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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Wont work, goggles will fog up very quickly after you put them on and to change you would need to return to the safe zone.
  2. Yes but proffrink says you can just use a remailer service. You could contact patrolbase as they are a krytac distributor and maybe they can get one for you. The other option is ask Seniorspaz to send one over when he goes back to the states. Hes a friendly young lad who I am sure if you gave him the cash would remail it back to the UK for you. Edit; I only used that link as it shows the kit well.
  3. Or just use one of these No fogging, good field of view and because its mesh wire doesn't create the vision issues as severely as the hole punched type.
  4. http://store.krytac.com/krytac-sdp-aeg-kit.html
  5. Yes you can turn it into a standard m4 but it will cost a lot more to go from krytac sdp to a crb than the other way round. http://store.krytac.com/krytac-sdp-aeg-kit.html You could just go for this http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft/krytac-trident-pdw-black.htm#.VnBtHi8Ybfs
  6. Farmers weekly The names Bessie Only reason shes smokin hot is it was the summer barbecue edition.
  7. My bad presumed you were using the 10.44 ssg set. If your going down the dsg route then yes the higher rated spring is the way to go coupled with a short stroke. They are a bastard to set up though. Only ever used 1 dsg set (14.09) and thats siegetek so cant really compare other brands for dsg. A few spare pistons might be wise to be honest because you might need them. Siegetek are the best but as I said its overkill most other decent brands are a fraction of the price and will last probably longer than most guns usable life.
  8. Yeah it will work but I am struggling to see where your going with this build (other than the boneyard). The A1 while classed as a balance motor is still pretty quick, couple that with a 10.44 siegetek set its going to very quick. Then your using a high power spring? Your going to get issues, it will strip pistons a lot. If it pre-engages even if using a full metal tooth piston then the siegetek gears will eat the piston. High speed and high power rarely works with much reliability. Edit; Siegetek gears are kind of pointless I have a couple of sets and to be honest they are overkill. Lonex gears cost a lot less and perform just as well.
  9. If you buy the krytac crb or pdw there is a conversion kit to turn it into a sdp. You could get the sdp and go the other way but that works out more expensive. I had a krytac briefly and it was nice but now its dead. I have played around with a bo dynamics gun and it was a good bit of kit. Have a heard a couple of stories of reliability issues with the Bo but the person I know with one has had no issues. Either one will do you proud. Edit; With your budget I wouldnt even consider the G&G the other two are better.
  10. Definitely wont be making it the Saturday evening game is going to run into the early hours apparently.
  11. I dont have a choice but to use low caps or high caps in my sig. Tend to carry 4/5 low caps plus a speedloader with a 120 rnds in it and a single high cap thats fully wound and filled to the brim in a pouch. Only use the high cap if necessary towards the end of the game because once you fire a few rounds it starts to rattle.
  12. Dont think anybody has made any negative comments. Pretty much everyone has said the same personal choice and go with what makes you happy.
  13. This is it exactly. If it makes you happy buying lots of gucci kit go for it but it wont make you a better player. In my experience the better airsoft players have got past all that and just go for functional as thats the most important thing. I have bought expensive gear and cheap gear but always played the same. Favourite bit of kit is a cheap viper tac vest, it has plenty of room for anything I need and if I damage it I dont care I just buy a new one.
  14. Thats a given I reckon. Wont work for me though, going to split them up and deebo is going on the opposite side to me. Going to bring a single shot nerf pistol and see if I can get him with that. Will be very embarrassing if I do.
  15. But much more fun to storm in like a wildman get everyone then walk away with a condescending chuckle.
  16. Only messing around. I am sure you will more than account for yourself against me.I am not very good at this airsoft thing I just like joking about. Still think a friendly wager could be a fun thing.
  17. Will know on Saturday how much my arms going to affect playing. If its ok I will tie one arm behind my back and wear a ball a chain on my leg to give you a fighting chance in February.
  18. You can both kiss my ass cheeky barstewards.
  19. I wear gloves but dont think for one second they stop your hands getting hurt just lesten the frequency. Got shot in the little finger about 6 months ago and it broke, I was wearing m-pacts. The padding only works when it gets hit but sods law says more often than not it hits the tip or side of your finger.
  20. Try and find the time to finish my Sig if I can be arsed. Maybe take a break for most of the year.
  21. Unless your playing milsim where some form of uniform/camo type is required eye pro and gun is all you need. All the extra kit is just playing dress up. You can just chuck a couple of mags in your pocket if you dont want some sort of rig. If you do want something but dont want to spend a fortune you can get tac vests for £30 and some combat trousers for about the same, would suggest boots but again its not necessary. Anybody who told you all that is necessary is a tad delusional. Its playing toy guns not army. Best way to respond is just to out perform them in the game. Remember the most important tool in any situation is yourself.
  22. Any of those starter packs would be ok. Do yourself a favour and stop using the word gat it makes you sound like a chav.☺
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