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Everything posted by CES_williamson

  1. you cant buy the gun from him at all with money or gifts or anything that is illegal, as said above If he gives you the gun out of the goodness of his heart as a gift and thats it and just he is giving it away then thats legal. Using the gun is fine at a site or not, owning one isnt the problem either its the buying of it, so if he gives you the gun as a gift there is no reason why you cant keep it and use it!
  2. the tm recoils are defiantly worth the money you just have to remember that they dont take normal mags they only take specific tm recoil mags as these stop the gun firing after the last shot has been fired like gbb or the real thing but the performance is amazing defiantly worth it!
  3. The gas block is something that brings the bolt back on a real gun but on airsoft guns it is just for looks really, if you are extending the barrel you wont have to worry about it but considering i dont have one of these guns there could be something extra but all i CAN definitely tell you is that a gas block has no purpose on an airsoft gun.
  4. took appart my first gearbox and it still works after!!!

    1. THE FNG

      THE FNG

      Great feeling isn't it!

    2. CES_williamson
  5. well tan doesn't look that bad but black looks better and for your first airsoft gun and battery i really wouldn't go for a lipo because if you aren't careful you can break them very easily overcharge them and when you use them they can blow up if you aren't careful honestly just get a nimh battery of zero one those things are much safer!
  6. i took one of these apart before, the front sight is built into the front of the barrel try screwing the actually front sight off just with your hand
  7. hmmmm might save the pennys up to buy a systema, love my recoil but now feeling i want a systeama

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Russe11


      I might stick to ww2 games where I don't need to take on guys with leet systemas. The ASG Sten mk2 is king of ww2 airsoft guns atm :D

      ...and mine cost £100 :)


    3. CES_williamson


      thats celcius mr B XD and russe i would love to do that but no ww2 games around me :(

    4. Russe11


      Yup you gotta be prepared to travel, got one in June in Portsmouth, then a rifles only event in Sept near Leicester. I don't even have a rifle yet, but now I have to get one :D Theres one in Rudgeley in between I might be able to make it to. Had one in July just got cancelled near Aylesbury due to lack of sign ups :(

  8. guys i think he means having a gearbox that creates the pressure for a bolt like on a gbb to be used, eliminating the need for a gas line or gas in a mag?
  9. what....what....why :( no game of thrones this week :'(

    1. DX115FALCON
    2. Hibernator


      Memorial Weekend in the States, so it's not been on there. Therefore we dont get it either this weekend!

    3. CES_williamson


      :( it should still be aired some where in the world that i can definitely not download it for free...
  10. if you need help finding the right one best place is to go onto zero one and look at electric rifle section and then in G&G (will post link) but dont forget about batterys and mags as well before making it look pretty http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/index.php?cPath=268_318_403
  11. okay i think i get where you are getting confused (don't worry there is a lot to learn we all get confused!) there is a difference between an aeg with blowback and an GBB. an aeg with blowback is a rifle that uses battery's and a gearbox to work, but it has a small plate on the ejection port that moves back and forth creating a simulation of the real thing. a gas blowback, is where the the gun uses gas to work that is stored in the mag,it uses a bolt and some fancy stuff that i have no idea about as dad wont let me touch his gbb m4! but the problem is that a gas blowback mags only hold 30 rounds, and as a starter you should go with an aeg if it has blowback its fine dont worry nothing really to maintain but if you go with a GBB for your first gun without any experience with airsoft guns gbb or aeg probably not the best bet honestly go for an G&G AEG combat machine ! any particular questions please ask we will all be happy to help!!
  12. its because its a systema. But honestly once you play for a few years you will want to just buy the best gun out there, i chose a TM recoil over a systema, and i have spent well over what a systema is new on my recoil to get it how i want. But they are good but its the brand that makes them that expensive.
  13. never said any airsoft guns do mate, but yeah it does add some sounds to it
  14. debatable, they sound a bit pathetic (in my opinion) but that's because i have a tm recoil so i don't even notice the blow back as the recoil is what i notice more!
  15. are you talking about the TM recoils? the blowback on a G&G combat machine is just blowback and thats it, the TM recoils have a special recoil unit inside the buffer tube as well as blowback
  16. GBB's are okay but you have to remember you only have 30 rounds in a mag and extra mags are much more expensive? for a first rifle G&G are good but we usually recomend going with an AEG as its just easier to maintain and G&G are very reliable.
  17. okay a GBB is different, this is a gas blow back rifle it wont use battery's, it uses gas? is that what you wanted? because if you do its completely different to blowback on an AEG? (Which uses battery's)
  18. depends on what you do? internaly its just something extra to keep in check but if you are just going to swap out external parts it doesnt make a difference?
  19. blowback is just for looks, it doesnt do anything. Unless you plan to do work on the rifle then blowback wont effect the gun in a bad or good way its just for looks, but the G&G guns are really good for starter guns!
  20. ffs sister having party so my house is full of over 100 drunk 18 year olds... on second thought that isnt such a bad thing...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DX115FALCON


      Location? I'll be there in 5 minutes

    3. TacMaster


      Crack out the airsoft guns- that's what I did with my sister's last party. Nobody's come since a guy burst into the main hall of our house in full kit with a bigass sniper rifle ;)

    4. CES_williamson


      lol been eventful night luckily not too much pissing around so guns stayed locked away XD

  22. i ordered a few things a while ago from them, got held up in customs for a few days even though it was the slide frame of a 1911 had to pay £40 to get it out but it arrived non broken and working so thats fine
  23. last exam tomorrow before half term but its at 9:00 :'(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. CES_williamson


      well i cant drive yet so wouldnt work for me XD

    3. Alcon H

      Alcon H

      How did everyone's exams go?

    4. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Not too bad actually thanks. Not really the stuff I had revised but it was okay :) was the last day today so got study leave until next exam on the sixth :)

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