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Posts posted by AlphaBear

  1. 19 minutes ago, gunbod007 said:

    Yep. spent about 30 mins on the phone with Eagle 6 and have decided on Deans plus a spring upgrade but that's it. I will run the gears until they die and then upgrade them to steel in a year or so.

    Don’t forget the spring guide, the piston return will be a snappier with that it and give you a few extra FPS to boost. 

    Granted for 40m distances the stock Marui is fine as is. In fact it perfect and will lift 0.28 easily. It’s only in woodland when you have to compete with 1.14j pews over 60m it will struggle. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, C-Diddy said:

    Tempted with the Titan Li-Ion batteries

    They are a beast of a battery and they fit into the PTS enhanced stock. In fact you can fit them both into the stock and simply swap over half way during the day... although one should last for an average days play....

    24 minutes ago, gunbod007 said:

    Yeah Tan PTS and Magpul stocks are they way to go. 

    Behold, 50 shades of tan! ;) 


  3. @gunbod007i have a Camo Raids 416 already. They do splendid work. E6 is Uber good too. Both retailers you can’t go wrong with. I’ve upgraded a lot of recoils in my time but wanted a few done professionally to see how much difference there is between their work and mine. Other than soldering and mosfett installation I’d say it’s marginal. 

    My MK18 is stock but I’m gonna just swap out the gearbox and the barrel with one from my KoA 416D build coz running a MK18 is just cool. 

  4. @gunbod007...... firstly to upgrade or not to upgrade that is the question.... the answer is simple...  I know how much you love tinkering with your MWS so you're gonna end up wanting to do the same to the MK18 coz it's always gonna be niggling in the back of your mind... so I say scratch that itch... The easiest thing to upgrade as I said in that other thread is the Spring guide and the inner barrel and the hop bucking... That will add about 10-15 fps by doing that so you will take the stock 290fps to 300'ish fps maybe a few more.... Now if you want  to change the spring, you have to crack open the gearbox as the spring is attached to the Marui piston. Yup it's a sucker design!. I'd just put in a new piston, piston head, and a new nozzle (one with an O ring). However, if you do that then you start thinking that you may aswell also change the cylinder and the cylinder head coz the gearbox is open. Oh and at the same time swap the bushes out for steel bushes....  then you think oh I need a purple tappet plate coz well it looks cool and its pretty tough.... and then you think.... hmmmmmmmm new steel gears coz yeah they will last longer than the monkey metal Marui gears..... and then someone says don't forget the Gate Titan coz you can have a multi burst trigger and active/adaptive braking and pre-cocking.... how cool is all that? See how you can easily get on this roller coaster..... (yup guilty as charged)...


    Oh, Eagle6.....! Period!

  5. 9 hours ago, TheFull9 said:


    Looks like they'll attach to anything PALS compatible so they'd work, lot of plastic overhang top and bottom though.


    If your heart's set then far be it from me, but those are gonna stick out a fair bit compared to pretty much any nylon-only pouch through both the construction of the pouch bodies and the attachment system.  You'll end up as quite a wide load and if you went to a more old school bigger/thicker belt to mount big, bulky pouches like those the problem will just be exacerbated.  Personally whenever I've tried solid plastic pouches before I found they rattled against each other really badly, were very annoyingly bulky and a surprising hindrance to movement given the size and lack of flexibility in both their construction and mounting.  If you look at the pros it's super game-y competition guys that use kydex and the like, military have tried it then always gone back, but obviously that might work if you're mainly playing a fairly open indoor site.


    Just thoughts.

    I never thought of the extra bulk of the poly mags. I’ve just had another look and noticed the extra thicker body construction of them. There is a lot more bulk and overhang that’s for sure and looking at the photos they do stick out a tad more. And if one rolls with a single point sling I expect ones RIF will be clanking against them too. Food for thought.... I play exclusively woodland ( for the moment ) so no speedy type running around lark. 



  6. It's not a question of a fiver or a tenner.... it's a question of whether any UK airsoft body is capable of making legal representations to the lawmakers in the UK. Without having that ability the body will hold no merit in political circles. 

  7. But who runs UKAPU? Names please...? Why are they the right people?  Hell I can create a company in a couple of days and call it UKAGB (United Kingdom Airsoft Governing Body Limited), I can even drop a note to my MP and get him on board... Hell even get him playing a few games.... Just pay the yearly fee of £50/yr and you'll also get a patch!

