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  1. Thanks
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Arwen in Perfecting Your Loadout, the Unsung Hero of Destroying Your Bank Account   
    I believe the FRV Shooters belt are somewhat of a favourite over here when it comes to this style of belt. I personally didn’t get on with it, but they are really well made at a competitive price versus the vast selection of similar belts.
  2. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Skara in Perfecting Your Loadout, the Unsung Hero of Destroying Your Bank Account   
    It’s been a long time since I’ve had to start from nothing when it comes to a loadout. Switching over to a bolt action rifle initially meant I didn’t feel I need to change a huge amount from my standard AR setup, likely just meaning I could loose the plate carrier entirely because everything would comfortably fit on a belt.
    Once ‘ghillie-ing up’ became the route I wanted to take this changed... a lot.
    I’m now 3 different chest rigs, 3 different belts and a whole host of pouches deep trying to hit a sweet spot that I’m not entirely sure exists (in my experience and opinion you don’t know a setup is properly working until you field it). Each purchase has been to trying and correct something which felt inconvenient while playing, thought often it creates another which requires buying something else. I feel like I’m ‘about there’ now, but ultimately I’ll only get that answer once I’ve got out to a skirmish.
    The whole process has left me wondering how other folks go about perfecting their loadouts... or more to the point, whether they do? Is this simply a case that I’m trying to create a setup with some very specific things I want to achieve that just haven’t been a consideration ahead of ‘sniping’?
  3. Haha
  4. Haha
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    alxndrhll got a reaction from sonofsammo in Funniest Airsoft Fallacies   
    Largely the same when it comes to previews/reviews/first impressions. Though not solely due the legitimacy of the opinions give... which leads me nicely to one of the more frustrating fallacies.
    That good, consistent QC exists within RIF manufacturing. Just because the fella on the internet got a good one, doesn’t mean you will.
  6. Thanks
    alxndrhll got a reaction from MILITATED in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Don't cha just hate it when 7" is deemed 'slightly too short'... I blame the internet.
    Looks like a tidy job on the other though 👌
  7. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Skara in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    I’ve been eyeing up one of ‘Utility Rigs’ for a while as a cheaper option to throw a bunch of fake leaves and other random assorted shite onto with Shoe Goo (loved the D3CRM and Flatpack combo, didn’t have the heart to deface it).
    Don’t suppose you know how well the SMG inserts would work for pistol mag retention? The only thing that’s been putting me off is how shallow the pistol mag inserts seem to be, it’s weird that they’ve stitched the bottom... though I guess picking that stitching is another option to have them sit a bit deeper.
  8. Thanks
    alxndrhll reacted to L3wisD in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    This was something I was contemplating myself earlier actually.
    For all intents and purposes they are the same width, with each "Compartment" being the same. But the SMG inserts being open at the bottom allow the smg mags to sit further down into the pouch.
    I've got two of the Pistol mag inserts and they're good - retention is tight on the mag without being annoying and you can sit the insert down into the pouch quite far so only the baseplate sits proud of the pouch itself. Wouldn't worry about them falling out.
  9. CoolAF
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Rogerborg in Funniest Airsoft Fallacies   
    Largely the same when it comes to previews/reviews/first impressions. Though not solely due the legitimacy of the opinions give... which leads me nicely to one of the more frustrating fallacies.
    That good, consistent QC exists within RIF manufacturing. Just because the fella on the internet got a good one, doesn’t mean you will.
  10. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Tackle in ASG B&T USW Pistol (CO2)   
    According to the LWA listing it doesn't come with any of the accessories, I agree if it had done it'd be a decently priced little package.

    And of course the R&D and set up costs of coming to the market with something new tend to assume a higher price. But as with anything to do with cost it'll always be subjective. I hope anyone that picks one up absolutely loves it, especially those that have been waiting on a USW replica. Seeing new replicas is a great thing and I hope it does well.
  11. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Skara in Funniest Airsoft Fallacies   
    “The lighter your BBs the further they go but you sacrifice accuracy. The heavier your BBs the more accurate they are but you sacrifice range.” 
    I’m sure this will sound entirely insane in this day and age. Very much because I started playing forever ago, back when it was rare to see anyone using ammo other than .2s. If someone was popping .25s in their mag they meant business, heaven forbid the fabled Maruzen .29s. But yeah, this was absolutely something I understood to be true.
    As heavier weights became more readily available and the general consensus became try different weights until you find the sweet spot. I followed suit and seemingly now use different weights in pretty much every RIF I own (.32s in my MWS, .36-.4s in my mk23, .43s in my VSR and .48s in my SRS). But yeah, certainly the biggest ‘well that was a dumb thing I used to believe’ I can think of.
  12. Haha
    alxndrhll reacted to Rogerborg in Funniest Airsoft Fallacies   
    Shoulders can be read over, chap. 🤫
  13. Careful Now
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Rogerborg in Funniest Airsoft Fallacies   
    Accompanied by the cost you told your partner.
  14. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from GothicGhost in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Joined the SRS club, immediately pulled it apart to paint it (along with a suppressor cover). Scope mount also showed up today, looking forward to the scope arriving along with some parts for the SRS.

  15. Haha
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Rogerborg in Funniest Airsoft Fallacies   
    Here’s me thinking the title of this thread was ‘Funniest Airsoft Fallacies’.

  16. Haha
    alxndrhll reacted to Rogerborg in Funniest Airsoft Fallacies   
    Like most religious beliefs, this one is never not funny.

