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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. so lockdown has spawned some pretty serious threads so maybe we should balance it out with something totally stupid. so the king is dead, long live the king- you. you are now the god-king of elbonia, your wish is your people's command. mud exports are proving profitable and your resources are practically limitless, your people loved the previous king for bringing such prosperity and will follow your counsel. so what do you do for airsoft when you can do what you like? the law is your word so you wanna change fps limits? fine you wanna clear out an active power station to play cqb? just order the workers to leave you wanna do a milsim with real civilians? well go right ahead wanna give all your airsoft buddies solid gold systemas to play with? no problem. wanna hire a marshall for every player? sure wanna throw cheaters in the gulag? go for it the only limits are what is physically possible (ie no magic), and your imagination. so what would you do with airsoft in your country? if you want a bonus challenge, then the underling you assign to carry out your commands is a traitor and wants to subtly ruin your plans- what does he do to foil you? edit: should clarify that while elbonia isn't a large country but it does have a lot of varied terrain and somewhat extreme seasonal weather variation, so you should be able to get a reasonable facsimile of any region you like from dry desert to snow capped mountains.
  2. 100% this the real skill in teching is getting a good gun to shoot well on "inferior" (put a lot of weight on those quotation marks) parts. unfortunately some folk make the mistake of thinking that more expensive parts=better parts when the reality is even a well-made high quality part can absolutely ruin a gun if it's not the right part for that build. for example that gearbox shell might be superbely made and exactly to spec but if that spec isn't exactly the same as the reciever it's going into then the hop might not line up, the body pins might not line up just right or the motor alignment might go out but only when you tighten down the stock screw or something along those lines. i mean it's entirely possible to have a £2k+ gun be incapable of hitting the broad side of a barn if it's not setup correctly. as an answer to the compression problem personally i'm a big fan of these nozzles: https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/nozzles/ec-m4-metal-nozzle-double-oring-21mm although they're out of stock at the minute.
  3. There are some options, but be careful when picking the repro zenitco stuff as the handguard dimensions on some patterns of ak are different to others and even when it is the "right" type you may need to crack out a file to get it to sit snug.
  4. Even worse is it could be an m4 mag adaptor in it too, that or a drum. I'm not against the concept of a stocked pistol but tbh the carbine kits you get now seem the better alternative for practical usage.
  5. Whats worse is i suspect that thing will be ordinarily fed from a hpa adaptor because thats a lot of optic on the slide to be cycling..... Edit: and thats assuming its a non-tilt barrel because thats a lot of can......
  6. 8 mids i can understand, but 8 hicaps? only reason i can see that working is if there is literally no other magazine type available.
  7. could be feedlips, or could be the mag, hpa's tend to be a fair bit more demanding on feeding. i'm not familiar with the wolverine systems but you might have an fcu setting that controls how long the nozzle stays back for which could help feeding at the expense of rof.
  8. tbh the side rail looks pretty decent as-is. if it were me i'd lose the torch and if possible the side section of rail. if you wanna go the tactical route then some repro zenitco on the frontend will give you somewhere to mount a torch to (which will also be more convenient for activation)
  9. dont wanna go drilling into the wood. really hard to find a pic of what i'm meaning but something like the laser positioning of these:
  10. ahh the greatest spirit of the ak, if it don't fit imma make it fit tbh i'm currently hunting for a way to get a wee stub of rail mounted between the gas block and barrel so i can get me 2dp side-mounted there and can go back to the original handguard.
  11. ooh, been a while since i seen an nicd in the wild..... as a very, very rough guide a 7.4 lipo is gonna give you equivalent (indeed a bit more) poke than that 8.4, although with lipo's you do need to take a bit more care with charging. if the guns you've got could take that monster nicad then tbh you have a lot of options. however if you're selling them, then tbh i wouldnt necessarily worry all that much as generally batteries don't really add much, if anything, to a sale (especially if they don't come with associated charging equipment).
  12. yeah i just couldn't miss the opportunity to point it out don't worry, you're in good company, like i say some of us never shoot the same gun twice
  13. generally i'm using gate mosfets, so there's an entirely seperate connector for the trigger going to the mosfet. that mag looks ok, personally i quite like the orange (granted the airsoft version of orange does tend to be a bit on the light side). what i really wish is for decent plum.....
  14. yeah, tricky one. i tried ordering something similar (claimed to be cyma and all) but it was a solid half inch too short to fit an e&l motor/cage.
  15. i assume they don't specify what brand it is meant for?
  16. really depends on the gun. some guns you can get away with it if you don't plan on changing the motor on the regular, eg if you're using gate mosfets on an ak you can permamently have the wiring up to the mosfet left installed because it doesn't hinder working on the gun.
  17. unfortunately it does seem to be a thing that some ak's take certain grips and others don't.
  18. one thing that is worth mentioning is that play-style can really effect how silent a gun needs to be. i found it kind of odd when i started using the dragonuv but despite the hilarious racket that thing makes when firing (part of the reason i got it in the first place) some folk straight up wouldn't notice me shooting. i suspect the main reason is that in the name of consistency with gas i'd space my shots much more than i would if i was using an assault gun (even an hpa) so after the initial racket there's no follow up noise/bb whizzing to give folk an idea where it came from.
  19. 30k in the akm, was worried might be too fast but seems to be about right.


    now back in the cupboard for the next year.....

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    2. strykerles
    3. Skara
    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      @Asomodai it's 12:1 and all :P


      as for the style, i'm still not sure, i kind of want to find a barrel clamp to run the 2dp as i'd rather run the normal forend than the current rail+afg combo that's on there atm.


      fortunately i'm hopefully redeeming myself with the optics- got a 1p67 on order should keep both camps happy......

  20. very astute, seems his fame is well travelled. i agree there, folk are gonna try and beat any limit that's in place.
  21. shhh, just pretend it's an arsenal slr107
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