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Everything posted by Musica

  1. UPS kindly updated me at 6:17 to let me know it won't be delivered today but tomorrow. Could be Saturday before I can collect it. Stupid UPS website is useless I tried to set up a redirect on my address to a collection location but f knows why it won't let me redirect the package to that loacation hopefully the redirect picks it up.

    1. Rogerborg


      Their local pick up points are usually corner shops and the like, with a bit of space behind the counter.  I've had two of the local ones knock back RIF sized deliveries now - I fired in complains to UPS, but there doesn't seem to be any consequences for them doing this.


      I foresee a CYMA CM.123 in your future... ;)

    2. Musica


      First time I had it delivered was to a pickup point but the evos package is actually tiny.  But they sent it out to my actual address this time and UPS won't change it


      "A signature is required for parcel delivery your parcel cannot be delivered to the requested location."


      Not sure if I will be able to pick it up Saturday never had a missed UPS before. 

    3. StayOnTarget


      It does feel like we Airsofters are singled out for shit delivery services the only one thats been 100% for me is DHL.its like they know how much we want to get our PEW on and go out of their way to deny us our right to cause pain on others....Outrageous!!! 😡 🖖

  2. He installs a titan in every damn gun he has so hard to blame the manufacturer for a customer tweaking with it, not defending the brand either I have no experience with it. There testing is not an exact science but at least they are using UK legal kit so you can draw some conclusions from their results that can help learn some things but there just shooting and looking where a bb lands is ludicrous. Seems to me run what ever weight your hopup doesn't sap the joules off as long as it feeds in the gun. Once you start losing joules it's not worth it.
  3. 70 meters every time right between the eyes. Or 70m maximum with upgraded components and heavy ammo.
  4. Ordered the ASG Evo carry bag so I have something to store it in when I get it back.
  5. Upgraded gears installed they are shipping back to me. Could be here by tomorrow Friday at latest. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      Take a nerf gun

    3. Musica


      you should be CYMA's marketing department. Be kind enough to install the barrel backwards so it at least kills me before the enemy do heh. 


      I'l put a few hundred bbs through it when I get it to see how it goes I'm hoping my bad luck turns around.

    4. ImTriggerHappy


      I'm sure it will be fine

  6. Retailer will give me the upgraded gears for the cost of the parts no labour to pay so £44.99 for an Ultimate gear set. Considering the shipping and labour costs are the killer I can't see why not. 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Musica


      They would of for free replaced the gears with original gears but I am buying upgraded gears at RRP and they are fitting them instead. Keeps my warranty intact. If I installed them would of void my warranty. 


      Takes the total cost of my EVO up to £369.98 which if I could of ordered with the the better gears for this price in the first place I would have. 

    3. Rogerborg


      Ouch.  But it seems a case of needing it sooner or later, and this is the best way to do it.


      Reckon you'll have it back by Sunday?  If not, I should have some poverty-spec AEG spare [Goes to wire a Deans connector onto Poverty Spec AEG]

    4. Musica


      Better to get it done for the cost of the parts and keep my warranty but not be worried about the gears going again. It was a bug bear I knew about before buying it so if anything I was lucky I didn't have it happen in a game and that I can get the upgrade without shipping/labor costs as I knew it would need it eventually I was just hoping I would be one of the lucky ones that lasted a year. 


      I imagine they will fit the parts tomorrow and ship it so it should arrive for Friday as it was quick delivery first time. They said they will do it ASAP and call me when it's ready to ship. I will give them till lunch time tomorrow to contact me again as the have agreed to pack it better for shipping it this time as that box it came in was holding on for dear life.


      Might  give me the confidence to not bother with a second AEG as a backup. 

  7. Really don't understand the used airsoft market. People watch storage wars and think they can flip everything.
  8. Evo was delivered to retailer this morning. Time to see if their support is as good as their sales. 



    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Musica


      I don't think being arsey about it and bugging them will get me any decent good will on a discount I certainly wouldn't go out my way to help someone who doesn't wait their turn. Kicking up a stink less than 24 hours after they had it delivered seems silly.

    3. SgtTalbert


      Who said you need to be arsey? Simply acquiring whether they received it and asking for a timeline on fix/inspection to me, as a paying customer is more than exceptable. 

    4. Rogerborg


      Are you a happy customer?

