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Lasbrisas17 last won the day on February 14 2020

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  • Guns
    Cybergun/VFC MCX, TM Glock 26 GBB, TM VSR 10, G&G firehawk
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    Battle Lakes

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  1. Its max length is 925mm, my main gun that I use both outdoors and CQB is around that so I wouldn't say its too long for CQB, I think you'll get the best bang for your buck with this gun. I'm a small dude and if I have no issues running that length in tight CQB, you should be good to go. You can always get a pistol for situations where you are really in a cramped spot. I've only heard good things about Specna Arms and i'm eyeing one up for myself rn.
  2. Developing an integrated backup iron sight (IBIS) for the zenitco Perst-4 device: First print (still WIP):
  3. Sotac L4G24 mount arrived today (also an FMA PVS15 came with the mount too):
  4. Just arrived, PVS14 Dual Dovetail Bridge from Nighttec (as the chinese repro wasn't good):
  5. I have a S10 gasmask with ballistic tinted lenses, this is just for pic, I don't actually wear S10 with NVGs. Real team wendy straps and padding inside and proper counterweight at the back helps. It's only slightly heavier than my PVS 7 which I had no issues with.
  6. Yes, taken at night with cloud cover in my back garden, no lights or IR.
  7. Its been a couple months of painfully selling a lot of gear but I finally have my dream setup, dual 14s. Special thanks to @DrAlexanderTobacco for buying my PVS7, helping me make this possible!
  8. The nighty boy complete loadout (the pvs 7 is for sale btw, the night vision on the left).
  9. Used it in a game in December, worked well! Might need to sell them though to complete this next setup!
  10. Tier None Dual PVS14 bridge just arrived, now I need a second bird watching device..
  11. Not sure about the Klesh 2, haven't looked into it much (I would go for IR/White light version). I would buy from ebay, I heard people that buy from the website stores get theirs stopped at customs, I bought mine from ebay and it didn't get stopped.
  12. Yeah I went with Red+IR mostly because most sites don't allow green/blue lasers (plus its cheaper I think). Honestly the perst 4 is way better than G&P dbal in many ways and you might as well save and pay double for perst 4 because it is very much worth the extra costs. Firstly the perst-4 actually allows eye safe power output (I believe it goes down to 0.7mw) which is plenty for the ranges in airsoft and so no risk of hurting someone. Secondly, it shows a red indicator light on the back when red laser is on but more importantly a blue light when IR is on which is important as so many times I see people with IR lasers on and they don't even realise (super dangerous as well). You can crank the power output to 20mW (while dbal is 5mW I believe). Also my DBAL dies just from a bit of rain and the connection port feels really flimsy and easy to break/bend. Also, the red laser is slaved to the IR and so you can zero both with just the red laser in daytime (not a feature with G&P dbal). Also theres a pressure button ontop and at the back of the perst-4 whereas Dbal has only one small button ontop. Also I found switching the settings on the DBAL in the dark to be difficult and hard to memorise as theres so many options, this is simplified with perst 4. TLDR: for the love that is all holy, DBAL is like a paperweight compared to perst4, save your money and buy the latter. Also, buy from ebay, the postage is cheaper and customs didn't hold mine hostage (came in 1.5 weeks).
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