  17. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Hudson in Funniest Airsoft Fallacies   
    “The lighter your BBs the further they go but you sacrifice accuracy. The heavier your BBs the more accurate they are but you sacrifice range.” 
    I’m sure this will sound entirely insane in this day and age. Very much because I started playing forever ago, back when it was rare to see anyone using ammo other than .2s. If someone was popping .25s in their mag they meant business, heaven forbid the fabled Maruzen .29s. But yeah, this was absolutely something I understood to be true.
    As heavier weights became more readily available and the general consensus became try different weights until you find the sweet spot. I followed suit and seemingly now use different weights in pretty much every RIF I own (.32s in my MWS, .36-.4s in my mk23, .43s in my VSR and .48s in my SRS). But yeah, certainly the biggest ‘well that was a dumb thing I used to believe’ I can think of.
  18. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Rogerborg in Funniest Airsoft Fallacies   
    “The lighter your BBs the further they go but you sacrifice accuracy. The heavier your BBs the more accurate they are but you sacrifice range.” 
    I’m sure this will sound entirely insane in this day and age. Very much because I started playing forever ago, back when it was rare to see anyone using ammo other than .2s. If someone was popping .25s in their mag they meant business, heaven forbid the fabled Maruzen .29s. But yeah, this was absolutely something I understood to be true.
    As heavier weights became more readily available and the general consensus became try different weights until you find the sweet spot. I followed suit and seemingly now use different weights in pretty much every RIF I own (.32s in my MWS, .36-.4s in my mk23, .43s in my VSR and .48s in my SRS). But yeah, certainly the biggest ‘well that was a dumb thing I used to believe’ I can think of.
  19. Thanks
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Cr0-Magnon in Funniest Airsoft Fallacies   
    I did some reading up following our conversation to try and get a better understanding of it, your explanation is still the only thing that makes it even remotely make sense to dumb-dumb over here.
  20. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from sonofsammo in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    Is the sum of the mentioned ‘upgrades’ a fluted cylinder and an enlarged bolt handle? Or did we just not bother listing the others? Let me guess...

    General advice to avoid the no doubt incoming twisting of knickers. If you’re selling something with aftermarket parts in it, tell folks what they are.

    Selling a second hand RIF (irrelevant of its use, unless you’re a retailer it’s second hand) for £500+ is a tall order. Ultimately you don’t have to justify your price to anyone... but a detailed listing of what exactly potentially interested parties are actually getting will aid any chance of a successful sale you have.
  21. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Rogerborg in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    It’s anecdotal evidence at best at the end of the day. Given the bulk of his products are ‘sniper’ focused I wouldn’t be shocked if folks take the gnu out for a morning session, don’t enjoy the play style, carefully place (read as ‘lob’) it back in the case at lunchtime and pop it up as ‘unskirmished’ the moment they get home.
    “Selling because sniping isn’t for me” is probably the number one reason for sale I see in the springer section. Given the marketing behind the SSG range it tracks that they’re often purchased by folks that haven’t used a bolt action gnu before, and thus the cycle is complete.
    I also think there is an element of folks feeling they have to justify their reason of sale and often the actual reason could put off potential buyers.
    ”Selling because it’s a safe queen and deserves to be used.”

    Sounds much better than.
    “Selling because I’ve put a heap of money into this and it still isn’t performing as well as my other RIFs so I just want to make some of my money back”.
    (Yes, this is also all anecdotal)
  22. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Alimcd in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    It’s anecdotal evidence at best at the end of the day. Given the bulk of his products are ‘sniper’ focused I wouldn’t be shocked if folks take the gnu out for a morning session, don’t enjoy the play style, carefully place (read as ‘lob’) it back in the case at lunchtime and pop it up as ‘unskirmished’ the moment they get home.
    “Selling because sniping isn’t for me” is probably the number one reason for sale I see in the springer section. Given the marketing behind the SSG range it tracks that they’re often purchased by folks that haven’t used a bolt action gnu before, and thus the cycle is complete.
    I also think there is an element of folks feeling they have to justify their reason of sale and often the actual reason could put off potential buyers.
    ”Selling because it’s a safe queen and deserves to be used.”

    Sounds much better than.
    “Selling because I’ve put a heap of money into this and it still isn’t performing as well as my other RIFs so I just want to make some of my money back”.
    (Yes, this is also all anecdotal)
  23. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Rogerborg in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    Is the sum of the mentioned ‘upgrades’ a fluted cylinder and an enlarged bolt handle? Or did we just not bother listing the others? Let me guess...

    General advice to avoid the no doubt incoming twisting of knickers. If you’re selling something with aftermarket parts in it, tell folks what they are.

    Selling a second hand RIF (irrelevant of its use, unless you’re a retailer it’s second hand) for £500+ is a tall order. Ultimately you don’t have to justify your price to anyone... but a detailed listing of what exactly potentially interested parties are actually getting will aid any chance of a successful sale you have.
  24. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from Jedi_Master in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    Is the sum of the mentioned ‘upgrades’ a fluted cylinder and an enlarged bolt handle? Or did we just not bother listing the others? Let me guess...

    General advice to avoid the no doubt incoming twisting of knickers. If you’re selling something with aftermarket parts in it, tell folks what they are.

    Selling a second hand RIF (irrelevant of its use, unless you’re a retailer it’s second hand) for £500+ is a tall order. Ultimately you don’t have to justify your price to anyone... but a detailed listing of what exactly potentially interested parties are actually getting will aid any chance of a successful sale you have.
  25. Like
    alxndrhll got a reaction from MikeMarden in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Joined the SRS club, immediately pulled it apart to paint it (along with a suppressor cover). Scope mount also showed up today, looking forward to the scope arriving along with some parts for the SRS.

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