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Chock last won the day on February 8 2015

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  1. They're not the best it has to be said, however, they are correct in stating that they do need sufficient evidence that you are from a post production company or similar in order for the sale to be legal (typically a letter on the company stationery detailing the production the thing is for) and it does say that on their checkout page as far as I'm aware. I work for a post production company too, and even though that means I could certainly use that status to purchase realistic imitation firearms for the special effects I produce, I know that it is a pain in the ass to provide that info, so I instead use my UKARA registration number. Frankly however, I would have just bought an orange BB gun, sprayed it matt black and then done all the other necessary visuals in After Effects if I were you.
  2. Unfortunately, there are some tools who do airsoft, as there are in any endeavour. Just ignore them if they are acting like pricks, it's only a problem if you let it be one for you. Fortunately the vast majority who do airlifting are okay, in my experience.
  3. Ging to the pub this evening to tell all mine and my (now ex) girlfriend's friiends what a tw*t she's been. She'll be in there later, and won't be able to show her face there any more without being ashamed of herself

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Josh95


      not a good idea

    3. Lozart


      As above really - I'd not get dragged down to her level mate. Draw a line under it and move on. Of course that's all very easy for us to say because we aren't the ones dealing with it. Your shout.

    4. Sparky-


      f*cking hell chap, sorry to hear. She sounds like she's lost out, however, you should listen to Lozart, but, if it were me I'd be inclined to do the same. As he said, your shout chap. :/

