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Everything posted by DerDer

  1. Bullseye Country sport in NI can be useful for bits and bobs.
  2. That's unfortunate, alas seems to be an increasingly common thing these days.
  3. Based on my last experience, packed the day after. Then the items were shipped four days later. So five days between order and dispatch. If that is any help to you.
  4. Right, thanks for checking. The other thing is that you mentioned a brushless motor, are you following the suggestions given by Warhead as regards the settings for the mosfet? They are available at the following link: https://www.warheadindustries.com/suggested-mosfet-settings
  5. Have you tried it with the AEG fully assembled? Have had some hiccups in the past with testing Titan equipped guns while only partially assembled. Something to do with the sensors.
  6. DerDer


    Was looking at one of the videos of VFC's planned releases. Everything from the BCM ARs to the MK48 is out. Still no FN, spectacularly disappointing.
  7. Still waiting on the long promised FN FALs be it the re-release of King Arms or VFC GBBR. How about a G&G Type 64? Pricey but very little info out there on in.
  8. Used G&G 0.28g BBs and Airsoft surgeon 0.30g last year. The latter had some performance issues. Recently picked up some Azimuth and Green Devil BBs. Gradually making the switch to Bio. Also would echo Geoffs, they have worked nicely in AEGs that were picky with the ammo.
  9. Used ecowire from AK2M4 and some WS deans from KOA in the past. Got a good bit one time for foreseeable projects. https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/alphawire-2-metre-pack-16awg?search=wire https://www.kingdomofairsoft.com/product-page/genuine-deans-ultra-wire
  10. Another video, might be useful for those familiar with the platform.
  11. That's a hefty price tag. Not too sure how Canada's prices compare to other markets... on the other hand it might mean that it closer to nine hundred bob by the time it lands here. As regards parts, LCT are very decent at making spares for sale. Even from looking at their website, spare hand guards and stocks are to be made available. Also opens up this possibility to make a refurbished esque SVD with mixed wood and polymer furniture.
  12. Fair point as regards the Nuprol factor. Imagine the price will breech the £800 mark by the type they get their cut.
  13. Seen a preorder on a Taiwan based site. £775 for the wood version and £720 for the polymer. Going to be a pricey one. Link for those interested: https://www.proactstore.com/products/lct-svd-aeg-wood
  14. Don't recall them having any optic for sale in the past. Imagine we are left with Vector optics and Belarusian for the cheaper options. Then Russian glass for the more expensive offerings. Think Real Sword's PSO-esque scope supplies have dried up. Perhaps if sales are good, new scopes will come onto the market.
  15. No news on that front. Imagine that it will show up on the preorder section of WGC shop shortly. They seem to get LCT's offerings fairly early. Speaking of which, WGC have the VFC MK48 for preorder at £875. Just in case any members have money to burn and masochistic tendencies...
  16. Seems to be scheduled for release at the very end of the year. Imagine it will be about February before it shows up in Europe. Looking forward to the reviews. Also seems to be using the RS four gear set up.
  17. Used them about two years ago to get a Real Sword Type 56. They were able to downgrade it too. Cost about twenty Euro for the spring and labour of the downgrade. They are good for some of the more niche products. Have gotten LCT parts there where the alternative would have been WGC shop.
  18. LiFe 9.9v batteries are a bit of a niche item. They usually give a bit less performance that their Lipo equivalents. They can be used effectively. Something like a full stock M16 or AKM with a load of battery space would be a good fit. Have used them in my loaner AEG in the past. Was handy to just give it out to someone in the past, change the battery at lunch and have no problems. That was a brick type Life battery. Have tried a smaller capacity one in the past. Performance was very weedy, it was struggling after one game. Purely anecdotal but also ordered some stick type LiFe and never received them. Got a refund from the retailer that they couldn't get the batteries to hold a charger. Now the tech might have improved recently but from an admittedly quick glance at component shop the LiFes they are offering in the airsoft section seem largely similar to a few years ago. There's also Li-Ion batteries floating around but have virtually nil experience outside of using them in power tools.
  19. That's a very interesting point. Was doing a bit of testing with my Galil this weekend. The Tienly motor I had used in it wasn't the most energy efficient. Worked very nicely in an AKM with a beefy 7.4v brick lipo. In contrast the stick lipos were being drained a lot more rapidly. Might have to try a Warhead for the next folding stock Aeg I get. The guys in the video are very thorough, remember one of their vids on a VFC GBBR was excellent.
  20. Seems like it would be about that. Taking Fire support prices, the GS SG1 is about 500 while the AK47 is about 650. So in the interest of speculation will predict £600 myself. Off course could be off and it might be closer to their RPD in price. Will be curious as to what the internals look like? Probably close to the Real sword or Cyma.
  21. Nice looking piece of kit. Curious as to what price tag these end up going for? Real Sword seems to be a thing of the past, whilst E&L's offering seemed to be vapourware. Should do well if it's a decent performer. Will fill the Dragunov niche for a good few players.
  22. Could do with some more info. What's the brand of Scar and your own budget? The in line mosfets from Gate such as the ASR or Nanohard are quite decent for the price.
  23. From what I vaguely recall from some video reviews, is that the king arms G3 magazines fit with potentially some mild filing. Might be worth picking up a single sample to try?
  24. Is it an XCR? Something like the following: https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/echo1-vfc-robinsons-armament-xcr-aeg-airsoft-gun
  25. Good call on the Casio. A few years ago, some friends and myself got a couple of them before a milsim. Did the trick nicely. For a normal weekend would use whichever Seiko is my least favourite at the moment. Less annoyed if it gets shot out. Would also usually wear a strap, the bracelets can be a bit of a BB magnet. Lately using a Marine Nationale strap. Comfortable and would retain a watch if a springbar fails.
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