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Everything posted by Musica

  1. Might be a dumb question but I'd like to see  a few folks solutions/ set ups. I am going to be running a PTT or fist mic soon and in my belt setup I don't have any straps to mount it to. I could fit a yoke to the belt but was wondering if anyone had other solutions for mounting their PTT/fist mic that didn't involve a chest strap. 

  2. Thanks for the pic so do you use the mic in the racals then?
  3. JCI sell the racals as well as wiring them? I was thinking I would need to get them to wire me a PTT to accept the lemo connector in to the kenwood for the baofeng. Might be worth me just getting all the kit of them minus the radio
  4. Won't work with my paintball mask unfortunately and I've been hit with enough xx brand of paper pyro to want to consider protecting my hearing and I have enough trouble hearing people speaking to me currently without putting earphones in/on to block out more noise.
  5. Hey, looking at getting racals to use with my radio while wearing my dye mask. Can you advise if they fit well without discomfort? I tried a pair of AKG IEMs I got with my Samsung and they are fine but I don't know how much the racals stick out or not hard to find people talking about them online let alone in combination with a paintball helmet. Not sure what tips fit them as they seem to require external ones some people wear https://www.amazon.co.uk/Surefire-Sonic-Defenders-Black-Medium/dp/B004DH0YOS/ref=pd_ybh_a_8?_encoding=UTF8&refRID=DCM1P28WEXFYCHHWSN19&th=1&psc=1 but I hear regular buds work on them as well.
  6. BaoFeng UV-5R probably soon to be followed up by some some pouch to stick it in.
  7. Musica

    Various items for sale

    what model of Baoefeng?
  8. They would of earned the name H20 🤣 I poked Wargames centre and they still run walk on airsoft events. I agree if you don't advertise you won't be in taking people at a good rate and people will eventually lose interest in the hobby but it's too easy to play arm chair general, they are running a site how works for them. It also shows they aren't trying to cram as many people as a fire marshal finds acceptable in to their site so I can respect that.
  9. I just get the impression so many sites are money making schemes providing as little as possible to qualify as a "skirmish" site. Depot isn't perfect by any stretch but I've seen so much progression and work being done in the 9 months I've been going. That Wargames Centre looks cool but does seeem to have died in Febuary and seems to run the same weekends as depot as well looking for the other weekend. Currently the cloest indoor site I could find is newcastle. Could make it as they don't start till 1PM till 8PM http://www.nolimitspaintballandlaser.co.uk/activities/airsoft Be nice to have one a bit closer. Fife Wargames was good but just can't make plans too far in advance with outdoor sites.
  10. My local is the depot and I go at least once a month sometimes twice but I like to try other sites to keep it interesting. I have been to section 8 and fife war games. If anyone could let me know of some other sites I can look at I am willing to drive a fair amount.
  11. at least he didn't say it was "brand new never skirmished" getting fed up of reading those £500+ adverts recently.
  12. Musica

    Wanted- TM Hi Capa

    Why don't you just buy one? They all cost less from a retailer. The most expensive is the 5.1 gold match which is still under £200.
  13. Yea but the Lighter S doesn't illuminate red very well but the Lighter BT does green ok and does red really well. The BT model has a button that swaps between green and red mode but you still need to feed it the correct bbs of that colour. Not sure if the Lighter S has a mode swap button or not. All I know what what I read and watch on youtube.
  14. How much does tracer weight effect a hi-capas gas efficeny? (my hi-capa is already getting over 3 mags on 1 gas up) I am trying to choose between either the Ligher S at 32g or the Lighter BT at 78g I'd prefer to run the ligher BT as I think red looks cooler than green.
  15. FML the hi-capa 5.1 D.O.R isn't compatible with standard 5.1 hi-capa parts so  I can't get a metal outer barrer for it so I can't use a tracer.


    Life ruined

  16. why I am offended! I know all the configuration maximums and would never need to google them! Cisco actually have good exams but mostly your correct brain dumping is rampant and the vendors don't care too much because they still get their money. Experience trumps any certificate.
  17. cheapo dump pouch https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B06XHJGPC2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  18. Can I get some input for TRMR pouch options? had it fall out of my kydex holster too much to trust I can run without losing a fair wack of cash and while there are better designed kydex holsters out there but hesitant to drop 30-35 on them to loose 100 quid in a field. 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Musica


      @hunter511 does it fit snugly  in your pouches? 


      Interesting idea to mount upside down  would aid in deployment for sure

    3. hunter511


      with the flap over its fine, but it drops when the flap is undone. the base of the pouch is elastic and the lid length can be set so it holds it well. Yet to loose one when carrying like this and thats been my fairly standard set up for at least 2 years


    4. Musica


      liking it but can only find double or triple pouches. Maybe I just need a second trmr...........

  19. Musica

    Airsoft accessories

    any idea what brand that speed loader is? looks a nice comfortable one.
  20. Games all types of games. PC Gamer and Nintendo Switch and a fair board game collection. Oculus rift for VR games as well enjoy Onward for some shooting or beat saber. Watching tv shows and movies count as a hobby? Also anime too senpai. Little bit of cycling. Leaving passive aggressive comments on reddit airsoft pictures with magazines in guns and no eye protection is apparently one of my hobbies according to the people who read them....
  21. for the people who main a gas pistol as primary how often do you clean it?


    I've been doing mine once between skirmish days.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Musica


      @TheFull9 interesting I get black gunk of my rails every time I clean them post game day and it's a TM hi-capa stock slide. 

    3. TheFull9


      Could be impurities in the gas or dirt in the environment.  GBBs don't inherently create substantial fouling inside themselves when shot the way firearms do.  I mean heck maybe the TM plastic wears away just a tiny bit every game and that accumulates, who knows, I'd suspect the gas or environment first though.

    4. Davegolf


      The black is the pot metal the TM frame is made of slowly wearing away.

      I do a basic clean of my pistol after every day / outing / event.

      Thats if its a clean day, if its wet or muddy then during the day - its amazing the state they get in after a couple of hours, especially if you have trenches!

  22. honestly just tell marshals when you see cheaters it makes the game better for everyone I know it's effort but best way to actually make future games better.

    1. Musica


      forgot to say. Report your own team as well. Talking when dead, not taking hits you see it easier and marshals will know you have little reason to make it up. 

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