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Status Updates posted by Skara

  1. More than 48 hours to deliver a small box.

    Like, the post office is literally 200m away from my doorstep, how can they take so fucking much?

    Can't even go and collect it myself because they haven't even attempted to deliver it yet.


    I even need to pay them €16 for "international delivery fee"


    Fucking robbery that is.

    1. Albiscuit


      Deliveries in this day and age are soo hit and miss..


      Always winds me up how Nike can take an order from me, tell me I have paid. email me three days later telling me item is out stock and I will not receive anything, or email me three days later telling me the item will be dispatched and I should expect delivery in three to five days.


      I have ordered from an independent store in Spain late at night, had an email first thing the next day saying item had been sent and revive it the following day, so two working days from ordering! With sweets in the box :)  


      Same with airsoft stores and stupid delivery charges/times. If it fits in an envelope why do I need to pay £9.99 for postage PFTT!!!


      Its a double edged sword, we buy online as its easier than getting off our arses, yet hate having to pay and wait for items to arrive :P  

    2. Skara


      I only had issues with the national postal service.

      All the private couriers always delivered right on time or earlier than the estimated date.

      This order should've been here by the 2nd of February, today's the 7th.. And I still had to give them €14 because the parcel came from outside the EU 😕

  2. Is it me or Odin M12s are absolutely impossible to find??

    1. Lozart


      Zshot that were manufacturing them seem to have gone dark, maybe drop Odin Innovations a message and see if they know what's happening?

  3. Watching Kingsman: The golden circle.


    That brit accent is hilarious (no offense guys, but it's amazing)


    almost makes me want to get a Kingsman loadout for airsoft 

    1. AshOnSnow


      Not a patch on the first film. 


      Yes - a suit, Tokarev TT30 and a BB-proof umbrella will certainly be an eye catcher.


      Luckily, you can get an airsoft TT33 from loads of places. Shotgun launcher, not so much - would have to make it yourself, easily done with cardboard, or if you have workshop access a pile drill and lathe for an aluminium one.


      Not sure the marshalls will be too pleased when you start snapping players necks though!

  4. TFW you gas your WE glock mags in March, then test your TM G17 in late May but the gas has expanded so much it's almost impossible to depress the release valve :D

    At least I know they don't leak :D

    1. strykerles


      my WE 226 mags are the same out of the 5 I have 4 are still gassed and 1 has failed at the release valve

  5. Finally a fun day!

    11 people, 6 attackers and 5 defenders to spice things up, good team movements and tactics.

    Had a big laugh the whole morning although one guy complained about me not calling a hit during the last game, but I honestly didn't feel it (he probably missed as I played with only a tee and belt, no pack or anything), game was over anyway as it would have been a trade but I apologized nonetheless.


    If only all game days were like this.

    1. Druid799


      Had one of those last wk , site normally has anything between 60-80 players but there were only 35 on the day , plenty of space to move around the site and the gameplay was so much more better than normal , makes you realise how good it can be ? 👍

  6. What's a good website to get a mtp lightweight goretex jacket?


    (I live in Italy so shipping will be a lot anyway)

    1. Gepard


      Try www.cadetdirect.com . I bought my uniform for the ATC there and was happy with the quality and service. 

  7. Would door stops make a good dampening pad for a cylinder?

    1. #blackadder


      If you’re dead set on trying hard rubber like door stop - go to screwfix and get 1/2” flat tap washers  . 

  8. Hand sewing scrims onto a bdu is boring -.-


    Let's use some zip ties :P

    1. clumpyedge


      Consider using shoe glue. I did this with my home made half ghillie, worked a treat. Strong and stays put and don't in half the time.

  9. I have an exam in 4 hours.


    And I am here, watching videos on YT.


    Time to think about life choices 🤣

    1. Solly4568


      well what else are you going to do 🤣 don't worry you are not alone in  wasting time before an exam 😀

  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFvMyssgdNI


    Just a reminder that throwing a bunch of cash at a problem won't automatically solve it.

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      I think what he's trying to point out is that the titan is a tool designed for a very specific task and it's reliant on the rest of the system performing to a certain standard.


      But if done right it does give you functionality that nothing else does, at least nothing without an air line going into it.

  11. Is anyone into CAD drawing for architectural purposes?

    1. hitmanNo2


      I have spent many a day sitting in front of AutoCAD.

  12. I kinda feel bad for replacing my Perun Optical with a Hybrid. I may build a gun/gearbox just to use it again!


    I don't regret replacing the Titan though.

    1. Rogerborg


      Who had "2 hours, 51 minutes" in the Regrets Sweepstake?

  13. F*cking hate traveling by train.

    Missed one, stuck for a whole hour and a half waiting for the next one.

    Boarded, 40m delay -.-

    Fuck me life..

  14. Festivities like Halloween.


    Those days in which people who have disappeared for months and avoided any kind of contact from you suddenly resurrect from the depths of oblivion they jumped in head first, only to drag your tired ass from a 12h nonstop work day into a town that's dead 360 days a year, surrounded by crowds of teenagers looking to get drunk and have sex with someone they won't even remember if it's a male or female, followed by people with no less than 50 years desperately trying to achieve the same.


    I fucking love festivities.


    Also these sons of bitches are fucking late as always and it's pouring like hell.


    Thank God I'm moving back to my parents tomorrow because I've finally found a decent paying job.


    So I can buy a house.

    On top of a mountain.

    And not having to deal with all this shit ever again.






    Or maybe I just need to see a psychologist.

  15. Of course I have to shim the retro arms gearbox inside the receiver -.-


    Fucking Airsoft and its "standards"

    1. Skara


      Nvm, turns out the outer barrel was shit and forced the hop unit to sit at an angle.

  16. Energy loss in semi, but not in full auto.


    That's a new one for me!

    1. Skara


      'twas the FPS cylinder that for some reason was acting up.


      Reverted to the old Specna cylinder and the muzzle energy is very consistent (again).

  17. So, had some free time yesterday, fixed my kwa g19 gas leak and modded my 1200bb electric magazine to accept LiPos (the stock battery lasts for about 15 minutes)..


    Now I just need to know why my am013 stopped feeding from its own mags -.-" I only swapped the bucking with a g&g green one..

  18. That moment when you have some spare Euros to waste on airsoft stuff, but your local shops don't have anything interesting :(

  19. Gate Titan's brushless option is useless..

    All it does is disable AB -.-

  20. So, today I took my jpc out for the game instead of my usual mini mav + backpack loadout, I thought it was going to end in pain because of the weight difference but, holy cow, the thing is so comfortable to wear!


    It only took me €12 for a set of foam plates to replace the emerson plastic ones and I must say that they're one of my best purchases so far!


    It'll still be used mainly for cqb games, but damn, now I'm definitely going to wear it more for woodland games!

  21. meh, time to take my gun back to the tech, i must have messed up something in the mechbox.


    gun shoots fine but there's a strange noise coming from the gears, either i shimmed them wrong or didn't properly lube them..


    Also going to pick a new keymod handguard and suppressor for the badger, i'm tired of slinging a bar of lead around the field

  22. Today's training:

    4 broken guns;

    2 lost radios;

    Almost killed one guy (slightly touched a rotten tree that fell 30cm away from his head)..


    Should've stayed in bed this morning...

  23. Tfw you're too lazy to fix your broken high cap so you use midcaps instead :D


    Now that I have a real Odin I might use midcaps more often

  24. I think those retards at PostNL just lost my parcel.



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