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Everything posted by John_W

  1. On the plus side, the Gun Control Network website has been offline for a few weeks now, and hopefully won't be back anytime soon. 😀
  2. I remember Matt Dean/Mobius Strip used to run a pair of tuned Infinities at a woodland site and he was lethal with them.
  3. I hear Kicking Mustang beat the record. Guiness disputes it but his scope cam clearly shows the hit. 😄
  4. I had a Western Arms Para Ordnance, could never get the hop adjusted properly. Ended up selling it cheap, now worth a fortune.
  5. I miss the old days of the "coke can chrono" 😉
  6. I may go on his Facebook page later and ask if Skirmshop are any good...
  7. There was an FOI request a few years back. I believe there have been a massive 18 prosecutions.
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-57832053 OK, applying the letter of the law, if this is a real firearm, do you break the VCRA by building a LEGO gun?
  9. Oooh. Now if they could clone the hi cap too. https://www.airsoftzone.co.uk/600rnd-magazine-for-aa-12sgr-12-shotgun-tokyo-marui.html
  10. Sun Tzu. Know your enemy... I read The Guardian as well.
  11. This is just the kind of publicity we need... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9652713/Politics-student-24-ordered-Neo-Nazi-flags-tells-court-airsoft-team.html?adobe_mc=TS%3D1622881313|MCAID%3D2FABDF2E851586DD-60000AA674F51CF7
  12. I keep hoping Marui will put their gas shotgun system in to a SPAS 12 (with folding stock). And WE to produce a full metal Beretta 1934 and PPK. (And start putting on trademarks)
  13. I spent three years on Citalopram. Sometimes the side effects were worse than the depression.
  14. I gave up on AI after a few issues. The reviews were awful and their "Wanabe" articles were written by someone with no idea about the real units they were imitating. And I am aware of their reviewers cheating at game sites they were reviewing, and an incident involving home made illegal pyros damaging another players gun.
  15. Someone will HPA it and put in a speed trigger and a drum mag.
  16. In which case, the story would have been on the BBC evening news and in the National Newspapers, his family would have been calling for an enquiry and some MP looking for publicity would have been ranting on about how dangerous "BB guns" were and Airsoft would be the nail that was sticking up when the Home Office needed a scapegoat and got their hammer out. Be careful what you wish for. The VCRA started with a statement "the public would like some controls on the sale of replica weapons, particularly to under 18s"...
  17. The ABA was the interim governing body during the VCRA, but faded away afterwards. At the time there was a lot of internal politics. No-one on Arnies wanted anything to do with a body that had representatives from ASCUK involved, and vice versa. Some site owners (Nutz from SWAT being a prime example) were opposed to anyone telling them how to play with their train set. Too many people want a "light touch" body, but governments tend to want something more organised and in control.
  18. My first site nearly 20 years ago. Shame to see it go. Mat Dean was legendary with his Infinities and a real ninja. There were lots of stories about Rob shooting people's teeth out. It was realy just the same story told lots of times. It wasn't deliberate,he fired his APS from the hip and got a lucky (or unlucky) hit. Pistols in the ferns was always a favourite.
  19. You will have to be tested on site for covid. China begins using ANAL SWABS to test for Covid in Beijing | Daily Mail Online
  20. +1 On Lightfighter Sheffield. Brilliant site and quite spooky in places. The old medical centre in the dark reminded me of playing Doom 3.
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