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Everything posted by Jedi_Master

  1. Have you tried using Google? First hit was at jdairsoft for £349.99
  2. ^^ Fire-Support charged £3.50 shipping which is no worse than many eBay sellers, and it is good to get it quickly from a UK retailer instead of waiting for import from china.
  3. Kingrin Locust steel mesh goggles (black) from Fire-Support for £15.50 (inc P&P). These will be my back up pair of goggles, just in case I have a malfunction with my main ones or fogging is too much. Not a fan of mesh per se because they still make my vision dark but they will work anywhere.
  4. Not that you can use then against human targets but there are 6mm steel ball bearings which will come in heavier weights, i.e. 0.80g http://www.amazon.co.uk/1-000-TFC-Steel-Softair-Airsoft/dp/B00BBL92BK
  5. The Jedi Mistress loves Santa's visit, he only comes once a year but when he does, he fills her stockings
  6. If Santa does read my letter and decide to bring me a shiny new SMG, then I am sure it will be nicely wrapped but batteries not included.
  7. Since November 2014 Welcome anyway. Great load outs.
  8. But any gin makes a decent martini, whether shaken or stirred. So where is the bulge horn kept, in a clown's pocket?
  9. Your initial post mentioned SO19 (MPS firearms) turning up because you was walking with weapons to a party. [[ I cannot use quote function on my laptop]] So the inference was that you would be out in public with RIFs - which as all have stated is wrong, and is just [insert expression of choice]. I also did not understand the tone, maybe because of how it was written, but then I have the same problem with sometimes lacking subtlety.
  10. That 2 month period really seems to drag, especially when you just want to get into the hobby but have to wait. However, it does mean that you have more time to think about, research, and ask advice about what first gun to buy. And it is not that long a period that you have to settle for a two-tone instead of purchasing a RIF. Although I felt like I had missed out on some good days of airsoft (did not want to hire more than necessary) it also meant that the RIF I wanted was back in stock.
  11. Taken from the UKARA website http://www.ukara.org.uk/player-registration.php Player registration To become a UKARA registered airsoft player you are required to take part in three games in no less than two months at your local registered gamesite. You must be over 18 years of age and able to provide some form of identification such as Passport, Drivers License or Bank Statement. So that is 3 games in no less than 2 months. Depending on site this is between 56 and 60 days. I played my 3 games in 57 days to qualify for site mebership, and annual membership cost £12, and then was able to use my mebership card and ID to purchase a RIF. Three occasions using a hire gun and thereafter my own RIF.
  12. No. Refer to the thread 'Got a question' in the UK Law section posted on 26 October.
  13. RIP Bob. There are no mistakes in painting, just paint it how you like. Very calming to hear him talking after a hard day at work.
  14. Autum Watch starts tonight. My wife found a baby hedgehog in the garden during the day on Saturday, which is never a good sign, and it was not moving much. So she carefully placed it into a cardbord box with bedding and hedgehog food, and kept in the garage overnight where it would be a little warmer and safe from predators. It was very hungry and ate all the food. Sunday we prepared the hedgehog house so that it would have somewhere to shelter through the winter and got ready to release it back into the garden. However, Checking on the hedgehog we found that its stools were runny which is sign of ill health. We weighed it and at only 200g was far too thin to survive the winter; they should be a minimum of 500g, ideally 600g, to be able to hibernate. Not being in a position to keep it in the house until Spring, and due to its poor health, we drove 100 mile round trip to take it to an annimal rescue centre. The hedgehog will get specialist medicine and looked after, Bupa style treatment. On our way out an injured swan was bought in. Now we will be paying to adopt a hedgehog and support some excellent animal welfare work.
  15. A whole coffee shop for the postie, wow. What are you buying the milkman, a Burger King franchise Must admit my regular postman is excellent with all the deliveries and definitely earned his Christmas tip.
  16. An old thread but this is a great demonstration of very impressive H&K engineering. So has anyone tried waterproofing their airsoft gun (have to be a gas one) for the ultimate riverine takedown? Will have to dig out my scuba kit
  17. Those good quality jute material 'bag for life' would blend in more than an orange 5p plastic bag, just less waterproof .
  18. But now Waitrose, M&S, Sainsburys, etc, all charge for carrier bags!
  19. Camoflague is needed in woods. If you are playing in an urban environment then dress in what you want. Where I play down in the UCAP Bunker it is mainly dark, so anything works, the other night a player in a 1960s Batman costume was just as good as those in full MTP.
  20. What are Berget games? Where is it held? Any links?
  21. For comfort I will often use two pairs of socks in my Merrell boots. A thin pair of Nike running socks, short ankle, with good moisture wicking and then a thick pair of hiking socks over the top. The hiking socks have decent loop construction and reinforced heels and toes. Stops rubbing in boots so reduces the chance of blisters, makes the boots fit better, and adds warmth when colder outside.
  22. I knew a girl once who was very nubi, in the classical sense.
  23. A plate carrier is all about protecting your vital organs, heart, lungs, spine. It should be worn high on the chest, and not low down over gut. Waist size is basically irrelevant, it is your chest size that matters, making sure that is properly covered. Larger plates will be heavier in real life but offer more protection than medium. However, this is airsoft and does not really matter whether you have large or small, apart from comfort. You need to be able to sit down without the plate carrier choking you, so a shorter person may have issue with the larger plate being too long. You want fake sapi plates or home made ones to fill the cavity in the carrier to give it the look, add ridigity and actually help support the carrier and your pouches on it. A quick google search 'sapi plate sizing' or similar will reveal lots of information. Even better, get to an airsoft shop and try some on for size, or ask a player in the safe zone at a site if you can try theirs on. Most players are friendly and will help you.
  24. Newb, has actually purchased a sniper rifle and wants to get better, asks pertinant and specific questions, and learns from answers. N00b, more of a dreamer, does not have a sniper gun but repeatedly posts about getting one, gets information, ignores it, gets everyone to list parts required, changes gun make/model, just posts for the sake of posting...
  25. I misread that to be about university boat races, Cambridge losing three races to the Bristol rowers. Must be time to get some sleep.
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