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Everything posted by kasaran

  1. The farmer got prosecuted for it as he should for illegal possession. he also shot them in the back as they were running away i believe. Im pretty sure if tobacco or alcohol were new discoveries they would be controlled or outright banned. But theres the problem with the heritage behind certain substances. In my experiance though, you know the violent drunks before they have any amount of alcohol, it reduces inhibitions.... Though i do feel 'i was under the influence' is used far too often as an excuse, like it lessens the crime. A small percentage of crimes may have been prevented were the victim armed. but then again, in that situation, the criminal would also be armed (back to the gun owning arms race senario). The police in this world would 100% have to be armed as well. and in a country where everyone you come accross might be packing, then i bet unlawful death by being shot by law enforcement, scared for their own life would sky rocket. knife crime stat for 2019 (47349) accounts for 0.81% of all crime reported that year in the UK (total reported crimes were 5.8 million). knife crime is scewed in the news, short of pandemic, its the big story of the time. It comes in waves, for example, if you followed the tabloids in the late 90's then the country was infested by paedofiles. There is a brass eye episode from the 80's (?) that i am certain will never be aired again because the current generation have no sence of humour. forgive me again for jumping to conclusions and reading between the lines. but you say your scared of knife crime. well an AR15 is not going to disarm the criminal, its just going to increase his potental range of influence, because if you have an ar15 he will have similar, and being his intent, he would have it pointed at you first. its also not what you would need? im guessing your thinking a more concealed carry option? It all boils down to 'if you can legally own a gun, anyone who picks a fight with you is also likely to own a gun' so the threat or issue is not solved, the ranges and potential collatoral go up. as for banning knives because they can kill (like guns), have a think. other than killing something what use has a gun got? can it do anything other than shoot a projectile? is there a daily application for it? even weekly? when handguns etc were banned here and in australia 'self defence' is not a valid reason. as someone else said, if no one else has a gun, then you dont need one. licencing and checks to own a gun are like STD tests. only accurate on the day of the test. It just poves you havent had a mental break down or comited a crime....YET. what if there is an unchecked mental condition? what if they are highly strung and things are not going well at work, or family life is getting tough (the wife leaving you and taking the kids etc), what if your paranoid and someone just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? everyone has a breaking point, and you just legally armed them? I will admit that peoples breaking point is most likely to result in suicide by gun, but a few of them may have a degree of murder before the gun gets turned on themselves... As said earlier, knife crime scares you. thats fine. though i would argue, unless your in an inner city area associated with gang crime the chances of having one waved at you are far lower than the news would imply. but maybe there should be an new type of firearm with a catridge of an effective killing range of 5 meters? out of range of knives etc. would never happen though. but then i would guarantee that the knife crime rate would drop and gun crime rates with this new 'personal defence' weapon would go up.
  2. and if you do take your RIF into such a place, expect to be faced with police pointing their F at you
  3. true, but by gun offences i am assuming its due to reported crime? i doubt suicides would be included in those stats. by the by, i remember reading something suggesting suicide was much more likely in people with ready access to firearms. something about them being quick, and no chance for second thoughts
  4. So the percentage of gun deaths out of recorded offences 0.34% that is how many result in one loss of life Knife deaths account of 0.55% or knife related offences. and by those stats you are 4.88 times more likely to be victim of a knife crime. Makes sense when you consider availability. But with the gun offences being so much fewer, it is only slightly less likely to be fatal (0.21%). Shows how much more effective guns are at killing people. But then that is their only purpose. Your using the logic that you feel the gun man is going to miss. Is that something you want to bet your life on? Personally as i said previously. You have a chance to out run or fight back with a knife man. And for practicl purposes. Its only the people with a meter of the knife man at risk. Not everyone within 50 metres etc thats just my view on it. See my earlier reference to the isis knife attacks in london a couple years back.
  5. @GenuineGerman by your wording im guessing your american? Saying we? And east german referencing suggests some heritage. The thing is in this country, we are not brought up with much of a gun culture. We also dont have a history of being invaded or occupied by foreign elements. As a result people generally dont associate freedom with owning a gun for home defence purposes. Also, there tends not be be quite so much paranoia in my experience towards the gov (just incompetence). I find it odd how many Americans are all 'we are the best country and shit' and yet have no faith in their systems of governance. And sure there is more people over in the states... but i find it kind of nice that after a mass school shooting https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunblane_massacre rules were tightened to prevent that happening again. That was 1996... i cannot think of another school shooting happening in the uk since. Now. I would put the numbers of shootings during that time state side into the high 100s. And the death toll being much higher. Australia i believe did the exact same thing and i would bet mass shootings also pretty much stopped afterwards. But gun controls were already being tightened before that point courtesy of https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungerford_massacre this guy passed all checks and balances. All his guns were legally owned... hell. He killed one of the parents of the policeman who issued the licences i believe. And dont give the 'good guy with a gun' crap. Just like buses and police there would never be one in the area at the right time to help. And chances are they might do more harm than good id rekon. Its sad that things like this exist. Perhaps other countries prioritise their kids not getting shot over their ability to own guns. