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Everything posted by kasaran

  1. is evolution airsoft any good?  have a reasonably priced MK18...


    1. Skara


      Same guns as specna/saigo defense, just different coloured plastics (nozzle, delayer chip, hop chamber and tappet plate)

    2. Speedbird_666


      @kasaranIf you want a cheap Mk18, I'd go Specna Core. As @Skaramentions, it appears that Specna and Evolution use the same OEM, with the respective companies specifying their (minor) internal/external component choices to the factory. Comparing the two models on Patrolbase, the Specna comes out £50 cheaper.


      I would use that £50 on an SHS/Rocket High Torque motor, ZCI inner barrel, ML Macaron/Omega Hop rubber/bucking. Job done, and spend nothing more until it breaks.


      The newer Cores are also now coming with Gate X-ASR Mosfets as standard now, which is a nice update. And the Specnas are licensed with DD themselves.

    3. kasaran


      dont, curve ball is the lct akms is back in stock in places.... damnit


  2. So with 4 weeks left of ukara... wonder if it takes too long if there will be issues. even if it was still in date at the time of placing the order...
  3. oh man, thought it would have smoothed over by now. not long left on the ukara
  4. £90 for just shy of 800 isnt horribly high? suspiciously low. but if thats the case then my wishlist from TG isnt dead yet xD (mine would total around 400 to 500 before tax etc)
  5. if by some madness no one buys this. i'll have the wooden furniture from it to put on mine xD
  6. Okies. Can i ask how much the order is and let me know what the import is?
  7. All my rifs are stock. So could i charge a premium for unfettered internals?
  8. I had a repro m1 helmet blocked at the Chinese boarder once. Never knew why. Ordered from ebay and refunded quickly. Odd how random things get stopped like that
  9. So just wondering what everyones RIF wishlist looks like? (yes, i am that bored) For me in rough order of interest: 1. MK18 (not too fussed on brand, though would rather metal) 2. AKM (like the fold under style stock, though full wood wouldnt be bad also) 3. revovler (ASG smith and wesson.... the forever debate of 4 or 6 inch) 4. mp5 (classic foregrip and telescopic stock) 5. mp7 (possible first foray into none pistol gbb?) 6. mp443 (pending reviews) 7. FN five-seven 8. M14 (full sized wooden/imitation stock.... EBR would be cool too....) 9. SR25 10. Makarov 11. Lee Enfield No 4 12. M17 13. M79 14. PKM/PKP (if mad/rich/gym bod somehow) Additional: 15. M63 stoner
  10. Half looking at getting a MK18.  Not a great fan of the big CM logo on the G&G, does this come off? £500 TM NGRS is a little rich for me atm.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. kasaran


      Friom gunfire's website, its an Orion inside ><

    3. L3wisD


      Yeah, the Edge range has the orion gearbox. If you get an Edge, try and get the newer Edge 2.0.

      It has a Gate licenced flat trigger that is optimised for the Aster mosfet, and the new Flat hop up rubber.


      Apparently Specna have sorted the issue with the weak gearboxes, but I'll be able to tell you first hand if that is the case after my E05 Edge 2.0 arrives soon.


      The CORE C19 is still DD Licenced, but has the plastic body instead of metal. 

      The rail is still metal however.

