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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. And theres the ones at every skirmish who have a bad attitude and have a lot of reverse snobbery. If some one chooses to spend loads of time and money making their gun the best it can be best of luck to them. You looking down on them is as bad as them looking down on you. Its not needed its a game its meant to be fun no matter which way you play.
  2. The law states that its legal to own a RIF for the purpose of playing airsoft.Technically you can own one without ever actually playing as long as you have it with the intention of using it for playing airsoft one day. The whole VCRA and UKARA thing is totally misunderstood.
  3. You dont run a bottle of bbs just a couple of 120 rnd speedloaders. No rattle and takes up the same space as 1 low cap mag but fills 6 of my 40rnd mags.
  4. It is they are forcing players to rent guns needlessly. There statement is false advertising therefore illegal. Trading standards issue me thinks as this crap gives airsoft a bad name.
  5. Sitting Duck is right about the barrels the madbull ones are not very good ZCI is ok for a cheaper barrel. Only internal upgrade you really need is to replace the hop bucking, Ics bucking is crap try a tm bucking for a good cheap one or a prommy purple if you you dont mind paying extra.
  6. Some people enjoy spamming full auto and why shouldn't they?Play how you want and remember its a game its meant to be fun.
  7. At the end of the day everybody has a different play style so use the mags that suit you. I run 3or4 40rnd lowcaps and use a speedloader when in regen but also carry a 300 rnd high cap for the times when I want to lay down a load of bbs. Maybe there is no right type so better to be versatile with your loadout.
  8. I know how you feel I am starting to wonder if its worth it. Seems like too many good players are leaving lately. Hopefully a break is all you need if not let me know if you find a good hobby I might join you.
  9. True but a lot of people do with solidworks. Not sure whether its an online element that flags up or what but people seem to get caught quite a bit. Not worth the risk when there are plenty of cheap or free cad programs that do what most people would need.
  10. Spend an extra £50 and buy a PTS RM4. Or there is a used Tm recoil on here £270 that is an absolute bargain. Best M4 aeg on the market. OP name is kurt1001.
  11. Trigger response is all that matters. 30rps is great but the only one bb that matters is the one bb that hits. You dont need 30rps just need to learn to aim.
  12. Yeah lack of skill.If your on about the other thing thats DMR's and the overwhelming urge for an extra couple of inches on your barrel.
  13. Try Airsoft Machine Shop.
  14. Hope it works out alright for you. Let me know if you need anything else 3d printed.
  15. I have seen people wearing them with glasses but not sure how comfortable it would be.
  16. Occasionally they do but the force is dispersed on initial impact so they wont do any severe harm.
  17. You have to have a license for solidworks.Its designed for business and manufacturing every copy or the software has a unique user/reference code. You either buy it full price or get an illegal cracked version. If you get a cracked version and you get caught Solidworks will sue you.
  18. You will end end paying ten times more when you get caught using it.
  19. At the mall yesterday (24th May) one of the games came down to knife fights in Peacocks between the four personalities. It was one of the best laughs I have ever had in airsoft made more so by how fair and well played it was by the people involved and the fairness of the marshalls.
  20. Solidworks is becoming the industry standard cad program.
  21. You tell the it was gifted to you for the purpose of playing airsoft. Tell them who by if asked. As I said its totally legal.
  22. Yes this is fine. You dont need to be over 18 to own a rif you just need to be over 18 to buy one. If its gifted thats totally legal.The only time the police would search you is if you were waving it around in public. If you do that then whether you have a defence or not its being deatroyed and your being arrested.
  23. Try this one http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/black-bear-razor-desert-tri-colour-mesh-mask
  24. Its nub thats shaped like a dumbell rather than a standard cylinder.
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