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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. when i say trigger response i mean the time between pulling the trigger and the gun going pew as opposed to how quickly you can activate the trigger.
  2. doesnt matter how much you do to improve the trigger response of an aeg it will never be the same level as an hpa or gbb better off accepting good enough (ie a reasonably mild auto setup and a precocking mosfet to deal with semi).
  3. dsg= dual sector gear, only pulls half the length of a standard sector gear meaning you're limited on barrel length, but means you get very high rates of fire (in the op's case 35 rounds per second) hpa=high pressure air, essentially you're running a paintball gun tank with a regulator, with the right system you can run as fast as the magazine can feed (45-50rps or even higher) problem is, at that rate of fire even the shortest burst is going to send 2 or 3 rounds downrange which isn't going to make you popular with the guy on the receiving end.
  4. neither did the lct, a few dry fires to set the motor height had me onto the horrific state of the gearing pretty quick. same with the svd, already knew the stock we hop rubber setup for whatever unholy fps it fires out of the box wasn't going to work for the downgraded version i've got so it had a ml autobot in there before even firing a round.
  5. it's a tricky one, is it truly a wanker gun if the person using it isn't being a wanker? i'll confess that i've done the whole hpa hose machine before, what with the local sites approach to rps being whatever you can get the gun to do. but it's never really been my thing, good for punching through hedges when folk think they're safe but i'm much more of an accuracy guy. that said, high speed gears low (relatively speaking) speed motor is a combo i'm wanting to give a go more for eliminating gear whine than straight up rof.
  6. indeed, some things might not be relevant in all cases. for example i tend to swap out hop rubbers for softer compounds straight off the bat due to my penchant for firing heavy ammo at low energy, doesn't always mean the stock rubber is bad, just that it doesn't suit my purposes.
  7. Its a good thing the aim of this build is to look like its made of a bunch of crap found lying around. Means i can say without guilt that it looks like a bunch of crap you found lying around
  8. more importantly it's a case of why were those parts changed? granted my recent lct review was one of those cases, but i think i did a decent job of explaining exactly why i had to change out the gears/motor/piston.
  9. indeed as a general rule i don't give a shit what a gun chrono's out of the box because odds are any version i get will have been downgraded anyway. actual range is a big one, and they never try different ammo types, nothing along the lines of "this can lift up to X weight", same with accuracy, if your standard is hitting an a4 target at 10m then a nerf gun could be the greatest thing ever...... i also really, really, don't give a crap how ambidextrous or not a gun is...... what i want to see in reviews is things like which parts are proprietary, what's the long-term reliability like, in the case of gas guns how cold can it get before it waves the white flag? (also inb4 just run it on black gas, been there done that don't work). for example i plan on reviewing the WE Dragonuv at some point, but i refuse to do it until i can answer the question definitively on wether or not you can put RS furniture on it and if any modifications need to be made.
  10. A strategy i used to adopt, until i realised that if they won't call one or two patently obvious hits (ie where the usual no feel clause doesnt apply) then sending a load more is just throwing good money after bad. Although maybe thats because the ones i'm used to dealing with can fail to call a 40-mike....
  11. Always saddening when folk cant get their heads around the most simple and basic rule of the game.....
  12. i dunno, for range work a shoulder stock would be very handy, especially for getting onto a red dot before the other guy shoots you. and nowt wrong with being a bit different as long as it has fieldable performance.
  13. ^is there any higher praise of a build than duck telling you to leave it the hell alone? edit: perchance a theory for this performance boost over predictions is the Italian weather? batteries do tend to perform better in the warm
  14. i thought airsoft was meant to be a dick measuring contest for folks too prudish to use dicks and too poor to use cars
  15. i was more making a generalization of how sites can get poisoned by failing to take action than talking about specifically the depot, possibly they've made a choice of lenience as a one-off just in case they've not got the right man or he really did do it accidentally. if we're being facetious though i wouldn't take length of establishment or player numbers as a standalone sign of a site's quality, Justin Beiber attracts larger audiences than your average airsoft site doesn't mean i want anything to do with it.
  16. it becomes a vicious circle, the worse a place gets the more and more decent players leave, until the regulars are a bunch of arses or the site folds.
  17. it says a lot about sites round here that i have literally never been honesty shot by a marshall, or on-the-spot chrono'd 2 things i wouldn't mind, if anything it'd feel reassuring that it's being done.
  18. indeed, i left a site recently because of their consistent failure to do anything about the standard of play. don't get me wrong, you're never going to escape from cheating/general douchery but a site you can have faith that telling the marshalls there's an issue will result in some form of action has value.
  19. no no, face shots aren't punishment, they're just normal gameplay, it's our fault for not wearing face protection......
  20. Agreed, the court of public opinion doesnt exactly have the greatest track record of getting it right and the only thing worse than what this guy did is falsely lampooning some poor bugger for the crime. The guy who did it deserves the banhammer but lets let the site do that after doing their due diligence.
  21. agreed, i'd probably have propped it up against the tree it was next to. agreed, i'd probably have propped it up against the tree it was next to.
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