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Everything posted by Groot

  1. Op as others have said. Sniping in Airsoft is an expensive and mostly unrewarding task, compared to the joys of a nicely turned, entry level AEG with a decent hop rubber and quality ammo. Budget around £500 to build a sniper that will be worth using and about 3p per BB. So many people buy a sniper, use it and then we see it for sales on the forums at a knocked down price the following month I myself have a sniper which i have used for about 1/3 of one game over the last year. If you are basing your want to snipr off videos from Youtube, well.. sadly, they are 99% bullshit. Also the people that film them, are usually IRL cunts.
  2. Groot

    Dboys sr25

    About £150 If you do sell. I would be interested in just the Midcaps
  3. Why sites have a single fire system, while shooting in and out of buildings. I get single fire inside. It's sad that people are more delicate these days and cry if they get lit up but i accept that single fire helps reduce this and can allow for a better flow of game. Fine. What i don't understand is how if the guy is standing by a building, you can light him up. If he then moves into the building and into cover, you are only allowed to single at him. If a guy is standing in the middle of the open, you can light him up. Same guy, if you are in the upstairs of a building, you have to single pew. Stupid logic that makes no sense.
  4. This is not a which BB am best0r thread. I have googled and I have failed to find an answer. Has anyone here done or have a link to a decent test of a normal 1.1 joule rifle, (so not DMR or Sniper power) test of ammo weights to see which actually does get the best range? ( carrying an acceptable hit accuracy ) Current lore is that 0.32 in an AEG am best0r Other Angry techs say its 0.28's Today someone swore to me that he has consistently out ranged others with 0.25s I have all the hardware to test but no where to do it. So hoping someone else has Shibby
  5. We have them, ran them for years. No issues with the popo
  6. Where are you finding kumi motors? I need one.
  7. I don't care about their other customers, when I have a problem. I call, I get the resolution I want, I move on with my day. I'm good at getting what i want too. I tell the same thing to the people I work with. They respect that and act accordingly. Then if I get an email from them, I know I can happily respond to it, as and when I have time to deal with it. If they message me on Teams or call, they get my fully attention. There and then. Assuming I haven't set myself to DND or I'm busy. Then it just forwards to one of my subordinates . Either way, end result is the partner get the support they want, they leave happy and do more stuff to bolster my commission.
  8. Op i will say the same thing I say to every noobie that joins and asks this question. Don't spray it in-front of a cop and don't be a cunt with it after you spray it. Follow those simple rules and not one person or site in the UK is going to give a shit. Not even a part shit. Nay even a nugget of a shit.
  9. As an OG systema user, I was and still am very interested in the Infinity. That said, i think the price they are providing it for and the requirement to gut your old and probably quite functional PTW, is criminal. I am glad to hear you are having a mostly hassle free experience from it. Everyone else I have spoken to so far, is not singing its praises. Not that it surprises me. Out of the box my PTW failed after 4-5 mags and had to have its motor worked on by Tackleberry. It also irks me that is designed that you have to use that stupid grip faux motor insert. My 2008 PTW has the same hop ad you and an Orga magnus wide barrel. It too reaches out for miles. On an 11.1 it fires as fast as my finger can pull but i do want to try a working Infinity to see if the difference is that noticeable to warrant the buying of a new one. My plan is to let the Alpha testers sort out the issues and look to buy a PTW challenge kit once they release the infinity with a matching body. ( Thank you for your service ) Then I will have two working PTWs
  10. Groot

    TM NGRS m4

    That is beautiful and I know it will have cost you a lot of money. Sadly, it is going to be worth around half what you probably paid for it. If you are looking to sell. I would package it as just the gun and a mag and sell the rest separately. What is it worth.... The gun and a mag, around £700-800 if you wait for a buyer that likes the look of it.
  11. Hello, I have been messing around today with Maple Airsoft Supply Superfeed springs. So, you don’t have to. While this is based on PTW mags, I expect but cannot test that the results would be similar for other 120 round M4 midcaps. Some back story, I was the person who back in the day figured out a solution to PTS Pmags mags not feeding correctly and I was in contact with PTS with how they could improve their product. ( This was for PTW's ) Some of my recommendations made it into later versions. I did a big post about it on the old Systema Europe Forum ( RIP ) It actually worked out well for me as after buying 2 at full price, I got another 8 from the forums for almost nothing, from people who’s didn’t work. I have been running these mags since about 2012/13, when they were first released. After upgrading to 11.1 Lipo batteries, I found that the stock springs could not keep up with the ROF on even as light as .25 bbs. Back then there was only one readily available solution on the market and that was MAG heavy replacement springs. They came in 2 parts and required the joiner that was supplied in the PTS mags to use. They were hateful to fit but they did their job very well. Some of my mags are starting to give me feeding issues now and as I was going to service them, I decided to update the springs too. Maple ones come as a one-piece and are a universal fit for up to 250 round mid-caps. So you are required to cut them to size and there is no guide for PTW Pmags until now The PTS Mags with MAG springs seem to take around 110-112 out of an original 120 round design. Apparently, If you manage to fit the entire thing into a 120 round mid-cap, you can only fit about 45 rounds in. Pretty sure the force it would throw BB’s out would cause double feeds but I’m not going to test that. Here are the results of the cut Maples Super spring relaxed 55cm – 99 rounds Super spring relaxed 51cm – 111 rounds I will update later when I’m not at work with a video of the mag dumping but I have sprayed the bbs out a few times and they come out with a pleasant force. Cheers
  12. As someone who has worked in retail before and now looks after global businesses. Why do people always email when there is an issue? Has never made sense to me. Pick up the damn phone and speak to a human. Then if you don't get the answer you want, you can give them shit over the phone. We put all emails and tickets raised through our PSA system to the lowest priority, because if its not important enough to call, then they can wait until we get to it. If they call we start on the resolution there and then.
  13. Yes and no. I recently sold mine and got £830, but mine was a work of art. There is always a buyer if you package it well and are prepared to wait. The negatives on this one is that the paint job is marmite
  14. With a full well defined list of the parts actually fitted and if they are the right parts. I would say about £800. With the rather vague description £500-600
  15. Hello, I just picked up a used https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/specna-arms-daniel-defense-mk18-sa-e19-edge which is going to be my backup gun, but i want to make it all it can be. Tried it on 7.4 and it's fine, tried it on 11.1 and it's how I would want it. That said, the system recommends a 7.4. The box is going to be opened and serviced anyway and my goto would be to short stroke the box and add a stronger spring to bring it up to around 350 on 0.2s, making it snappier and with a faster ROF. My question is. All things being equal is a short stroked box with a stronger spring (going to assume an m110 or maybe m120) and a 7.4 a better option than untouched gears, a slightly stronger ( M100 ) and an 11.1. Over to you Cheers
  16. I ended up with a slightly cut down M120 to get to 350 but it does depends on the brand of spring. Sadly they are not all equal.
  17. TM Gspec with about £200 in upgrades
  18. The word "Trade" always sets off my alarm bells. Translates to "Its fucked and I don't want Paypal protection available for you" "I don't own it and the police are never going to get involved, when i don't send it. I just have to ignore your PM's" "I have something I massively overvalue and i am unable to sell it on the forums but I hope you are a little bit stupid"
  19. Have you considered unwrapping it? I think you have more luck and people will be able to see its not damaged.
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