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Everything posted by Groot

  1. Interested but since its priced more than a retailers. What warranty support are you providing as part of your sale?
  2. @colinjallen Come on man, put us out of our misery
  3. If you want realism, yes the MWS with the upgraded hop nub and mags will hit your budget. I would recommend looking for a second hand one. They come up fairly regularly and as long as it hasn't been fucked with ie **upgraded**, there isn't much that can really go wrong. Bar the consumables and a few easy to replace springs. I have one and i really don't care for it. Yes it does everything it should and it does it fine but a well tuned AEG is better ( bar the recoil effect )
  4. I have a set of these https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000960443462.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4d6ytqmY Totally passable and will last as long as the amount I have invested in them. Really happy for the money. Used them for 2 games and havent fallen apart. Are they as good as my Gen 1 or 3 Crye.... No but they accept the knee pads and look the part enough for me to care. Only issue you might have if you one of those two part shooter belts, is that the rear loops are a little skinny and need to be widened. TMC and Emerson are not going to be much better and these Ali ones are definitely as good as the Viper or Kombat ones
  5. Start with the obvious. Put a new spring in and rule that out. If it's an old gun, there is a chance the spring has spent a long amount of time compressed.
  6. Experiences in Airsoft that have stuck with me over 25 years or so I have played it. In no particular order or date ( cannot remember ) Light Fighter Airsoft - Stirling Services. Clearing a building wearing Gen2+ NV . Then moving the scope to my rifle and dropping tangos, while hiding on top of some machinery in a warehouse. The hit taking was incredible considering it was night time. Cricky in Wales - Stirling Services. During a Black Dawk Down game, the Opfo were in their call to prayer. Myself and @quango2k had snuck really far forwards and had a sniping position in a building over looking the group. I trained my scope square on the forehead of a player ( sorry it was too good not too ) and as the count down to end of prayers was heard... 3 2 1 - Pew - Guy dropped on his ass with shock. We laughed like school girls and then exfil'd. CHD - Stirling Services - Again @quango2kand I were very far forwards. Holding a forward house from the masses. We held it for so long with a combination of skills, blank grenades and crow scarers. Never had my heart rate up so high. Combat South - Just general high jinx defending the village.
  7. The whole thing comes down to honesty though doesn't it. The best a site can do is sniff out any really hot guns that the owner is not aware of by throwing them through a chrono with FPS or Joules set, forcing them to use the 0.2's provided is cheap and its a historically understood measurement for noobs. Less arguments and ticks the insurance requirements. Done Having to reset the chrono each time for a new weight, to get an accurate joule reading, is pointless. In game chronoing is fine but thats a little different to the morning base line chrono. The in game is to make sure that people are honest and to put the fear of being caught into cheats.
  8. It really doesn't matter to me. The gun is either site legal or it's not. People are honest, or they are not. The easiest way is for a site owner is force the person to use site BBs to chrono and measure the output. To get a rough idea of hot guns and potential players to mark. Or do what most do and have an fps chart based on the weight of bbs they are "told" are in the mag. A morning chrono needs to be quick and with as little faffing as possible. In "yeah ok" taggem and send them down the line. If a sniper is running 500fps on .2s. You know its going to be over, when they put anything else in it and no one runs snipers on .2s AEG's are a little harder to predict as some people for unexplained reasons still run lite ammo. Joules are nice for nerds. In the grand scheme of running a site; People can cheat the chrono every day of the week, if they want to. Lying about ammo weights, running a cold gas mag, turning the hop right up or changing out a spring.
  9. My goto is Google. I then see who has it the cheapest and in stock. Best shop is a nice idea but really doesn't matter. It's the same kit and AEG's either work out the box or don't. Once i've taken it out and started shooting, in my experiences and with multiple shops over the years. It is pot luck on in a shop will support repairs when you strip a gear or something goes pop. I usually mod mine the day it arrives anyway, so warranty is kind of moot. But that said, best shops for service are Combat South and Land Warrior.
  10. I use mine more than my MWS, to be honest.
  11. If you can get past the size reduction with the MP7. Go for it. Its just an awesome little gun. Change the hop rubber and you are done. Very accurate, good on gas, snappy, great noise etc etc If you have super large ape hands, it might be an issue. I have normal size adult man hands and I have not had a problem. This is mine
  12. They should have shot him in the face.. With Real bullets.. but hey ho..
  13. Honestly, the only reason i can see to want an airsoft shotgun, is to tell people its for close encounters.
  14. I did AK in my youth but it wasn't for me. That said. IF i ever wanted to. I would go with a Suppressed Cyma 74U. Those are pretty little blasters
  15. That is how i use normal mags
  16. I will just have to run some black gas for the 3 shots i might do a day I have spent so much on my pistol but never seem to have a reason to use it. Doing CBQ - Take the MP7 ( got I love that gun ) Winter games, run the PTW with more mags
  17. Tried Larping at a Filmsoft weekend. I looked awesome but that level of RP wasn't me. I am just a shooter Systema Master Race The pistol rarely gets used enough to need a back up. Plus how do you beat
  18. Hello all, Over the last few years, I have slimmed down my collection to what I will use. Sourced all the gear and accessories I need. I think... I am done. Upgraded TM MWS Systema PTW Upgrade TM G-Spec Upgraded GBB Pistol Upgraded MP5K AEG Upgraded MP7 GBB My main Crye camo and various others. Selection of gucci 1st and 2nd line Helmet and comms Oakley boots Selection of eye pro About the only thing left is to buy fun team patches, ammo, gas and to maintain my kit. I'M SCARED!!
  19. The cool down on full auto would be horrific on gas wouldn’t it?
  20. Why would you taint an MSW with HPA filth?
  21. I would guess around £450 for the lot. I know what you mean about the low ammo count. I am still attempting to love my MWS, but its just mostly sits in the bag . While i run my PTW
  22. I had a TM one when they were first released. It was quite good as an AEG, but the hicaps would jam alot and the mags where just a dick to carry and change. Bit like the Vector
  23. Didn't P90s stop being popular when Stargate SG1 ended?
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