  11. I googled effective range of a glock and found that to be the point. Do wonder how that figure was arrived at. But it seems to pop up alot.
  12. Lets see when the last school shooting in the uk was 1996... So thats a point towards pro gun control. One injury is too much. Every death a tragedy. And by the by. If your going to debate. Do research. He was armed with. You guessed it. Black powder guns... "Examples include school shooting in May 2019 when a student wounded two people using an unlicensed black powder firearm and some fireworks" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_in_Poland it quotes polish news sources if you check the citation as i know wiki is not the be all. either way. Try again
  13. Awful amount of red tape to own something that people in the uk have done without for so long. Really? Because.... https://m.novinite.com/articles/197383/Two+Injured+in+School+Shooting+in+Poland
  14. At those ranges then according to this bastion of science. A knife would do better
  15. Effective firing range of a glock is considered to be 50 metres. Though they could manage further. For black powder pistols to semi reliably hit a 6 inch grouping i have found repeatedly the figure of 50 feet to be quoted. So 15 metres effective range before it can wizz off of the intended target (the magic of rifling). So yes. Glocks are more dangerous in range. And lets not forget the rate of fire improvement... This kinda agrees
  16. ok, i like finding stats. first off https://www.statista.com/statistics/1120240/poland-recorded-and-detected-crimes/ has a lovely quote: The number of recorded crimes in Poland in the years 1999 - 2019 showed a downward trend, from over one million in 1999 to 507.2 thousand in 2019. At the same time, the number of detected crimes has just decreased over the years. thats the same everywhere, not everything gets reported. But it is interesting the researcher felt a need to highlight it (perhaps a certain ranking lower down is why?). gun crime generally does get reported, its hard to hide gun wounds. and a quick google describes: May 2019 when a student wounded two people using an unlicensed black powder firearm and some fireworks. im guessing thats what you are refering to? with black powder stuff, i guess its just not so popular, not cool or snappy. can imagine a wanna be gang man puling out his antique gun and being ridiculed as a wanna be pirate or cowboy. but quick internet search does show a suprising lack of reporting (unless the countless polish sites that i couldnt read had evidence to the contarary?) Now this ones interesting, sadly 2002 statistics (so before the recent relaxation in laws) https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Crime/Murders-with-firearms Poland ranked 18th with 111 people murdered using fire arms. UK?, joint 39th (with denmark) with 14. lets have some more: https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2012/nov/30/new-york-crime-free-day-deadliest-cities-worldwide Warsaw with an official population statistic of 1.8 million is around four times smaller in terms of population and three times smaller in terms of area than London BUT it has a higher murder rate. London 1.6 people per 100,000 Warsaw 1.9 per 100,000 (interestingly glasgow has 3.3...) so dont go making out that Poland is some law abiding beacon. remember Poland is joint 45th on the corruption rankings by transparency.org with the UK 11th, perhaps bad publicity like knife crimes get hushed by the government so eager to attack womans rights, gay rights etc did find this graph for Uk gun crime from https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-7654/ im guessing other would be the home made bodge jobs or your muskets. 20% imitation? UKARA hard at work there. the country map does correlate with @GenuineGerman , like london, birmingham is a hot spot as opposed to my paler cambridgeshire @GenuineGerman said hope in human nature a while ago... how about hoping that you wont need a weapon to go about your daily life? i feel its a sad state to be in. to feel the need to always be armed just to be safe
  17. 1. where do i assume that? my point is that the death rate for attacks of the sort would increase massively, as the used weapons severity is higher. But as you bring it up i reckon such altications would increase. imagine throwing an gun into all those occasions where conflict occurs and neither party feel they can physically best the other? how likely would one or both parties brandish said arm as the ultimate trump card? Secondly, im sure more people would be capable make the snap decission to shoot someone from a distance at a moment of stress (even a relatively short one) than would get right into their face to stab them. 2. maybe not fight but you could definately run, or barricade a door as you cant stab through doors... as for fighting, yes, you would have a major disadvantage. but then you could arm yourself with a stick, narwhale tusk , chair or whatever. improvised weapons can work in knife fights, anything that stops them from closing the gap to you. could you do that with a guy armed with a gun? no, it would be that indianna jones scene, but less comical.
  18. *watches for hope of a CYMA compatable wooden SVD stock
  19. theres other reasons to call them undemocratic. and i dont see how comparisons to Soviet or even modern Russia are relivant here? they were an occupying force, claiming another country, of course uprisings were a concern and happened in many places. again, we lack the unease at our government that makes the prospect of an armed militia appealing. and unless your scottish, you i assume dont feel that westminster is opressing you (execpt for the ability to own military hardware it seems) so by that logic lets give up? open the flood gates? have some purge like state of being where everyone on a whim can own and brandish any sort of weapon of any sort of capability? i dont see how this is a point in support of anything? just nihilism as to the futility that bad guys will find a way
  20. for every 1 happy ending for the 'good guy with a gun' story there are dozens or hundreds more where there was no good guy or it back fired on them. imagine if the initial guy didnt have a gun? would this have gone down the same way? Again, just like police and buses, occasionally they do manage to be where they are needed, but thats far from most often i know its an extreme and unrelated but https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-24457031 does not mean everyone should be able to fly a place with next to no training. he was lucky. the survivors from that attack were lucky. and im sure the pro gun lobby was all GOOD GUY WITH GUN HERO as opposed to saying 'maybe putting guns into everyones hands so easily isnt a good thing...' perhaps those who were killed and their family may have a different perspective?
  21. until the concept behind minority report becomes reality then this cannot be stopped and its best to err on the side of caution. As you admit, unikely to prove a need. though without conceal carry i fail to see how owning a gun is going to protect from knife crime? (even if after that point its more likely going to be gun crime) Hunting in the UK is seen more as a job than a hobby (unless your riding a horse with dogs) and therefore people who hunt tend to be again, farmers or pest control (think deer culls). there are not many i can think of that do it recreationally as we lack the space or the big game to hunt on this island. there are no week long hikes through the wilderness and animals to live off of. a weeklong hike would probably result in you stumbling through hundreds of farms and dozens of villages, this is a very tamed land nature wise. the best your gonna get is maybe to go on a shoot for pheasent (have looked, bloody expensive). If you really want to just 'own a gun' then i believe shooting clubs are the way to go. but from what i have been told, the gun is stored in a non firing way at the club itself and not taken home. though correct me on that if im wrong? @Tommikkayeah, i googled him to remind myself of the case. doesnt look to be the most level headed with political leanings and such. though i guess the case, like the stabbed gypsey, hit a chord with the public over the right to defend your property. glad it drew the line on him not only illegally owning the firearm, but also killing in not self defence. scared for his life or not. on both those occasions the threat was running away.
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