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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. Damnit, that was one that i thought it was but was like "nahh cant be an mg13 mag"
  2. Sounds kind of sketchy, cant say i've met a torch (even non waterproof) that would be that susceptible to moisture.
  3. Thats a, umm, what is it exactly? I can see a mk23, some m4 bits and i a magazine i feel i should recognise but dont.
  4. " One guy got killed by an Olight flashlight that exploded in his mouth. " Wait, what!? Do we know what the issue is? I'm not up on the specifics of olights but i'm guessing they use a standard 18650 style battery?
  5. Ahh yes, the good ol' airsoft review: 1. Open up the box, take a minute to talk about what its made from while showing some sweeping close-ups. 2. Spend 15 minutes talking about the controls, how ambi freindly they are, and listing every rail mounting point on the gun. 3. Show 3 bb's being fired through a chrono 4. 30 seconds of accuracy "testing" on an indoor range no more than 10m long, remember to shoot off-hand at a cardboard box and not say what ammo your using. 5. Declare it the best thing ever and remember not to say anything bad in case the manufacturer stops sending you stuff to test. Meanwhile i'm left asking "yes but whats the box like? Has it a qd spring? Are there any proprietary parts and if there are are they at least decent? Are there any quirks to dissassembly? Etc etc" Or the other "i 'review' my big youtube buddy's latest product (honest review guvnor)" types. Meanwhile i've had a gun i want to review for some time but i'm refusing to do so until i see if rs furniture fits.
  6. There's still pot luck at all points of the price ladder, but the current budget crop are pretty damn good for the price they are. Cant speak for their m4 lines but their ak's that i've worked on have shot far far better than their pricetag says they should.
  7. Ahh yes, i can see what you mean now. It's an interesting one, i kind of agree that being hosed with an 0.5j gun is preferable to say 3 or 4 spammed semi shots from a much more powerful gat all things being equal. As a rule for say milsims for caliber appropriate guns maybe, but for general skirmishing it's easier to just limit to semi.
  8. oh cmon that's not fair. @Tackle 's expansive array of creative nicknames for kicking mustang is good for at least 20 minutes of entertainment. i think it's a case of drawing conclusions based on watching youtube videos on airsoft rather than actually playing it. i have been asked why i don't bother with the RS stuff to which my standard reply is that i like the challenge of a target that can shoot back.
  9. this is true it is a very individualised thing. i agree with you on the instinct shooting for pistols, generally short range it's hip-fire and hope or long range it's careful time on the sights, but in-between i'm pretty much guaranteed to miss unless the other guy isn't looking.
  10. not sure i'm reading the point you're trying to make, are you saying that auto is most effective at at short range, or that auto is equally aggravating regardless of distance?
  11. funny i'd have said the opposite. on a rifle having 2 fingers on the grip is much less of an impact to holding the thing steady than a pistol, for example a really small pistol like a colt 25 feels kind of awkward to shoot because you can't get a solid grip with your pinkie. each to their own though, i mean i refuse to c-clamp an m4 but i naturally c-clamp an ak because of reasons i'm not entirely sure about. yeah i'm a hedgelurker at heart so often it's very easy to get away with it, especially when you mostly play either the range game or the sneak game, neither of which require massive snap-shooting abilities.
  12. way i see it airsoft could be a good stand-in for the kind of squad training that's normally done with blank fire adaptors and such. it's never going to replace range time with a real rifle but i can see it being cheaper and safer for non-marksmanship based training.
  13. afaik the general story seems to be they changed gearbox suppliers and their qc dropped off a cliff not too long ago (i wanna say last year)
  14. i found using o-rings instead of a spring to hold the hop to the box works pretty well for minimising wobble, admittedly at the expense of making it a pain in the ass to get the upper and lower together.
  15. ahh yes, the wonderful world of first time hpa: *looks at fcu settings* FUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  16. isn't that the argument for using the middle finger on the trigger? as-in literal point and shoot. i did find it interesting when i first started using the makarov how much i went full sean connery with the low-down one handed hip firing. but tbh i've never put as much thought into particular "stances" when shooting, it's a case of get behind the gun, get the sights on target and shoot. of course that has led to me remaining stubbornly incapable of shooting left-handed/swapping sides gracefully, but i just work round it (mostly by getting someone else to take left hand corners)
  17. For sure, he even painted the sights to match! Exception that proves the rule i guess
  18. and as we all know every airsoft tech working at a shop puts the maximum of care, attention and the precise skill that only comes with experience into every job they do. or i could be wrong and there could be a reason why premium tech's are a thing.....
  19. not sure if i want to watch the video to make my own judgement, or not watch it to deny him the views. unfortunately regardless of how decent or not mr creative nickname generator is in the flesh, the personality he's created to play the youtube clickbait game really makes him out to be the embodiment of what airsoft shouldnt be. sadly "omg you wont beleive the painful cheater getting 500fps sniper 360noscope point blank to the balls instant karma" gets more clicks than "played a days airsoft, it was fun, but more fun in person than it looks in the video, trust me it was good"
  20. bullpup rpk innit or for those of us who cannot understand a concept unless stated in meme form:
  21. i thought it'd be the opposite, more kinetic energy in the piston means you're gonna need more initial spring energy. but the momentum of the heavier piston then limits the velocity the bb can acheive regardless of its weight because the bb's energy gain is a smaller proportion of the energy in the system. come to think of it, it's really hard to describe how i think the whole heavyweight piston thing works.
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