  8. But what will that fee afford us? What will it give us in return? It's one thing saying we need a governing body but who will do it? Will they be elected people or will it be Joe Blogs running it from their bedroom? I mean who the hell actually is Joe Bloggs? A governing body has to be a legitimate, recognised entity, which sits on a panel and is able to make national representation and if you're paying a fee to it it has to have a proper set of financials and accountability. As players we want to know our money is only being used for one purpose snd that's to promote the wellbeing of our sport and to fight our corner and not paying for expensive golfing weekends away! 

  9. 2 hours ago, C-Diddy said:

    I recently got the PLB belt in Coyote to go with a new loadout. Had an OD one before and really liked it. The belts are comfortable with loads of MOLLE space. My only niggles with them are that the buckle strap could be thicker and the buckle itself is unnecessarily fiddly. I picked up the shooters belt pack and, even though I'm not a fan of the mag pouches, it's great value. 


    I saw that belt on UKtactical and thought the same too, but to be honest I mainly want the polymer fast mag pouches (6 maybe 8 ) and they don't do a belt with that many poly pouches and at £20 a pop for each poly mag I thought it's getting silly... 


    Incidentally I do have a FRV shooters belt and that has a metal COBRA buckle and cost £50 during the black Friday weekend so I thought with running with that but I have a feeling It may not be wide enough for the WAS poly mags?

  10. 4 hours ago, rj1986 said:

    @AlphaBear Save having to start a new thread - do you know the size of the star washer for the recoil bar?



    It's a starlock washer I do believe... I'm afraid I don't know the size... Probably best to measure the recoil bar with callipers and then buying a pack..... however it's not essential for the recoil bar truth be told... It's an easy one to lose too... I'm sure it's missing from one of my recoils too...

  11. The way the top recoil works is via the piston. You’ll see a gap at the back of the gearbox. This is where the hook of the upper recoil unit goes into and when the piston Is pulled back so is the top recoil unit. It’s a clever and effective mechanism. 

    I’m actually taking my 416 apart this weekend as I’m upgrading it. I’ll take pics if I can. However from your video that clanking sound ain’t right. Take the buffer tube off and show me the spring guide. Also does your spring come out without you taking the gearbox apart. If it does this means the spring has more than likely been upgraded. The clanking sound may be the piston head is loose from the piston. This can happen if the person who did the upgrade didn’t screw it back to the piston properly. 

    Also check out the Eagle6 disassembly videos. They are really good. Also Dave’s custom does a great video too and also Kingdom of Airsoft. 

  12. Firstly matey who did you buy this off and did they mention those faults before you bought it? It’s totally unacceptable if the seller sold you any rifle and didn’t tell you. I’d have not opened it up and demanded a refund! Period. 

    Having said that all is not lost. The recoil platform is very simple to work on. 

    Q1 - the recoil mechanism has  a number of components. The main recoil unit is in the buffer. This is what gives you the recoil. On top of the receiver you have the dust cover recoil affect. This does not affect the main recoil. It’s there for immersion and looks. From your pics you have a spring missing. This is my 416’s charging handle recoil unit. See the difference? 







  13. 2 hours ago, ajumma said:

    Oh yeah, one word WTF... actually that's really three but you get my meaning..... However, I can see how this will work depending on the RIF in question.... I mean even when I had a folding stock RIF, TM NGRS SCAR I never folded the stock coz it just looked pants to me...



    37 minutes ago, Skara said:

    If you run it on semi only, you don't need to worry about the hammer.


    The AA mag is crap, holds sod all gas even after multiple purges and has the same efficiency of a heavy ass full steel WE gun that runs on duster.


    The first upgrade I recommend is a maple leaf hop rubber and either a maple leaf i-key or hadron equivalent, along with decent mags (WE standards are bang on)


    I'll probably want to run it on Auto too coz that's the whole idea of this.... truth be told I fancy an AW drum mag too :)


    I already have a Marui Glock laying around but only one Mag. If I got a couple of more Marui mags would they be better than the r WE mags you think? 

  15. So chaps.... what internals upgrades do you recommend I do to the plastic fantastic? She's all stock at the moment... I hear people mentioning COW parts so just wanted to know what I need. On a side note, when I empty a mag the slide locks back into position . Then on some occasions  it doesnt lock back and keeps firing on empty. Seems like a weak spring or something somewhere... Then sometimes there is a big puff and gas empties out of the mag... This happens when  using the supplied mag. I haven't tried a Marui glock mag yet....




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