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Everything posted by M_P

  1. Had a go on a Tippmann m4 today, was quite nice despite being so light.Tempting for sure.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. M_P


      I was surprised by how cheap they are, my site is selling them with the bottle and cable thing for 440 which seems quite reasonable to me.

    3. Hef Legend

      Hef Legend

      They are really good guns, I have two of them. Little setting up required if the shop doesn't do it for you, but they are really nice guns to use

    4. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Two? why not :D

      Wonder if they'd let me have a go with one at Patrol Base...after all I am interested in buying one...just im gonna have to save for a long time first

  2. Yes but most milsims aren't set in the early 1900s.
  3. I only use UK retailers if I want or need something quickly unless it's very cheap. The service tends to be too inconsistent and expensive in my opinion for the most part.
  4. If you get a good one it'll be decent, if you get a bad one it'll be the bane of your life. It's WE so the same with all of them pretty much.
  5. M_P

    Another new bfg

    ... and ugly lol
  6. M_P

    Another new bfg

    ah I see, although with the EDD's redesign means you don't need a whole new grenade
  7. M_P

    Another new bfg

    What do you mean double sided?
  8. Go for blasters, cheap and decent quality. No need to spend a fortune on bbs if you're doing cqb imo.
  9. Probably just WEs poor quality control, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose unfortunately.
  10. They're been quite popular with people on arnies for a while, people seem to be very impressed with the quality of them.
  11. Remembered I got this year's ago from an American PX in Wiesbaden so now stores some of my stuff. ​
  12. Those are the features of pts EPM mags. Their Pmags were 120 capacity and no window.
  13. Sounds like pts ones, licensed by magpul so you're right there. You load with a speed loader, they're not high caps so no window, should hold around 100ish rounds. The button on the bottom is to remove the baseplate for disassembly so just ignore that.
  14. To be fair in the same breadth you could say a thinner one means more bounces in a quicker space of time. I think with several inner barrel manufacturers making wider barrels there has to be something in it. Why bother if not? Add to that the large amount of people switching to orga barrels and others and having good results there's clearly some benefit. It's likely both achieve a similar outcome through different means if anything, neither is likely to be hugely worse or else so many people wouldn't use them. With simple logic tighter is better but i dont understand why you can't believe in the air cushion proposal, it's more than plausible, it's not like a bb holds much mass . just depends which theory you subscribe to but I highly doubt people who've spent significant amounts of money on high end stuff like ptws and p*'s run wide bores over others for no reason. Or it could all make no difference and it's literally just the quality of the components that make the difference
  15. It needs to be aeg specific, barrels have different cuts for different guns. @op,get a mad bull or prometheus, preferably the latter- something around 280mm length will do.
  16. No, it's something anyone can use therefore isn't unfair in my opinion. The user should be sensible but that's the case for any airsoft gun.
  17. That's just it, simple jobs are out there for young people, low pay but something's better than nothing. Sadly these days a lot of people just can't be bothered.
  18. It's an SL9 stock. Pretty sure they require a new receiver, but most come in kits with all the parts anyway.
  19. It'd last me a day, impossible to say how many rounds though as that is gun/battery size dependant.
  20. To be fair that is an actual gun in real life, it's an SL9 or based thereon at least. A civilian version of the g36, which I actually kind of like lol.
  21. M_P

    UKARA Mystery

    It's questioning why so many people believe ukara is required by law.
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