Yeah, because nobody could swap dysentery brown bios for non bios of the same colour. 


    Well at least they're not taking the piss with prices, but I still think this is down to making money rather than the stupid excuse they've given


  3. A great day last Sunday where the only negative was one incident on the second game. A player was shot after calling a hit and decided the best action was to start spraying people with his speedyboi drum mag hpa pistol. This was infront of multiple witnesses (including staff) so was given the boot. The bit that makes me laugh though is that the whole group left with one complaining its not fair as someone else had done similar in the past and didn't get banned. 


    This turned out to be a blessing though as after that group left the standard of play went right up

  4. On 17/08/2021 at 10:24, Jacob Wright said:

    Mine has a personality so fine that she doesn’t live with me 🤷🏼‍♀️ Maybe if she did I’d be more willing to get up?

    There's always pornhub. 


    Another +1 for the Man Down group on faceache. I don't post much in it but simply knowing its there can be a big help



  5. Yes I've been, all be it not for a few years. 


    It's not just the quality of the gameplay though. I was left with the impression that they were only interested in taking your money and didn't give a shit after that. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Shamal said:

    Haha whatever floats ya boat😉

    No to be fair it's a great weekend away. Not so much about game play for me,but that is a bonus. 👍



    That's the thing though, while I admit the social side can be good the quality of the game is the exact opposite. If I want to go camping and get pissed up I can do that without paying £100 for the privilege 

  7. An interesting thread here. I've been trying to get to a healthier weight, but unlike most folk posting, I'm approaching it from the other side so if anyone has suggestions on how to healthily put weight on I'm all ears


    On 13/07/2021 at 12:24, PopRocket123 said:

    It can't be overstated how the state of your mental health directly affects your physical health. Sounds like you're in a better place now though. 

    This. I know its easier said than done but exercise is known to have a positive effect on mental health 

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