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mass_shootings_in_the_United_Kingdom Shows my point. Most are in northen ireland mind... but notice the frequency dropping immediately after the 90s. Yet for 2019 there were 434 mass shootings... where were good guys with guns for those 517 people? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2019 I dont get freedom=the ability to kill easily. It goes back to who would you rather be attacked by? A gun man or knife man. I know who i would choose
  6. i wasnt trying to say thats what you were suggesting, just merely taking your logic and twisting it slightly. let me do it a different way using your first sentance quoted above: In the UK you need a licence to own a 'wild animal' https://www.gov.uk/licence-wild-animal (this covers big cats, wolves etc). now the news never seems to report about 'lunatics' getting hold of a puma and going on a rampage. but you hear about dangerous dog attacks all the time. surely we should open up ownership of large predatory mammals because clearly the checks are working to keep them out of the wrong hands? as an argument it makes no sence, a smaller crime number/reported news is not grounds for opening up possession to people that dont need a gun, or in this case a puma. the act of limiting ownership is always going to reduce its prevalence. knives sadly are needed for DIY work and to cook or eat with, you cannot really control that beyond the age restriction to buy them. but an 18 year old wanna be gangster is still going to be able to buy one, and i dare say under 18s would also find a way (kitchen drawers are a good place to look). The UK's vetting of gun ownership is clearly working to a degree. that doesnt mean we should open that up to everyone in the country in some pseudo american way resulting from paranoia of a british invasion (we cant invade ourselves). i dont know about the others here feel, but i like knowing or at least assuming that the only firearms i get in close proximity to on the street are in the hands of law enforcement. there are plenty of people i do know that would jump at getting a gun that i am so glad cant. If things open up, the first wave of people, which i think you would count under, go through the process of getting a gun for the sole reason of 'i want one'. Then a chain reaction akin to an arms race happens as other people would want one just because you have one. permeating the populace to a point where the likelyhood of a disgruntled employee or bullyed teen that isnt quite suicidal takes said legally owned gun and uses it illegally, with a death toll and effective range that a knife could only ever dream of, were they sentient. what we have now works because the number of legally owned guns in public hands is quite small compared to the population in general. They also need to justify why they need to own such a weapon and the weapon needs to be suited to the intended job (H&S at work act anyone?). So here its hunting, sports or pest control using small claibre rifles and shotguns generally with ownership skewing majorly to rural areas. As a general rule, farmers, to quote Hot Fuzz. there is no need for anyone to be rocking military style firearms in this country, i know badgers have a nasty bite, but it is still no bear. as for zombie knives and all those weird stylised things. i agree, they should be controlled and certainly not be supplied with a live blade. but we all know angle grinders would solve that for anyone who really wanted to sharpen it...
  7. So lets give them all guns is your solution? I dont see how this helps your point? You're saying knives are worse because stabblings happen more often in a country with limited gun ownership? Guns serve only one purpose. Which on an island not at war and without large carnivorous animals like bears, they have very limited use publicly. Knives are however multi use so its not like they can be banned...
  8. The difference is a knife isnt going to get a death count as high as a gun and people are more likely to be able to out run a guy with a knife than a bullet. Remember those 3 terrorists who stabbed people in london a year or so ago... now imagine if guns were readily available....
  9. Thanks. Was bugging me that i couldnt find them again Found a fb post from them dated 20th of august advertising the preorders and saying when to expect delivery. The link to the storepage is dead. So yeah. Recently they must have recently taken the page off their shop.
  10. im certain i found them listed on a UK seller, saying the guns didnt meet their standard and were sending back the entire batch (after giving the preorders the option have have one or wait/refund) couldnt for life of me find out which shop last night when looking. i dunno if its because the shop page was removed. Just made me worry too much. but yeah, hopefully when all this delivery and shits passes to whatever the new norm is, providing its skirmishable (i dont want one to just be a wall hanger) then i will treat myself.
  11. Well, when you get, i trust there will be an indepth review and snag list from you. Really want one, and its annoying that its been badly reviewed, and appears in EU shops post brexit
  12. raptor MP443? Was excited, but apparently its a bit like the WE hi-power
  13. building funds for a new PC build and someone puts an awfully tempting LCT akm on here... bastard

