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Everything posted by CES_williamson

  1. ummm i wouldn't use it for weeks... you do know if you over use a lipo it will just loose its capacity and possibly melt/blowup. But ya know if you enjoy melted plastic,lead and acid in your face/over your hands go ahead. all in the fun of the sport...
  2. hi mate, what set up are you using? deans adaptor in the quick change system? is it the scar? g36? If its the M4 socom i would recommend the 7.4v 800mah lipo, 2 makes it through the day
  3. brilliant my mate passed his maths, and now i have to buy him a game, shouldn't of bet anything considering im broke XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CES_williamson


      na he gets to chose :(

    3. b1n0gHo5t


      Then tell him to get advanced warefare special edition ;-)

    4. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Ahaha unlucky.

  4. mp5k RIS system: http://www.wolfarmouries.co.uk/airsoft/bb/product.asp?page=product&id=BL01
  5. doesn't look like it but considering the mp5k has a very short front end, it looks like it wont and would look bloody stupid XD but dont worry there are mp5k RIS systems out there i have seen them, i will try and fish out a link for you if i find one!
  6. 2 b's rest c's apart from 1 D, and still didn't get into my f*cking sixth form :'(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CES_williamson


      Headmaster wants me to write him an email on why i should be allowed in, annoying git but i have to do it

    3. M_P


      Just say you have values in other areas or some crap like that.

    4. CES_williamson


      yeah i will make up some bullshit make it sound like i am a model student

  7. damn no more airsofting in dubai

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mike636


      No Porn or Betting either!

    3. SimonQuigley


      It's like they want people to leave.


    4. CES_williamson


      definatly didnt know about either of those mike <.< >.>

  8. they wernt airsoft guns, all air pistols and air rifles where behind the counter/ on the walls none where on view or easily accessible like the airsoft guns where.
  9. deek i couldn't of said it better myself, everyone listen to him ^^^^ XD
  10. Well they tried to but thats why UKARA was implimented? something like that?
  11. actually you will find we do? without ukara or control over airsoft the sport will be banned.
  12. nope, they fired our kind of bb's i mean they recommended king arms and elite force bb's!!! i asked the guy and he said they where airsoft guns??
  13. Okay guys, so i was in Cambridge yesterday with a friend of mine, and we went into a pawn shop as it looked like there was some cool stuff in there. I went around the corner saw there was guns and stuff so i immediately went and had a look, to my amazement it wasn'tjust shotguns and air rifles there was also RIF's!!! So i went to the shop worker and asked if i could have a look at one of their guns, he asked if i was over 18 and had a drivers licenence, i dont know why, but i said "no im 16 so dont have UKARA but i just wanted to have a look" and he said that i couldn't look, so i asked if they where UKARA registered as it all seemed a bit fishy, and surprisingly they wernt... i asked what you have to do to buy an airsoft gun from them, and they said you have to be over 18 and with proof you are and they put you on the firearms list thing, but dont need a defense or anything?! just over 18 !!! am i right in saying they are breaking the law or just being paranoid? Thanks guys. The shop is called: bowes & co its near oxfam and the other charity shops around that area of Cambridge.
  14. ahhhh i so want a XDM

  15. Defiantly doing NAE next year, will finaly be able to drive down then!!

    1. TacMaster


      Same :D road trip!!

    2. CES_williamson


      whoop! will take about 3-4 hours for me to get there XD

    3. Del Monty

      Del Monty

      Hopefully I can make it next year all being well ... fingers crossed


  16. oh my god:

    1. Lord_Metile


      You found this by watching ainsleyharriott.exe

    2. CES_williamson
  17. like like LIKE LIKE LIKE !!!!!!! this is probably my favorite post from you...
  18. the topic creator seems to have disappeared.....
  19. 2 things. 1. why are you elite? what makes you elite? 2. have any of you actually had military training to class your training as "elite"? and by military i dont mean where you a cadet for 4 years so you instantly know everything?
  20. how customisable are they? very. how reliable? very. how well do the perform? good. are they worth the money? yes.
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