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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. well, turns out the mg is using a standard v2 tappet plate, which is awesome because it seems to want to eat them

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i appreciate the advice, i get what you're saying that the tappet plate could be hitting the cylinder and stretching it.


      there's no tappet "window" on this box per say, it's a really strange design (a 2 peice split with the handguard being it's own unit with all the gears and the top being a big rectangular box with the cylinder/tappet)


      the brass clip is more like a washer- it's mounting hole is dead centre and there's about 2.5-3mm extra draw, and it's coupled with the longest nozzle i've seen on an AEG (think double m4 length)


      like i say, gun is bone stock, i wouldn't even have had it apart if it hadn't eaten the tappet plate (after about 15k rounds), so atm i'm suspecting either a weak tappet plate or too strong a return spring being the main culprits.


      only other possibility is given the handguard unit is a seperate peice maybe it slid out of position when being carried and made the difference.

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      The window I refer to is how that 7mm or 8mm sits and allows feed/sealing


      if you had a nozzle too short you will have lovely feeding but $hit seals


      if you had a nozzle that was too long you get great seals but $hit feeding


      so all this crap is about ensuring the nozzle is correct length

      (which it probably is)

      and then ensuring the "window" or where the tappet/nozzle moves

      allows the correct "window" position of nozzle retracting/returning


      if it is operating say more than 0.5mm out of whack/position

      you will get either feed/seal issues


      retracting tappet too far trying to compensate or increase stuff

      runs the risk of smashing crap out of tappet if not checked

      or at the very least wearing out the fin very very quickly


      That window wasthe where there 7 or 8mm movement is sitting bang on

      not a rear inspection window like many v2's have

      ensuring it all operates within the correct position/window/tolerance  etc...

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      yeah, it's a very long nozzle due to the hop design, and i suspect they have the long stroke on the tappet to keep feeding issues down, not sure why it's such a strong spring as it's not like it needs to deal with midcaps.


      she shoots and feeds incredibly well, so it's safe to assume they're right with the nozzle/stroke combination. although i still think the spring is way too strong which might be why it died.


      we'll see how this new plate works out, and if it eats that one i'll swap the spring out for a weaker one and check it's not bottoming out

  2. why can't i stop buying stuff for the m4 when what it really needs is a new motor....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      I'm going for a lighter setup, so ive swapped the awesome but heavy vltor rail for an moe hanguard so i bought a gas block rail so i can still attatch the bipod and i've also decided to get a proper flip to side mount rather than the qd mount i have for the magnifier.


      Also an sa80 sling so i dont have to constantly switch the one off the f2000

    3. Gepard


      I love my MOE Handguard. Fits my battery perfectly and is so much lighter than the other rails I have. Looks great too imo. 



    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      I'm rear wired, because its bad enough dissassembling a king arms m4 without front wiring, but its made the gun so much more pointable.


      Meanwhile the f2000 still isnt feeding, the sig is shooting harder than most rifles, the 1911 is still leaking gas and the mg has eaten its own tappet plate.


      Airsoft life eh?

  3. well, it's D-day for this project, printer's working overtime, hard to believe this is it.

  4. well, finally after more time and money than i'm comfortable i now have an m4 with a hair trigger and a working mosfet. now all i need to do is figure out why it thinks the fully charged lipo is low

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      after todays performance i quite believe it, although admittedly part of that is because i screwed up and got caught by the ol' v2 eating it's own wires mistake.

    3. ImTriggerHappy


      It sucks when that happens V3 boxes are so much better.

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      lol, i'll bear that in mind for when this decides it isn't going to run any more, although i need to stop spending money on airsoft for the time being.


      i think it's just my curse, as soon as i get a gun running sweet i feel the need to mess with it and end up breaking something. plan was the mosfet that was in there was going into the mg but i think i'll hold off on that until after sunday :D

  5. Well, with a gentle fizz there goes £60's worth of mosfet. I should really never be allowed to use a soldering iron.....

    1. Robert James

      Robert James

      Its only a crease, Iron it back out.... I'll see myself out. 

    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      £60 - what one did ya blow up ???

      thought Gate Titan's came pre-wired or part pre-wired


      It isn't the soldering iron so much

      well unless you are using a 50w chisel tip with plumbers solder


      It is the technique mostly apply too much heat for too long etc....

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Twas one of those whole trigger unit jobs, first fitting it ate its own wiring so i re-did it and it died. Not sure if it was already dead before i made the new loom or not.


      Its a 40w pointy tip iron, wasnt the soldering itself killed it as i was patching onto the original cables


      This is my punishment for angering the gods of "if it aint broke leave it the feck alone"

  6. let's put the magpul stock back on the m4 i thought, lets put a bolt-in mosfet kit in i thought...


    4 hours later it's still not working. now i remember why i had an m16 stock on there in the first place

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      lol, i've just had to completely re-do the wiring and it's still not working, so maybe i shouldn't mess with these things :P

    3. Duff


      Echoing my own thoughts.

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      indeed, always the way- gun doesnt work, you fix it, gun does work you try to improve it and end up breaking it.


      and the cycle continues....

  7. urgh, really want to go airsofting now the mg&m4 are on top form and my grenade is finally working again.


    roll on the 13th, checking out a new site and we're rolling out all the hpa's and support guns we can get our hands on

  8. finally putting the effort into getting the m4 firing 1j on the dot, feels good

  9. so halfway through taking the mg apart to change it to a 1j spring, and i realise it's got a tool-less quick change

  10. it is working, and the box hasn't dissappeared so now i can spam status updates :D

  11. art thys thyng working?

  12. hmm, just tried it there with ie11 (it's taken that long to open ) and it's the exact same bug
  13. All i have extensions wise is adblock+, so i cant see any issue there with it disabled on this site
  14. hmmm, i'll have a go with a different browser tomorrow, might be opera being weird, although it's normally very good.
  15. thought it might be the cause, so i have it disabled on here now, still having the same issue. seems i click the "whats on your mind" box, it links me to my profile page, and when i return to the forums the box is gone until i leave for a while
  16. it's back again, but basically if i click that box it says "loading" then goes to my profile page. edit- now it's gone again:
  17. yeah, i do that and it links me straight to my profile page edit: and now the text bar has dissappeared! i call shenanigans!
  18. dumb question- how do status update? i click the box and it links me to my profile page which is a maze
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