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Posts posted by Dentonboy

  1. 7 hours ago, Tackle said:

    Wise words indeed


    Your over analysing it, why worry about something that may never happen, alternatively if it did happen your worrying won't have changed anything🤔

    As for the kit, it's meant to be used, & will look just as good on the wall even if it's stopped working, so again no excuse to not get out with it.

    look at sites with a good reputation for ensuring fair play, doesn't matter that site "A" has more features than a Swiss Army knife, if it's badly managed & full of teflon warriors then a bad day is almost guaranteed, so choose carefully, even if it's just bog standard woodland running some simple old skool capture the flag type games etc.

    Which site is that ?


    last few years ive experienced similar feelings, but after 20+ years of ptsd & its associated effects, as well as other physical health problems, Airsoft has always been my "medicine" to let off steam so to speak, my real fear now isn't not wanting to play, but having the choice taken away from me, literally today put on a waiting list for a new knee, In addition to last years minimally invasive cancer diagnosis becoming a more pressing issue requiring drastic intervention this year, wtf, more than ever I need to pew pew.


    You are indeed right mate. Hope you are well.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Wavey_Gravey said:

    Do you go to game days on your own?


    I found going it alone was ok, I could act all tacticool and not worry about anybody ‘not playing along’.


    Since going with some mates it’s more relaxed, it can be a laugh or as competitive as you feel on the day.


    I totally understand why agro players are mentioned, nothing ruins a day quicker than a hothead.


    Sometimes with friends, sometimes on my own. I know going helps my physical and mental health, but at the moment, I have no real desire to do it again. It is good to hear other people have felt likewise.

  3. 36 minutes ago, Lozart said:


    Running costs are a concern for any past time worth doing. If you're buying stuff because you want them and can afford them, that's fine. If you don't want to run them for fear of breaking them, that's fine too (just look at Negative Airsofts collection for a good illustration of that!). Forget about the law changing though, that's out of your control. Deal with it if it happens, don't fret about it now.


    Maybe pick up a couple of reasonably cheap guns and run about with them so you don't worry about them breaking? Thing is though, it's just stuff at the end of the day. I have a bunch of guitars, some of which are quite expensive now. One of them is a US Gibson Explorer that I've had for 30 years. It's been gigged, it has dings and scratches all over it and if it breaks it'll be expensive to fix but is it hanging on a wall or sat in a case? No, because it was made to be used. Same with those airsoft toys, unless you buy one that is specifically designed to be a wall hanger, go use it. Get some joy from pwning noobs with that creaky as fuck PSG-1, soak up the admiration of all around as you majestically light up a bunch of folks with the Uzi (with obligatory Austrian accent while doing it). If you have a gun that works reliably and you just prefer the ergonomics of, use that and let the others sit on the wall, it just doesn't matter!


    And if you're ever around the north Hampshire kind of area, give me a shout and come airsofting with us. We take very little too seriously!

    Cheers pal. Appreciate the invite.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Lozart said:



    Is it just the airsoft or is something else driving this? I played on Sunday and to be brutally honest, Saturday night I just wasn't feeling it. Work is stressful right now, my Dad has dementia and has been getting worse, my new permanent working from home is driving me up the wall and it's all contributing to an overall lack of motivation. I went though with three good friends and a couple more of their regular crowd and had a blast. Different site for me, different bunch of faces, it can work wonders!


    Nobody says you HAVE to play until you drop or how often you have to do it. You don't need to justify the money you've already spent as long as it isn't holding you back (NEVER go into debt just to play toy soldiers). 


    Maybe you just need to find a different site or a new bunch of people with a similar mindset. God knows that I have fallen out of love with many a site thanks to one bad day but going back with a bunch of like minded mates has changed all that. At least when you get that one argumentative prick you can walk away and go chat with your buddies. Of course, if your buddies are the argumentative pricks...you may need to get new buddies.




    I don't think the current climate of a pandemic has helped. I think it is more the concern that we are playing with toys, they can break, and it can be expensive to fix doesn't help my thinking. I have started to collect pieces that I want to use but don't want to break - TM Uzi, TM PSG-1 for example - and while I am not in debt and can afford to have this stuff in my loft, knowing that it is unlikely to depreciate, I do think at any moment one law change could render them all as wall hangers and the hobby could go. Which is reason enough to play whilst I can, I know...I know...

  5. Just wanted to put this out there, as it is something I am going through, and others might be too.


    I turned down the opportunity to skirmish last week, which would've been my first since last summer (which was in itself the first in six months) as I have completely lost the enthusiasm to play.


    The thought of testing batteries after so long, hoping magazines are still gas tight and hauling it all out of the loft, let alone the prospect of potentially playing alongside players who become aggressive or argumentative just killed any desire to do this again.


    I know I have felt similar in the past, and have got through it and played again, but I feel now that I am mentally tallying up my kit in prices and thinking what it would all fund.

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