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck



      Well maybe mostly Home / Office...


      Well just general browsing...


      Ahh fuck it - I got a new gaming mouse instead

    2. Steveocee


      Don't bother with hardware. The future is in the cloud. You don't get AKM's in the cloud.

  14. To follow on from my old status about an overly expensive camo. I ended up settling on marpat.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. kasaran


      Tbh. Im more often digi flora or tiger strope2. Cant remember last time i used multicam

    3. Skara


      Beans ❤️


  15. I find it amusing when in the classifieds people who are selling multiples of one item say '£X each or all 5 for £Z'  When the buy all price is exactly what the individual cost would be if multiplied by the number of items.  Why word it like its got a multibuy discount? 

    1. Shamal



      Buy two for the price of two.

      Yay winner!!

      Hey wait a minute....


    2. alxndrhll


      My personal favourites at the moment are ‘collection only’... during a national lockdown.

    3. Skara


      @alxndrhllthat is just to trick their wives/gfs into thinking they "want" to sell those items ;)

  16. considering how simple they are. Why are M79's so expensive?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. lucaslu1709


      I'll agree that they are pretty overpriced (especially the handheld version), but there is a fair amount of metal used, and a nice wooden stock as well. The large metal barrel and barrel assembly are also likely fairly expensive to cast properly, but apart from that like someone said before, a lot of that cost is probably from Nuprol's bottom line ;)


    3. hitmanNo2
    4. GeorgePlaysAirsoft


      I'm not sure simplicity = cheap, or even complex = quality. ICS MGL a good point to raise. Whilst its' been literally years since the first and last time I held an m79 (can't remember if it was KA or the old CAW version), it was a solid bit of kit and a "quality product". On the other hand, the ICS MGL (which I have) is well, half the price.. and for good reason. The complex bit is pretty decent, and does what its supposed to do. But evidently corners were cut elsewhere, it is incredibly plasticy, there is lots of flex to it and it seems pretty fragile, I wouldn't want to drop it, and I wouldn't want to transport it outside of a box. Not a fan of nuprol but IIRC m79s have always been fairly expensive



  17. kasaran

    Best airsoft gadget ever

    should be attached to an Alien Pulse Rifle
  18. After almost a year I have finally sorted out the gear I want to run for my G3.  Now, what do do with the mag pouches I originally bought that were of no use to me.

    They are OD, fit 2 mags in each and fully adjustable with velcro flap.  Got em to fit Stanag, G3 and M14 mags, not AK sadly.  Possible ad going up when the missus gets round to looking at the postage costs.

  19. I looked at em. What sort of things were in the non special ones?
  20. with the paypal, pay in 3 instalments.  can you put down a deposit/first payment to make the follow ups cheaper?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skara


      You can't spec a PC for ArmA 3.

      Unless you work at NASA or something.

    3. kasaran


      @Skara oh, I still get arma'd but now, at least on not heavily modded maps i can have a decent view distance and frames.  I remember my machine before the last upgrade, the view distance was so low the UAV misson on campaign was to high to nothing rezed in on the ground.

    4. Skara


      I play mostly KoTH and until a year and a half ago I had 40 fps literally everywhere on my craptop, 1.5k view distance on anything, now though, the game doesn't even start and sends me to a nice BSOD which also fucks up steam library -.-

  21. So a gun that fires 420fps stock (according to https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/asg-4-inch-co2-dan-wesson-revolver-pistol-silver ) has had its fps increased? is this still even classed as an airsoft gun? or is it now a funky sniper rifle? If the latter, surely you know the fps, kinda important to skirmish? though a lack of a hop up on this model would make it a pretty poor sniper
  22. So far I have been lucky, but then all my guns are stock? So i havent actively messed them up? Overall, I have bought seven guns from TaiwanGun and Gunfire and not had an issue with any of them. I had a long period of communication with Gunfire because I would have prefered a wooden stocked SVD, but because of the price difference and brexit I was of with settling on the plastic stocked one. They made my order and held onto it without me making payment for 3 weeks waiting to find out from CYMA if they were going to make any wooden ones. Sadly the answer was no. Apparently they standard time with will hold onto orders without payment is a week. Im not sure how many other stores would do that for people, but it makes me a bit more trusting over them being reliable in regards to returns if there is a fault. But I wont lie, I'd likely try and fix things locally if there was an issue, unless it was a major fault.
  23. I know there is cheaper options in the UK but... but all cost more than gunfire. which is out of stock at the moment, myself getting one last month from them. https://gunfire.com/en/products/cm057a-sniper-rifle-replica-1152203495.html £156.24 or in stock here https://www.zerooneairsoft.com/products/CYMA_AEG_SVD for the low low price of £269.95 Thats a Mack's worthy level of price hike.
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