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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. hard to tell, maybe hoping that phrasing the question differently will get an easier/simpler answer? his previous thread seems to indicates he wants an ar, although he didn't specify then or not wether or not his 200EUR budget is to cover just the gun, or to cover a complete starter package.
  2. you can work around it depending on what kind of draw speed you want, just run the mag seperate and load the gun when you're gonna use it. of course this is just another reason why the mighty makarov with its infallable heel release is the greatest pistol ever made
  3. apparently i replied and all. just goes to show what lockdown has done to me memory
  4. absolutely this. op: do you have a specific style of gun you're after/like? because that might help narrow down which manufacturer you were wanting to look at. for example the cm045 would be an excellent starter gun, but not if you hate ak's.
  5. ^be warned, soft fabric style holsters + thumb button mag release=click of doom + hours of searching for a dropped mag.
  6. i do like the nanoasr, means you can swap to one of the fancier units like the warfet later on if the feeling takes you.
  7. yeah ab on it's own i've found aint the best for an ak, but if you've got precocking with it then it's ok.
  8. Mosfet with precocking would be worthwhile if you use a lot of semi, otherwise i'd say go basic (ie no active braking) as ab can cause bad trigger lockups on v3's.
  9. sensible move, no sense paying money to fix something that ain't broke. generally the nozzle is the one thing that can't really be improved that easy without a part replacement, especially the ones that don't have o-rings as standard. worth pulling everything except the gears from the box when checking, you also need to remember to try it with the box tightened up as what might be perfect with the box held together can lock up tight when you bolt everything together. sometimes these things happen, if i had a penny for every time i've taken a broken thing apart, found nothing whatsoever wrong with it, put it back together and it's worked again...... yeah that's weak magnets for ya, if the rate of fire is good enough don't need to replace it on that alone though. little tlc goes a long way, like i said worth checking the air seal first because otherwise you'll end up hauling a much stronger spring than the fps you're getting merits. plus it'll go miles to helping accuracy, and by extension effective range- the way to tell is shot-shot consistency being much lower than before.
  10. might not be the mag itself, there might be a vsr style mag cutoff that's sticking maybe? like i say haven't been far enough into it to know what setup it's using.
  11. that's, umm, that's definately something......
  12. not sure i'd trust a 3d printed mag, too rough for the feedway.
  13. afraid i can't really help there, it was a mates gun and only work i did to it was external (re-fitting the front post). i'm guessing it's a vsr type feeding mechanism but couldn't say for sure.
  14. never played anywhere that had it stated as a rule, but it's how i've always done it. center of mass of what you see, makes sense if only for the purpose of maximized hit probability.
  15. spring. was pretty fun tbh, accuracy wise seemed pretty passable (caveat it was a sub 1j otherwise stock gun on .32's) i'd say somewhere in the region of stock vsr terrirory. although the front sight mount is a bit flimsy on it, the one i was using wasn't that old and had already lost the front post. the cocking peice on the bolt can sometimes rotate and jam on you, but once you get the hang of it it's ok. mag's a bit weird, it works just fine once you figure it out, although constantly winding it up to reload mid-game will strip the skin off your thumb, reckon it'd be a right pain to fix if the string breaks though. if you do get one then make sure and get the front sight attached as solid as you can and the wood isn't the nicest (but some wire wool and oil should sort that out)
  16. 2 example pretty much sum up my views on headshots: scenario 1- woodland area sneaking through the bushes, meet another player along the path. i'm at left hand concealement and i can't shoot for shit left handed so i figure i'll tuck myself into the hedge wait for the other guy to move out of cover towards me. other player fires a burst through the hedge, and it makes it's mark (hedge was not as dense as i'd thought), however whilst he'd aimed for where he reckoned me stomach would be because i've tucked down deeper i catch it straight to the noggin. he issues a quick sorry, i point out i'd crouched into it, end of story. scenario 2- outside area with a few bunkers, i'm frantically defending against a lot of players attacking from the front, don't notice the sneaky bugger coming round behind. he has a clear view of me through the door of the bunker and lets fly- an extended auto blast right into the face at a relatively short distance. he could have aimed anywhere but chose the face. in both cases i'm catching a burst to the bonce, but the context is the important thing. the objective at the end of the day is to get the other player to notice, and therefore call the hit. but there is a subset of players who seem to think that's not enough and they need to go above and beyond. they may try to justify it to themselves by claiming it's to "deal with cheaters" or whatever but in my experience that's a hollow argument as someone who's dead set on not calling a hit won't call it no matter how hard, how much, or where you hit them but someone who's honest will call the lightest of glancing blows. calling players that take exception to this weak isn't really the way forward. i'm paying money to have fun, i'm not paying money to be someone else's punching bag or to undergo more pain than is necessary, if i was into that i'd play paintball or take up boxing instead.
  17. The problem is that whilst yes it will detract from km and other folk who follow the same attitude, it will also detract from regular players significantly. For example it will allow tactics such as peeking over cover with impunity which is gonna cause as many arguments/annoyances as it solves. End of the day the specific tactics aren't the problem, its how people employ them and wether or not it's done in a dickish way.
  18. can't say i agree with that. when you're dealing with cover you can almost guarantee that headshots are a necessity because all the target profile you're gonna have to shoot at is their gun, maybe some arm/shoulder, with the head being the biggest target. the problem is not headshots in general, it's unnecessary headshots ie intentionally aiming for the face/head when you have other parts of the body to shoot at. km may very well not be aiming intentionally for headshots as often as it appears in his videos, however he is portraying himself to be a player that intentionally goes for the head.
  19. not necessarily while back due to technical difficulties ended up playing a whole day with nothing but a pps mosin and a speedloader in me pocket
  20. i mean that is the one thing every WE i've met is incapable of......
  21. It's trying to go from a standing start, potentially under load (depending how far it rolls past cutoff) A very approximate analogy is why your car wont pull away from parked in 5th gear, but once up to speed it's fine. Batteries have 3 main ratings: Voltage (7.4v, 11.1v etc) more volts = more oomph so it'll spin everything faster. Think of this like the horsepower on your engine Capacity (800mah, 1200mah etc) expressed as milli amp-hours, more is always better because it'll last longer, but the trade off is generally a battery that is physically larger so might not fit in the gun. Think of this like the fuel tank on your car C rating (20c, 15c, 30c etc), this is an expression of the safe current draw a battery can do, the formula is you take your capacity in mah, divide by 1000 (converting to ah) then multiply by the c rating. More c rating is always good and much better to be over-specced (as the actual amp draw is what the motor tries to take), of course the downside is the battery will be more expensive. The car analogy is tricky but think of this like the fuel pump- the engine wants what it wants and you gotta feed it fuel fast enough. However, this is a stock gun and presuming the battery isn't worn out/got a dead cell (which will be noticable in every gun you use it in) then we can probably rule that out as the problem.
  22. always a balance to be struck. i mean you could argue spare magazines, pistols and webbing gear of all types is unnecessary given you can still play effectively with an arp9 and a drum.
  23. sounds fun. i've always wanted to get more ambushes going on in airsoft.
  24. when you say it would barely shoot do you mean she was struggling to cycle? in which case i'd start at the battery and work towards the motor as either the motor is too weak or it's not being fed enough juice. in terms of range/accuracy it's a multi step process, but a new hop rubber/nub to lift heavier ammo and some air seal work is gonna be your best bang for buck. that will mean cracking her open though.
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