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Prisce last won the day on March 21 2019

Prisce had the most liked content!

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  • Guns
    Too many to list.

    Let's just say multiple of every role.
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    Cars- Mainly Landrovers
    Event organisation
    Oh and Airsoft.

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  1. How do you guys sell excess batteries that are no longer required?



    I have quite a few, too good to throw, don’t want tonnes for them, just something. 


    I know I can’t post them normally, any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Prisce


      Multiple of each type unfortunately. 

      Stick, nunchuck, block. 

      DPD, UPS won’t take batteries, Parcel force are Royal Mail, so won’t either. 

      Do I have to use MyHerpes?😱

    3. L3wisD


      "What's inside?"


      "Spicy chocolate bars"



    4. Misery


      haha i mind a postal worker asked me what was inside dont think she was imressed when i said a 12' butt plug if she would like to check lol

  2. Hey all, been a while since I’ve frequented this forum. Glad to see not much has changed!


    Havent managed to play in over 18months now, so I am thinning the collection. 

    I have listed the RIFs I need to sell, will get the gear up over the next few weeks. 

    Would appreciate any feedback if I have made a mistake or over estimated value on any of my listings!


    Hope you all had a Great Christmas, and wish you all a Happy new year!

  3. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    For sale is my TM Scar (believe it’s the H over the L), all the accessories in the photo are included. The scar has a few issues, the butt plate pin has snapped, I use electricians tape to hold this on. The recoil mechanism no longer works. Gun works fine, I had planned on taking apart, servicing and replacing the hop rubber with a Prommy purple, but never got around to it. Wired to deans. Firing 290fps on 0.2g. Will come with 1 Recoil Hi Cap, I have more mags available on request. A defence will be required upon enquiring. Can be posted using ParcelForce48 hour or can be collected from Hertford.


    Hertford - GB

  4. I’m up for it. Just got to find the time again!
  5. Not necessarily a bargain, but money off none the less. Only for 3 days though.
  6. Airsoft MGs are purely intimidation. The M60 we had was a cheap useable gym workout. But my god when the opposition saw it, they all shat themselves, but not as much as when they heard/felt it. I think people forget, half the battle is in people’s minds. The whole FPS/Range argument sums that up perfectly.
  7. I’d imagine your looking about £50-60 tops(hopefully less). The more you make, the cheaper they get, but some of that looks intrinsic= time=expensive.
  8. So, last Sunday’s game went well ish. Felt good to get back out, however, the custom had its first issue.


    The Titan decided to have a fit, I believe it may have grease on the optic sensor, it was firing full auto in semi, and firing on its own. 1 poor sod got lit up with more than the 2 bbs I fired at him, at that moment took myself out the game and put it away, meant the pistols got some serious use.


    Hopefully it’ll be an easy fix when I can get it apart!

  9. First day Airsofting THIS YEAR tomorrow, if anyone else will be at AP, look out for a couple of lanky Pricks, one has a Green AFUK Patch on his right Arm. That’s me.


    Come say hello, after a while, you may wish you hadn’t!

    1. BibbsOnTour


      Ahh damn, I'm there next weekend!


      That'll be my first day back in about a month - feels like a year though 😂

    2. Robert James

      Robert James

      Was supposed to be going but cant anymore. I'll be around in October though hopefully

  10. Start a post about your Mk23, enough people here will help you!
  11. Disco 3 is awesome. Electrics can be fun, and some of the maintenance is expensive(clutch and rear cam belt). I own 2 disco 3’s and they are definitely the best of both worlds, versatility of the defender, comfort of the Range Rover. Complimentary picture.
  12. Definitely. Got to get my work life balance back to an appropriate level first, haven’t even been Airsofting once this year. Haven’t been on holiday in 8 years. Apparently, I have a an affliction, when I have free time I have to fill it, when my times all taken up, I complain I don’t have any time. That’s BritLogic.
  13. I hear ya. I’m a bit of a car nut and am fortunate enough to have a few. Sold my defender in March for more than I paid for it new, I now have a kitted out Discovery 3. I also have a T5, and there is a Mercedes Vito on the drive begging to be converted into a camper. I went away from turning the car into a overlander and actually purchased a trailer to do the job. Pic attached.
  14. Defender, roof tent and awning. Far cheaper, easier to run, and looks better at a milsim😉. You’ve seen mine...(I don’t have it anymore- but it was the best way I could spend a night Airsofting)
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