  4. Cool, hopefully here in time for next skirmish. Can't wait for someone to complain about it.
  5. I'll be there Thursday too, just decided. No point moping about feeling sorry for myself, I'll shoot some people in the face instead lol I'll be wearing a black PASGT helmet with black combat gear and will have my name tag Bradbury on my OD tactical vest and an AFUK patch as well. Gonna try out my new MP5K
  6. It's basically twenty quid to play and another twenty if you are hiring gear. Price drops a bit when you are a member, and you become a member automatically when you've been there once. Might tip up for that one on Sunday, see how I feel, life's been a bit crap for me recently with girlfriend cheating on me and my dad having died, so don't take it personally if I don't show up.
  7. Hi, and welcome aboard. You are pretty close to me, I live in Stockport and go to Trojan’s Wear Mill site fairly regularly and occasionally to their woodland site too. Other sites reasonably local to you are some of the First and Only ones, one of which is near Manchester City Centre, so take a look on bogle for F&O. Trojan’s CQB site at Stockport is very big, with combat taking place across six floors of the very large mill, it has two stairwells (these stairwells are often choke points where battles can get quite fierce). They often have weekend games and also do a lot of evening games (typically on a Wednesday). There actually is a shop at Trojan in Stockport, which sells eye protection, masks, guns, ammo and other bits of kit. It’s not huge, and it was broken into a few weeks ago, so is currently being restocked back to is former glory, although there is lots of stuff there now, since they’ve had a few weeks to sort things. It’s worth a visit if you are nearby, especially if you wanted to ‘try before you buy’ although I would give them a call before you set off, as it can be closed some days. Nevertheless, it is very easy to get to, being literally a thirty second walk from Stockport bus station, which you can get to straight from Tameside easily enough (just go out of Stockport bus station along the River Mersey side of it, under the railway viaduct, turn right, and you are there), it’s about a five minute walk from the train station if you got there by train, the train literally goes over the mill before it stops at the station, since the mill is partially under a viaduct arch. If you are driving, you can park in the mill yard, although you should note that there’s a bit of a weird one way system to actually get to where you turn into the mill yard, which has you skirting around one of the bus garages. The proprietor of Trojan (Ben Franklin) is a very nice and helpful guy (you can find him on Facebook if you search for Trojan Airsoft), and he will probably be worth having a chat to, as he will be able to answer any questions you might have and can sort out UKARA and all that stuff. You can hire equipment from there for skirmishes, typically this will be a G36 assault rifle, a mask and a tactical vest. The staf there are very friendly, many of them are ex-Polish special forces guys, so they really know their stuff. As far as skirmishes at Trojan go, there are some things to consider: It’s a very big site and can be a bit confusing when you are new to it (you really could get lost in the place as it is very labyrinthine in places). Week night battles make this a bit tougher too, since it is dark on many floors and stairwells (and by dark, I mean literally pitch black), so you might wish to consider going on a weekend in the daytime for your first visit, to make life a bit easier. But, if you went on a week night, it would be okay so long as you had a torch. Everyone who goes there has a tactical light on their weapon, almost everyone has a pistol as well as a main weapon, and many people also have a knife too (you can buy them from there for a tenner btw, wire mesh goggle eye protection is about a tenner in their shop too incidentally). The reason everyone gets tooled up with pistols and knives as well as a main weapon, is that you can only fire on semi auto at the site (since it is CQB) and you can only use grenades and main weapons on the level floors, not on the stairs. When fighting your way up and down the stairs, you can only use pistols and knives, so if you don’t have those, you would be at a disadvantage, although this needn’t mean spending a lot of money, I’ve used a cheap springer pistol on the stair loads of times (cost me fifteen quid), and you can simply use your hand as a knife if you want to, although of course that means you cannot throw your ‘knife’. I would seriously recommend covering up your neck with a scarf, wearing a helmet or baseball cap, covering your arms, wearing thin gloves and having some decent high-ankle trainers or boots when going to Trojan’s mill site, as at the kind or ranges battles occur, those BBs can really hurt and will draw blood from bare skin. Make sure you have a torch too. Oh, and a bottle of water is a good idea as well, it can get really hot in there. Since I go there quite a lot, gimme a shout if you are going to be there and I’ll bob down and you can team up with me and a few others if you like.
  8. For thirty quid, it may be worth having it and just cobbling up a solution for the rear butt plate which costs nothing, then using it until it dies or you get something better. But spending anything on attempting to improve it is really going to be pretty much a waste of money, since for the same 75 quid you’d spend on sticking a metal gearbox in the thing and getting a new buttplate, plus the thirty quid you spent on acquiring the thing, you could have something which is okay in the first place, such as a Galaxy G5 MP5K or a G&G M4 or some such. Even if you did tart it up, it’s still the equivalent of a cheap car with a fancy spoiler pop riveted onto the boot. It is what it is unfortunately, a decent airsoft gun is basically going to cost 100 quid upwards.
  9. To be honest, I think what is missing from that loadout is a bit of restraint more than anything. It looks like it might be practical if you were in a post-apocalyptic world where you had to scavenge to survive the roaming bands of rogue hunters, but as far as airsoft is concerned it's a bit over the top. I have a lot of that kind of stuff that I take to a skirmish, but it remains in my bag in the safe zone because it's simply not practical to be clanking about with all that stuff, it prevents you from diving about, hugging cover and it makes a lot of noise, not to mention the fact that those scissors could be dangerous when leaping around as others have pointed out too. About the only thing I do actually carry out of all that stuff, is some gaffer tape for running repairs should they prove necessary, and that is a worthwhile thing to do. Note to that the tape you should carry for that is duct/gaffer tape, not electrical pvc tape, because the pvc tape stiffens when cold and will be hard to use in cold weather.
  10. Technically, the answer is yes, BBguns4less is a good site to buy from, because they will process your order quickly, will contact you if there is a problem, and prices and delivery cost are often quite good etc. I've bought a few things from them, so I know this to be true. The problem is that a large proportion of the stock they sell, is not the kind of stuff you would use for airsoft skirmishing of the kind that most people who are members of this site indulge in. The upshot of that is that it is okay to buy stuff from there, providing you know the good from the bad, but the problem with that, is that you can't rely on the reviews/product overviews on the site itself, either the videos or the text ones which people post on product pages, because a good proportion of those reviews are from people who either don't know any better, or don't know what they are talking about, or are trying to get you to buy the thing, and possibly all three. Such BB gun sites profit from the lack of knowledge of many buyers, and that is the main reason why they are held in low esteem by most members of this forum, as opposed to it simply being because they sell cheap and cheerful backyard plinking guns, which there is nothing wrong with doing, providing you make it clear that this is what the things are, most BB gun sites do not make that very clear at all. Thus much of what they actually sell, is therefore, disappointment. When you know what you are looking for, and know a particular product is good, then BB gun sites are as good a place as any to buy from, but only when that is the case, because there is a lot of sorting the wheat from the chaff to be done to find the decent products in amongst all the crappy stuff, and that is a minefield for someone who is new to the hobby of airsoft. I've bought stuff from bbguns4less, bbguns365 and onlybbguns, and they have all delivered exactly what I ordered in good time and good condition, but I knew what i was after product-wise, and simply went with those guys because they were cheaper, not because they were the place above all to buy things from. So yeah, go ahead and use them to buy stuff, but you'd better be sure that what you are buying is something decent, and you can't do that by believing the information and reviews on their product pages, because many of those are at best misleading and on occasion downright false.
  11. Pretty much every AEG will do semi-auto, and even the ones that don't can be altered so that they will, by fitting after market bits. The only really widely used one I know which does not do semi out of the box, is the ASG Sten gun. There are some fancier rifles which will do three round bursts and such, but any modern rifle will at least do semi and full auto.
  12. Sounds like an AK is the way to go, so, AKM, AK74, AK47 or Type 56, all of which can be found with either full wooden furniture and metal on all the other bits, or a metal folding stock. You should look for one with a standard AK side rail attachment on the left side of the lower receiver, so that it will be easy to mount a sight. There are quite a few decent AEG AKs with wooden furniture out there, and most of them are okay, but I'd probably say go for the higher end CYMA one unless you want to spend a lot more on it, then you can look at some of the other more flashy brands, although the price difference won't actually mean that one which is twice the price is twice as good. Best outdoor weight BB for a bit of range and accuracy in an AEG would likely be 0.25g, which will still be pretty high fps if your AEG shoots 0.20g BBs at say, 330-340. The extra bit of mass in a 0.25g will make it fly a bit more true over the longer range, although the difference is fairly small, since we are only talking about .05g difference.
  13. Oh it's only one of those thirty quid non blowback HFC ones from some ropey BB site. Nothing to get excited about, although they are actually not that bad, I've fired one that belonged to someone else a few times and thought it was okay.
  14. Agreed, you can always get your teeth fixed I guess, I just prefer not to have to, so I cover the lot. But as far as eye protection goes you only get issued with one set of eyes, so it's wire mesh all the way for me. I don't trust those dinky little glasses to stop stuff coming in sideways and I also suspect they could get shot off your head by a full auto burst taking the hinge or side piece out.
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