  9. uh duh it's brand new "specna arms mk18 (brand new in box)" it's 700+paypal fees.
  10. I think the price isn't crazy but I wouldn't pay it for used equipment. I'd rather pay the difference and get a new one and this instance as it's not much extra and I could get the extended mags if I wanted. Problem with bundles is unless someone wants that mag and that holster with THAT gun it's not a good deal he needs to part it out or lower the price a bit to make it attractive to people looking for 2 out of 3 i.e the holster and gun or mag and gun.
  11. I packed it up and posted it off last night to get it out of my sight! One thing I noticed is the box it ships in is awful it's not tied down in anyway to the box so it just rattled around in there. At least I wasn't going to use it this week /weekend still hope for next weekend getting it back better than ever.
  12. Shipped my evo back to the retailer. Doubt they work weeknds probably hear somthing on Monday. 😬

  13. I agree with both points it's a bit of a joke for such an expensive gun but piece of mind would do me wonders and I am pretty picky about guns. I like stop on empty and SMGs so I don't have a huge choice to pick from. If I can work out some discount I might go for a set of decent gears in there as I have done a lot of reading before buying it and this is the only fault people mention that really lets it down. The retailer have said they will email me a label and arrange collection so far. Will do a full review on the appropriate thread when I get to the end of the line with the retailer as they have been speedy and informative responses so far.
  14. Yea I can't believe how stupid I was to book the 14th as I had this in the back of my head. Yea I was hoping it was anything but the gears. I put the mil spec spring and ball bearing spring guide in and ran it on 11.1v only so that's not an issue as thats what is required. It does say it recommends minimum weight of 0.25g but it has the same issue dry firing as well as with my asg blaster 0.20gs. Was it just ultimate gears you had added? Check out the box it arrived in
  15. Seems like the problem is mechanical so I have emailed the retailer (jdairsoft). I hope so too I booked a game for the 14th as bring my own kit. It's literally my worst case scenario. Heres a video of the horrific noise it makes when I get to fire it after inserting a battery. 20190403_215725.mp4
  16. My imax charges both of them without issue not sure of any other way to test them. Been at a storage charge since the day I got them until now.
  17. fires once after connecting battery then 2 beeps and a red light in mag well. If I disconnect and reconnect battery I can fire it once more then 2 beeps and the red light returns.
  18. Fml thought it would be a good day but my evo is goosed fires once after connecting battery then 2 beeps and a red light in mag well. 




    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Albiscuit




      If you have the problem with knocking the ambi fire selector give me a shout as I probably still have some modified switches somewhere.


      HIIII ;)


      Happy to swap some beer tokens for 2 if you find them...

    3. ImTriggerHappy


      Yep that doesn't sound right.


      @Albiscuit PM what you need and will sort something. Didn't I already sort you some?

    4. jcheeseright


      Warranty!  That's fucked. 

  19. Retailer, I just don't want to pay for a game day and end up with a non functional gun if I could of done a few tests to at least confirm it's working to an acceptable level on delivery.
  20. Buying my first AEG is there a good checklist to go through to make sure it's working 100% and I didn't get a Friday gun?
  21. Got my UKARA finally! Wooo


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Musica


      Tempting but I can't in good conscious buy accessories before I get a second gun and my 3 bottles of .20g blaster bbs won't get used then.


      Going to get a few bits and bobs for my bday in May but otherwise I'm saving up for AEG #2 Was tempted to get GBBP but with the new TM hicapa around the corner I will wait for it. 

    3. Rogerborg


      Would a 2nd AEG get used if you're rocking an Evo?  I keep buying AEGs, but they're all cheapos and about as good as each other, i.e. basically usable but with slow trigger response.


      Evo + GBB pistol is probably ideal for the Depot.  It's what Ryan Silver Fox uses.

    4. Musica


      I'm paranoid it will stop working and I'l be left with just a pistol in an outdoor game crying like a pleb. 


      Plus I'm holding out for http://impulse101.jp/en/gbb/tokyo-marui-hi-capa-dor-direct-optics-ready-gbb-4319 so I could be waiting a while to get that with just a single base TRMR to fall back on.  


      Might be an idea for me to get my ass to section 8 to see if I even like outdoor games before buying a second AEG.

  22. So EA don't make Battlefield DICE do. I does explain why some of their guns like the EVO are top shelf while other guns are mediocre. Good to know not to trust their brand to be reliable.
  23. We can make a pantomime of this. Oh yes they do! OH no they don't! oh yes they do! Look behind you! https://actionsportgames.com/en-gb/productcatalog/products/guns/rifles/cz-805-bren-a2-dt-grey-receiver-version
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