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Philby21 last won the day on July 7 2019

Philby21 had the most liked content!

1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM M4 Sopmod, G&G CM16 Mod O, SRC G36C, WE G18C, AK74 DMR & others
  • Loadouts
    MTP, PMC, full black for night games, or whatever I fancy on the day
  • Sites
    The ExSite, OTT, North Wales
  • Gender
  • Location
    North Wales
  • Interests
    Motorbikes, movies, RC cars, drone photography, astronomy, occasionally Xbox

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  1. Worst: tough one, there's my Cyma MP5 which never fired right from the day I got it, would work perfectly at home but get to site and it'd fire about once in every 3 or 4 trigger pulls, currently in pieces in a box. Then there was the WE Hi-Capa 5.2R, the one with the meat tenderiser on the front, loved the look of it but just couldn't get on with it in-game, sold to a mate who was really happy with it (odd bloke). There's also my SRC G36C (Gen III) I bought second hand from a mate for £80, boxed, with a load of mags, was pretty good up until the gearbox decided to eat itself. Best: not any easier! There's my Silverback SRS 16" Sport with a few choice upgrades (thank you annual bonus!) which is just incredible. My WE G18C with the "fun switch", Mad Bull hop & Crazy Jet barrel, pretty much the range of an AEG. AEG wise, I adore my Krytac PDW MkII, light, compact and (with a Lonex inner barrel & Prommy purple) insane range and accuracy. Then there's my aforementioned G36C which went through a bit of an internal transformation after it broke, too many tweaks to list, I now run it on 0.3s, I can't wind a hi-cap fast enough to keep up with its rate of fire and it's literally like a laser (especially if I put the tracer on it), it's pretty much a one shot = one kill RIF now, and it's running at around 320fps on 0.2s. I honestly don't know why but a lot of folk don't like to be on the opposing team to me??? 😈
  2. Philby21

    Scopecam 2

    Glad you've got it sorted, might have been helpful if they'd explained that in the instructions 😂
  3. Philby21

    Scopecam 2

    A quick bit of online digging and it seems that it might be possible to set it via the app. Have to admit the instructions for this are pretty rubbish!
  4. Philby21

    Scopecam 2

    I'm not sure this'll work with a scopecam but I know a lot of this sort of kit does it in a similar way: Insert a freshly formatted memory card into the device and turn it on; Turn it back off and remove the memory card, put it into and adapter and plug it into a PC; Open File Manager and there should be a text file, this should contain the date and time; Open this file with something like NotePad and edit to the correct time & date and save the amended file; Remove from PC, put back in device, power up and hopefully any new recordings should now show the (almost) correct date & time. Then again I could to totally and utterly wrong!! 😂
  5. We'll know it's bad if the DFS sale ends! 😂
  6. I'm presuming for LiPo, if so then your best source is going to be (reputable) RC shops, i.e. https://www.modelsport.co.uk/electric/chargers/dual-output/quad-output/built-in-balancer?
  7. Philby21


    Yet another order fulfilled with your usual excellent service: SHS High Torque motor (one of the last things to upgrade on my AK DMR) ordered on the 22nd, despatched on the 23rd, arrived on the 24th, fitted and tested that evening. Absolutely faultless as always! There's a lot of much, much bigger companies could learn from this sort of service.
  8. Suspected that might be the case. Have you tried contacting the clubs listed in the UKPSA Map? Doesn't seem to be very much about though.
  9. Depends what you mean by north west, there's the Time Trial Pistol Club that Bomb Up in Warrington run on Tuesday nights? Might not be quite what you're looking for but I've been tempted to give it a try myself.
  10. Just ordered a new belt from Military 1st for a tenner, and no, it's not because I'm getting (more) fat! Looking to go to my first game since my accident this weekend and was trying my new PMC loadout, only to find that my nice new belt doesn't fit through the loops on my new trousers! 😠
  11. She lets you have wardrobe space for your airsoft stuff? Christ, we've got fitted wardrobes in all three bedrooms and I get half of one just for my normal day-to-day clothes!
  12. Philby21


    And it's this level of attention to maintaining quality that keeps us all coming back again and again. There's a hell of a lot of large retailer could really learn something from your example. Currently planning a DMR build so might be talking to you in a few months about a shopping list!
  13. Blimey, I don't check in for a day or so and miss all the fun - I need to set an alert on this thread!! You can't buy this kind of entertainment! 🤣
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