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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    Yep, tis a recurring theme sadly. But suppose they couldnt make it too easy for us, spoil the fun lol.
  2. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    Fair enough. It can be quite tricky as for some reason these things are designed for people who apparently have double the normal number of fingers to hold everything in-place.
  3. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    If it were me i'd take the trigger mech apart and check everything's running smooth and clean, no bits of grit etc binding things up. But 1911 style triggers can be a bit of a bear to work with (well, most pistol triggers are a bear to work with).
  4. By having the jab your avoiding taking a bed in a strained nhs, your giving the virus one less chance to mutate. It might sound like a tiny thing, but multiply that tiny thing by 69 million and suddenly its a big thing, multiply that by 7 billion and you can see where i'm going. They force you to turn up to work sober, under threat of dismissal if you choose to be drunk or high on the job. This is the price that society (may, it is as-yet undecided) wish to charge for your freedom to choose. Sorry if i'm getting a bit more involved in this than i normally get with political debates but the wider subject of refusing vaccinations (without solid grounds eg medical exceptions) is something that really gets to me.
  5. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    Hmm. Nozzle include a new float valve? Because that would have been my next suspect. Light strikes could be a few things, mag position (forward/back rather than up/down as i mentioned before) for example i had to space the front of the magwell in the dragonuv because of that issue although less likely on a pistol. Could also be the knocker is damaged, especialy cheap pot metal and a high round count where it mushrooms from repeated strikes. Or the hammer spring is weak/the hammer is binding (might be the knocker binding too) and not falling with full authority. This would be compounded with say using a higher pressure gas such as black gas in warm weather. Unfortunately this is pushing to the edge of my knowledge with gbb, normally i'll keep a pistol stock aside from the hop/barrel/piston head and the rest i just keep clean, lubricated and free to move as they should.
  6. Not quite that extreme lol. Its more a philosophical interpretation as to why we have laws in the first place, and why some decisions need to be influenced by society to protect the freedom of others. If it was only yourself you were risking by choosing not to vaccinate then i would 100% support your right to do so (even if i didn't think it was a good decision), but with this disease such a decision has wider effects on the people around you and as such their best interests need to be taken into account. The consequences are what society imposes on decisions people make- you wanna get drunk, no consequences, you wanna then get behind the wheel of a car and endanger others? Then there's consequences.
  7. that would depend on your reasoning as to why you don't want a vaccine. there's no such thing as true freedom, only freedom with consequences, and when a decision is made that affects society then it's society's right to have a say in that decision. however this might be a bit too politically serious for an airsoft forum.....
  8. ahh, outsourcing the problem. suppose it makes sense, you presumably pull the pressure bearing components (barrel and bolt) anyway to do the conversion so once it's done no longer a firearm.
  9. hnnnngg...... out of interest what's the legality with that kind of conversion? i'm not massively well versed in the subject but i'm guessing converting from a de-ac isn't viable and surely licensing a functional gun (even if for the purposes of conversion) isn't going to fly for a machine gun under uk law?
  10. now that is a hell of a tasty bit of kit.
  11. the classic response to this would be the tm mk23, although there are other non-blowback pistols available which presumably could also be made very quiet. not sure on if the mk23 has the f mark on it, but it should be ok for german fps limits, you probably know better than i do but if i recall it's 1j for single shot and 0.5j for auto? it's a pretty common gun, so i reckon you shouldn't have much issue finding one. the blowback type pistols are pretty much universally loud, especially if you consider an aep to be loud. only one i can think off the top of my head is the WE Ct25 which isn't so much quiet as it sounds like a champagne cork being popped.
  12. better than them trying to do it by committee, who would presumably start out trying to find the most effective method of measuring muzzle energy and finish by , well, wait, they wouldnt.
  13. get up on outta here with your middle class chocolates.....
  14. didn't think of those, the intermediate caliber of the chocolate world.
  15. that full or "fun" size? details man, these are important!
  16. can we get a second for that? preferably from someone weilding the banhammer. don't wanna go full frankie boyle and end up getting yeeted.....
  17. think it's too narrow for a mars bar, but if you went with fudge bars it's like 20 rounds for an mg13 mag?
  18. there are arguments both ways for that. i certainly agree that a cemented legitimacy would be a good thing for the hobby, but at the same time that's pushing airsoft into a scheme of regulation that would make destroying it via law much easier. the question is, if it's licenced then will that make us safe from future reprisals. the worry is if they do decide to ban (licence or no), many of us have a not insignificant amount of money tied up in hardware, and if they're taken away you can bet there won't be any compensation scheme worth a damn and if stuff gets "grandfathered" such as in canada's case you then can't sell it, which sucks for anyone who would occasionally sell kit to raise funds for other parts of their lives. it's tricky though, because you introduce a licence that only cements the image that airsoft pews are anything other than over-engineered spud guns for grown ups. the problem is awareness, i've never had any panic or problem with regards to airsoft from anyone who i've had the time to explain it to first
  19. i must admit it is one of the few liberating elements of a flat 1j limit, doesnt matter what the gat is if it's kosher and someone pops just in front of you just blast em.
  20. in the op's case i think he's simply misunderstanding/underestimating exactly what he's trying to do. however as a more widespread thing i guess it's a case of people reckoning that a long-gun being handier for snap-shooting is more practical in up-close engagements whereas a longer range engagement where you have time to aim allows passable performance with a pistol. kind of flipping the dmr/sidearm paradigm on it's head.
  21. only because you didn't immediately call for banning after me last one. if we're doing jokes do we have any limit as to how dark/offensive/filthy they get or is it a case of let her rip?
  22. so a man decides to go for a sunday afternoon drive. as he's driving along down a windy country road enjoying the scenery a rabbit suddenly darts out of the hedge just ahead of him. he's not daydreaming so much as to take his eyes off the road he spots it and swerves to avoid hitting it, but alas it's too late and he feels the thump thump as his car hits the animal. he slams on the brakes in shock screeching to a halt while his mind catches up with events. he gets out of the car, and being an animal lover he's horrified to see the twisted body of the rabbit lying a few dozen yards back in the road. he approaches slowly, realizing there is nothing he can do for the poor animal he breaks out in tears, his afternoon ruined. then another car comes around the corner, a low-slung sports car. seeing him in the road the driver stops and gets out- a beautiful young woman with long blonde hair "whatever's the matter" she asks him, her voice laced with concern. "it's all my fault, i'm a horrible person, i killed the rabbit" the man mutters through his sobbing. the woman looks around, now spotting the mangled ex-rabbit in the road "don't worry" she says comfortingly, reaching into her handbag and pulling out a spray can. she then proceeds to spray the entire contents of the can onto the hare. to the mans shock the rabbit twists and contorts back into a lifelike shape, suddenly springing up full of life. the rabbit raises a paw in the air almost like it was waving at the pair of them. the rabbit then hops off, apparently unfazed by it's recent ordeal, every few yards it stops and raises its paw as before as if to wave goodbye. it keeps doing this until finally it crests a nearby hillock and dissappears reality descends again and the man turns to the woman in confusion "what the hell was that you just did?" he asked, incredulous at this miraculous turn of events. the woman simply hands him the empty can, he takes it and glances at the label which reads: "hair spray- restores life to dead hair and adds wave" plz no ban.....
  23. that's not how fps works. even worse when you take into account the effects of joule creep extended over a longer barrel. my advice- if you're gonna do stuff like this buy a chrono so you can be sure yourself, and do some reading on the difference between fps and joules.
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