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Everything posted by Musica

  1. Regulars don't get away with it any more than new people do. The community here is a friendly one but people need a bit of thick skin to survive as well. The thread is just getting silly and a shit flinging contest. Don't feed the trolls.
  2. lets be honest everyone playing airsoft looks like a tit.
  3. whats KYNDEX ? like a holster with a chocolate treat inside?
  4. and you will post your long life custom build m4 from Hungary?
  5. I did the same math I think £300 is a fair price but a joke currently.
  6. I made it 7 days clean but the relapse was real. 3mm a4 sheet of kydex and some velcro to make an insert for my rig for my new evo magazines I got for xmas. Yeri wurks magazine release for my evo spare battery for evo AIRTECH STUDIOS SSU stock stabilizer for evo VISIONKING 1.25-5x26mm
  7. Santa was kind to me. Got some MTP  kit, a combat shirt and trousers. If somehow my camo isn't effective I have  3 new evo magazines to return fire with as well.



    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      "somehow not effective"


      Shoulda got flecktarn :P

  8. can be had pretty cheap from https://www.surplusandoutdoors.com/acu-us-army-combat-uniform-digital-1187140.html granted I Got a grade 2 for £13.98 delivered and it has a rip in the shoulder so if yours is rip free then I will say it's an ok deal.
  9. Any basic maintenance supplies you guys can recommend? Putting together a small gift kit for xmas. Maybe even some cheap tools? They have an m4 AEG and hicapa GBBP. Here is what I have so far.


    Barrel cleaning patches

    Rubbing alcohol

    Silicon oil

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AK47frizzle
    3. ryaw


      'Abbey 144a Maintenance Gas' (£6) for storing in gas mags when not in use. Saves the seals from drying out. I swear by it after leaving all sorts of other gases inside for weeks. Eventually they've given out across all manner of gas mags......but not since I've been using the 144aMG after every game.

    4. Steveocee


      Roll of PTFE tape. Literally costs 70p

  10. drremel 3000 been looking at it for a while got it for 28.99
  11. Interestingly in the brief they asked if anyone had a problem being on video or photographs. No one objected.
  12. Played at Edinburgh airsoft on sunday and they don't allow recording if people are going to clip their videos to make them look amazing or just put cheaters up. Obviously hard to prove etc but interesting that they try to mandate that at the brief.
  13. fair enough I can see the barrel giving those but not sure how the spring helps with them.
  14. Good pick but curious why you want a stronger spring?
  15. Why don't people in ghillies get tapped around their arms like everyone else? 


    It's just not fair in my opinion.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      if in doubt just shoot them, if they complain about freindly fire just point out that you couldn't identify their team.


      it's the hubris you should expect for not being identifiable to your team, and freindly fire is very much part of airsoft mainly because how do you know it ain't freindly?

    3. sonofsammo


      They do, depending on the site. I play at six different sites normally.
      There's only one out of those where Ghillies don't get taped/banded.
      At that site, all snipers are shown at the start and made known to all players. There is the understanding that you will probably shoot your own snipers at some point. nowt wrong with that as far as I can see - and all the players are fine with it.
      The team that runs the site are working on the logic - what's the point of a ghillie suit if you're wearing a neon arm band...

      p.s. If the rule is that annoying to you, get yourself a ghillie - there's nothing to say what weapon you have to use with it 😄 

  16. fair then I have never tested mine above 18 degrees and my hop is always on 6 or 7. Happy shooting I've have many people comment on how accurate it has been.
  17. Glad to see people getting these. That is higher than mine has shot on my chrono with nuprol 2.0 and abbey vertex. Any idea what the ambient temperature was ?
  18. Z Tactical Z029 Bowman EVO III Tactical Headset (A-TACS) for £13.76 delivered! Z-Tactical - U94 Style PTT Kenwood/Baofeng Connector for £13.99 delivered from defcon airsoft. First time ordering from them hope they actually have stock.
  19. anyone know how to fit these to a dye i5 mask? 



    want to glue a ear piece to one but be able to swap it out if I don't want communication /prefer comfort. I can't figure out how to get mine off and the manual isn't helpful.

  20. every site I have been to your never supposed to confront someone even if they are cheating. Tell a marshal get them banned.
  21. Dead men don't talk to the living is always the way I play that rule. I talk about non game stuff if people are dead near me and there's no action to watch.
  22. People have no right to moan about getting shot in the head but at the same time I never go for them on purpose. Instead of shooting cheaters in the head as some type of "justice" do the right thing. Call yourself out of the game and deal with it correctly find a marshal if you can see one. If not get a good description on the offender and then go report it. Shooting them in the head won't stop them cheating and it ruins the game for everyone they need to be dealt with correctly so they can be ejected. As for his reticle being on their face it means nothing he adds the reticle in post while editing which is why I hate sniper videos it makes it looks like they aim exactly where the BB goes every time. He clearly has a reputation for head shots. If the site owners reviewed his footage then the cheater who wasn't taking hits should also get a ban at least for a few months as there is no smoke without fire.
  23. Blackhawk omnivore and bb bag. I see the holster as hopefully saving me money in magazine and pistol damage. Visionking as gift for friend
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